"Incorruption" Quotes from Famous Books
... Although our bodies are unable to enjoy God by knowing and loving Him, yet by the works which we do through the body, we are able to attain to the perfect knowledge of God. Hence from the enjoyment in the soul there overflows a certain happiness into the body, viz., "the flush of health and incorruption," as Augustine states (Ep. ad Dioscor. cxviii). Hence, since the body has, in a fashion, a share of happiness, it can be loved with the ... — Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) • Thomas Aquinas
... resting-places destined for generations yet unborn, where the ashes of all shall repose until the rising of the just, when that which is born a natural body shall be raised a spiritual body, when this corruptible must put on incorruption, when this mortal must put on immortality, when death is swallowed up in victory." There you have Glasgow! An auctioneer's advertisement blent with an edifying sermon, a happy combination of commerce and Christianity, making the best of this world and ... — Without Prejudice • Israel Zangwill
... sanity; soundness &c adj.; vigor; good health, perfect health, excellent health, rude health, robust health; bloom. mens sana in corpore sano [Lat.]; Hygeia^; incorruption, incorruptibility; good state of health, clean bill of health; eupepsia^; euphoria, euphory^; St. Anthony's fire^. V. be in health &c adj.. bloom, flourish. keep body and soul together, keep on one's legs; enjoy ... — Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget
... roots, hidden in the earth. What can come of them? But no sooner does the sun of spring shine on their graves, than they rise into sudden life and beauty, as it pleases God, and every seed takes its own peculiar body. Sown in corruption, they are raised in incorruption; sown in weakness, they are raised in power; sown in dishonour, they are raised in glory; delicate, beautiful in colour, perfuming the air with fragrance; types of immortality, fit for the crowns of angels. Consider the lilies of the field, how they ... — Discipline and Other Sermons • Charles Kingsley |