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Ethiops   Listen
Ethiops  n.  (Written also aethiops)  (Old Chem.) A black substance; formerly applied to various preparations of a black or very dark color. (Obs.)
Ethiops martial (Old Chem.), black oxide of iron.
Ethiops mineral (Old Chem.), black sulphide of mercury, obtained by triturating mercury with sulphur.
Ethiops per se (Old Chem.), mercury in finely divided state, having the appearance of a dark powder, obtained by shaking it up or by exposure to the air.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Ethiops" Quotes from Famous Books

... and that that makes her proud, Is not her own, our eyes bestow it on her, To touch and kiss her is no blessedness, A Sun-burnt Ethiops lip's as soft as her's. Goe bid her stick some other triumph up, And take into her favour some dull fool, That has no pretious time to lose, no friends, No honour, nor no life, like a bold Merchant, A bold and banquerupt man, I have ventur'd all these, And split ...
— The Little French Lawyer - A Comedy • Francis Beaumont

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