"Inking" Quotes from Famous Books
... is definitely an historical novel. In the edition used there are 470 pages, not above size for one of Kingston's books, but the text on the pages is tall and wide, while the font is small. All this builds up to 1.1 megabytes of text. In addition the inking was not always good, though the type in the corners of the page was not particularly damaged, as is common in Victorian printings. As a result producing this e-text was rather difficult, and there may still remain some errors, ... — Hurricane Hurry • W.H.G. Kingston
... to the block, not mixed with it beforehand. The ink and paste are then broken together smoothly and completely over the whole surface of the block. The last few brush strokes should be of the full length or breadth of the block and be given lightly with the brush held upright. The inking of the block must be thoroughly done, but with no more brushing than is necessary to spread the colour equally. When properly charged with ink the block should not be at all wet, but just covered with a very thin and nearly dry ... — Wood-Block Printing - A Description of the Craft of Woodcutting and Colour Printing Based on the Japanese Practice • F. Morley Fletcher
... and beautiful things have been done with this simple means. The printing consists in inking the plate all over and wiping off until only the lines retain any ink, when the plate is put in a press and an impression taken. Or some slight amount of ink may be left on the plate in certain places where ... — The Practice and Science Of Drawing • Harold Speed
... simply poured off, so that the film remains impregnated with the glycerine and water; at the most, a piece of bibulous paper is used to absorb any superfluous quantity of the etching fluid. After etching, the plate is taken straight to the printing press. The inking up and printing are done very much as in lithography. If it requires a practiced hand to produce a good lithographic print, it stands to reason that in dealing with a gelatine printing block, instead of a stone, skill and practice ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 362, December 9, 1882 • Various |