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Lunated   Listen
Lunated, Lunate  adj.  Crescent-shaped; resembling the crescent moon; as, a lunate leaf; a lunate beak; a lunated cross.
Synonyms: lunular, bicephalous, crescent(prenominal), crescent-shaped.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Lunated" Quotes from Famous Books

... it as about equal to the body of a man; but much more elongated, and lessening gradually towards the tail. It seemed to possess a double quantity of fins,—lunated along their outer margins, and set thickly over its body, so as to give it a bristling aspect. Unlike other fishes, its neck was more slender than its head and shoulders,—imparting to it a sort of human shape. But it was in its head that the ...
— The Ocean Waifs - A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea • Mayne Reid

... as that of the deer's winter coat is, I believe this anamal only sheds it's hair once a year. it has eight fore teeth in the under jaw and no canine teeth. The horns are lagest at their base, and occupy the crown of the head almost entirely. they are compressed, bent backwards and lunated; the surface swelling into wavy rings which incircleing the horn continue to succeed each other from the base to the extremity and becoming less elivated and more distant as they recede from the head. the horn for about two thirds of it's length is filled with a porus bone which is ...
— The Journals of Lewis and Clark • Meriwether Lewis et al

... shields brown, rounded; tail rather short, tapering; subcaudal plates two, round. Head small, indistinct, moderately long; head shields normal, first frontal small; nostril lunate, in the middle of a triangular nasal shield; no loreal; one rather large upper anterior, two posterior ocular shields, lowest largest; temples shielded; labial shield moderate. White dorsal scales with a distinct brown ...
— Journals Of Two Expeditions Of Discovery In North-West And Western Australia, Vol. 2 (of 2) • George Grey

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