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Jewish religion   /dʒˈuɪʃ rɪlˈɪdʒən/   Listen
Jewish religion

Jews collectively who practice a religion based on the Torah and the Talmud.  Synonyms: Hebraism, Judaism.

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"Jewish religion" Quotes from Famous Books

... the church; but the Levitical race claimed no peculiar sanctity, and discharged no friendly office beyond the precincts of the temple. In the synagogue the people assembled to pray, or to hear the Scriptures read and expounded, not to receive religious instruction. The Jewish religion was as full of ceremonials as the pagan, and the intellectual part of it was confined to the lawyers, to the rabbinical hierarchy. But the preaching of the great doctrines of Christianity was made a peculiarly sacred office, and given to a class of men who avoided all secular pursuits. ...
— The Old Roman World • John Lord

... less noble motives. It was the custom of the Roman conquerors to demand the surrender, not only of the earthly possessions of the conquered, but of their gods, and to carry the vanquished images in the triumph which they celebrated. But Pompey may have recognized the difference between the Jewish religion and that of other peoples, or he realized the widespread power of the Jewish people, which would rise as a single body in defense of its religion; for he made no attempt to interfere either with Jewish religious liberties, or with a worship that Cicero declared to be "incompatible ...
— Josephus • Norman Bentwich

Words linked to "Jewish religion" :   Jewish Orthodoxy, Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Hebraism, Jewry, religion, Judaism, organized religion, Reform Judaism, faith

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