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Feeling of movement   /fˈilɪŋ əv mˈuvmənt/   Listen
Feeling of movement

The perception of body position and movement and muscular tensions etc.  Synonyms: kinaesthesia, kinesthesia.

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"Feeling of movement" Quotes from Famous Books

... open and Dr. Inglis came into that dull place, and with her there came the very feeling of movement, vitality, action. She had come to arrange speakers for the various schoolroom election meetings to be held that night. The list of meeting-places was arranged; then came the choice and disposal of the speakers. Without hesitation, Dr. Inglis grouped ...
— Elsie Inglis - The Woman with the Torch • Eva Shaw McLaren

... the suggestion of the object itself. There is always enough quiet in a landscape—the overwhelming suggestion of the horizontal suffices for that; it is movement that is needed for richness of effect; and, as I have shown, no type imparts the feeling of movement so strongly as the diagonal and V-shaped type of composition. It is worth remarking that the perfect V, which is of course more regular, concentrated, quiet, than the diagonal, is more frequent than the diagonal ...
— Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 • Various

Words linked to "Feeling of movement" :   somatosense, kinaesthesia, somesthesis, somatic sense, somaesthesia, somesthesia, somaesthesis, somatesthesia, somataesthesis, somatosensory system, somatic sensory system

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