"Yellowish-white" Quotes from Famous Books
... whether the horses' shoes had been lately roughed, descended, but, to his surprise, found that the scoring had been properly maintained, in spite of the fact that it had not had his attention. He had little cause to swing the heavy whip—the off horse, a raw-boned animal colored yellowish-white, never ceased pulling valiantly on the traces; he assumed not only his own share of the labor but was willing to accept that of his companion, and Gordon had continually to ... — Mountain Blood - A Novel • Joseph Hergesheimer
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... Berber, and after a fortnight's march across the desert they reached the two or three thousand yellowish-white, flat-roofed, mud-walled houses that made Khartoum, the ... — The Story of General Gordon • Jeanie Lang
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... Sporangia subglobose, irregular from mutual pressure, closely crowded together on a thick, yellowish-white common hypothallus, and at the base confluent with its substance; the wall with a creamy white, smooth, crustaceous outer layer of lime, distinct and separable from the inner membrane, and easily breaking ... — The Myxomycetes of the Miami Valley, Ohio • A. P. Morgan
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... contained no mysteries. Spectators with sufficient time on their hands to permit them to stand and watch were enabled to witness a New York mid-day meal in every stage of its career, from its protoplasmic beginnings as a stream of yellowish-white liquid poured on top of the stove to its ultimate Nirvana in the interior of the luncher in the form of an appetising cake. It was a spectacle which no hungry girl could resist. Jill went in, and, as she made her way among the tables, a voice spoke ... — The Little Warrior - (U.K. Title: Jill the Reckless) • P. G. Wodehouse
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... read. But Ruth did notice one most surprising fact. The stooping gentleman wore a wig. It was a brown, rather curly wig, while the fringe of natural hair all around his head was quite white—of that yellowish-white that proclaims the fact that the hair was once light brown, or sandy in color. The brown wig matched the hair at one time, without doubt; but it now looked as though two gentlemen's heads had been ... — Ruth Fielding at Briarwood Hall - or Solving the Campus Mystery • Alice B. Emerson
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... eight inches long, by about four inches in diameter at the crown, which is large, flat, greenish, and level with the surface of the ground. Skin white, tinted with amber, smooth and fine. Flesh yellowish-white, remarkably solid, and fine in texture; sweet and well flavored. Foliage rather finely divided, and as ... — The Field and Garden Vegetables of America • Fearing Burr
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... Arrowhead blacksmith, was the last to leave—or think of leaving—though he had mule shoes to shape and many mules to shoe. He glanced wistfully again at Adolph, in cool water to his knees, tugged at his yellowish-white beard, said it was a dog's life, if any one should ask me, and was about to slump mournfully off to his shop—when his eye ... — Somewhere in Red Gap • Harry Leon Wilson
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... continued Peter. "The stripes are black and yellowish-white and run along his sides, a black stripe running down the middle of his back. The rest of his coat is reddish-brown above and light underneath. His tail is rather thin and flat. I never see him in the trees, so ... — The Burgess Animal Book for Children • Thornton W. Burgess
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... a thin, yellowish-white streak appeared upon the sea-line; little groups of palms huddled together, and here and there a white dome or a needle-minaret. And so we warped into harbour, through the boom and past the lightships, to join the crowd of transports and battle cruisers lying off this muddled ... — At Suvla Bay • John Hargrave
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... south, with a clear track and right-of-way over everything. Aboard it were the President himself, the Minister of Marine, the Minister of War, and a score of minor officials. There was also a thin little man with white hair and yellowish-white beard—M. Louis Jean Baptiste Lepine, Prefect of Police, and the most famous hunter of criminals in the world; and in the last car were a dozen of the best men of his staff, under command of his most trusted lieutenant, ... — The Destroyer - A Tale of International Intrigue • Burton Egbert Stevenson
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... male and female. Shortly after being hatched the males seek the underside of the leaves, while the females prefer the young shoots as a place of abode. If the under surface of a leaf be examined, it will be found to be studded, particularly on its basil half, with minute yellowish-white specks of an oblong form.[1] These are the larvae of the males undergoing transformation into pupae, beneath their own skins; some of these specks are always in a more advanced state than the others, the full-grown ones being whitish and scarcely ... — Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon • J. Emerson Tennent
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