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Belatedly   /bɪlˈeɪtədli/   Listen

Later than usual or than expected.  Synonyms: late, tardily.  "We awoke late" , "The children came late to school" , "Notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline" , "I belatedly wished her a happy birthday"

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"Belatedly" Quotes from Famous Books

... indeed that postponed his meeting with Brian! Did he not owe it to his son to travel with all possible speed to the farmhouse instead of plodding belatedly along the highway in rain and gloom and twilight? Had he after all a right to indulge his passion for tramping and footsore penance when already word might have come to the sister with the ink-pool eyes? The runaway was young. ...
— Kenny • Leona Dalrymple

... Reynolds were in the kitchen, she belatedly washing the supper dishes, he smoking his pipe near the window. She lent, through her vivid personality, color to him. Big, hearty, he was not picturesque. He seemed to take note of realities more than she did. Perhaps springing from emotional folk, she stood ...
— Suzanna Stirs the Fire • Emily Calvin Blake

... her, but his progress in the diving suit was waddling and slow. She reached the rail first and went over. Ray was not too far behind, and he slammed his helmet down angrily as he reached the rail. Farmer, galvanized belatedly, gave chase ...
— Stairway to the Stars • Larry Shaw

Words linked to "Belatedly" :   belated, late, tardily, early

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