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Vare   Listen
Vare  n.  A wand or staff of authority or justice. (Obs.) "His hand a vare of justice did uphold."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Vare" Quotes from Famous Books

... placed after it. Sometimes it is formed by adding the particle gana without any prefix; e.g., negavacu va ague io caxi? or avare aguei gana[80] 'would that you were to offer?' avare icanaru tengu, bangue mono nari tomo vare vo totte, fiie no iama ni noboxe io caxi! (15v)[81] 'Oh! if there were some one, either devil or soothsayer, who could make me ascend the mountain called Hie.' The particle gana when it is placed after a noun indicates a wish for the thing specified ...
— Diego Collado's Grammar of the Japanese Language • Diego Collado

... that 'are," cried a chimney-sweeper; "for no better an't no vare to be had; he's long backed and strong legged. Here, Bill, you get upon him, and give him rump steaks, and he'll run like ...
— Real Life In London, Volumes I. and II. • Pierce Egan

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