"Tilden" Quotes from Famous Books
... the too free use of the rifle came on the 23d, when Major H. C. Tilden, a prominent member of the General Relief Committee, was shot and killed in his automobile by members of the citizens' patrol. Two others in the car were struck by bullets. The automobile had been used as an ambulance and the Red ... — The San Francisco Calamity • Various
... wen the old man dide. And now Mr. Gilley was goin to hav them aucshunned off, & he thot he'd get bout half a millyun for em. Then I show'd her the plans of the Grammercy Park palace, wot the perlitical edittur is keepin for refrence, in case he's called on to boom Mr. Tilden for Preserdent, and told her them was the plans of the reserdense wot Mr. Gilley was goin to hav bilt to take his blushin bride too, after they got back from a Yuropeean hunney-moon. Then I maid her ... — The Bad Boy At Home - And His Experiences In Trying To Become An Editor - 1885 • Walter T. Gray
... in turn they credit it with any more or less fortuitous prosperity). The Republican candidate Hayes, after a long contest in Congress, was declared elected by a margin of one electoral vote. His opponent, Tilden had received a quarter of a million more votes in the country as a whole. In 1880, when business prosperity was rapidly returning, the party in power was successful by a goodly margin of votes in the electoral college, tho having a bare plurality of the popular vote. Garfield, the ... — Modern Economic Problems - Economics Vol. II • Frank Albert Fetter
... also a large number of the members. Mrs. Gordon made the leading address and Mrs. Foltz the closing speech. Another meeting, held in the Assembly Chamber February 8, was addressed by Mrs. E. V. Spencer, Mrs. Blinn, Miss Laura Tilden, a lawyer, Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Peet. Great assistance also was rendered by Mrs. Annie K. Bidwell, Mme. A. L. Sorbier, Dr. Lillian Lomax and ... — The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV • Various |