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Eridanus   Listen
Eridanus  n.  (Anat.) A long, winding constellation extending southward from Taurus and containing the bright star Achernar.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Eridanus" Quotes from Famous Books

... to a star in the second bend of Eridanus. A bright star of the first magnitude in the rudder of the ship Argo, which, according to Pliny, was visible at Alexandria ...
— The Ruins • C. F. [Constantin Francois de] Volney

... meander wash'd the artist's face: Thus the small jet, which hasty hands unlock, Spurts in the gardener's eyes who turns the cock. Not so from shameless Curll; impetuous spread The stream, and smoking flourish'd o'er his head. 180 So (famed like thee for turbulence and horns) Eridanus his humble fountain scorns; Through half the heavens he pours the exalted urn; His rapid waters in ...
— Poetical Works of Pope, Vol. II • Alexander Pope

... formed by the springs and snows of the mountains. The noble river thus formed is called the Po,—the pride of Italy, and the king of its streams. The Greeks, who clothed it with fable, and drowned Phaeton in its stream, called it Eridanus. Its Roman appellation was Padus, which in course of time resolved itself into its present name, the Po. Unlike the Nile, which rolls in solemn and solitary majesty through Egypt without permitting one solitary ...
— Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber - Or The Influence of Romanism on Trade, Justice, and Knowledge • James Aitken Wylie

Words linked to "Eridanus" :   constellation

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