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Whorl   /wərl/  /wɔrl/  /hwɔrl/   Listen

A round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals).  Synonyms: coil, curl, curlicue, gyre, ringlet, roll, scroll.
A strand or cluster of hair.  Synonyms: curl, lock, ringlet.
A structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops.  Synonyms: coil, helix, spiral, volute.

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"Whorl" Quotes from Famous Books

... on erect or slightly inclined footstalk. Calyx of 3 spreading sepals, 1 to 1 1/2 in. long, or about length of 3 pointed, oval petals; stamens 6; anthers longer than filaments; pistil spreading into 3 short, recurved stigmas. Stem: Stout, 8 to i6 in. high, from tuber-like rootstock. Leaves: In a whorl of 3; broadly ovate, abruptly pointed, netted-veined. Fruit: A 6-angled, ovate, reddish berry. Preferred Habitat - Rich, moist woods. Flowering Season - April-June. Distribution - Nova Scotia westward to Manitoba, southward to ...
— Wild Flowers, An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and - Their Insect Visitors - - Title: Nature's Garden • Neltje Blanchan

... Goade's chronicles you might come to the conclusion that in the whorl of that new life of his Sir Oliver had entirely forgotten the happenings in his Cornish home and the woman he had loved, who so readily had believed him guilty of the slaying of her brother. You might believe this until you come upon the relation of how he found ...
— The Sea-Hawk • Raphael Sabatini

... adopt as the home of their offspring the empty shells of different snails: Helix aspersa, H. algira, H. nemoralis, H. caespitum. The first-named, the Common Snail, is the most often used, under the stone-heaps and in the crevices of old walls. Both Anthidia colonize only the second whorl of the spiral. The central part is too small and remains unoccupied. Even so with the front whorl, the largest, which is left completely empty, so much so that, on looking through the opening, it is impossible to tell whether the shell does ...
— Bramble-bees and Others • J. Henri Fabre

... It was a heavy plastic irising door. It was locked and naturally would not respond to the whorl patterns of Ramsey's thumb. ...
— Equation of Doom • Gerald Vance

... as many another mediaeval architect has done, decked his roofs as Nature has decked hers, with the spruce and fir-tree spires, which cling to the hill-side of the crag, old above young, pinnacle above pinnacle, whorl above whorl; and clothed with them the sides and summit of the stone mountain which he had raised, till, like a group of firs upon an isolated rock, every point of the building should seem in act to grow toward heaven, and the grey leads of the Minster roof stand out amid peaks and ...
— Lectures Delivered in America in 1874 • Charles Kingsley

... appear. Walking in the deep, moist woods suddenly one sees a mass of big leaves and white flowers. The same irresistably lovely trilliums have come again. Three big leaves, then a flower stalk shooting up from the centre of this whorl of leaves, and on top the crowning glory—the three-petaled trillium flower. A fragrant white or pink form is called the nodding wake robin. These in a glance tell their wishes. The plant sometimes is nearly two feet high. So a clump of these could easily go toward the back of the wild-flower ...
— The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming. • Ellen Eddy Shaw

... to any English clerk who travelled, as all did who could, across the Alps to Rome. The fir-tree, not growing on level ground, like the oaks of Fontainebleau, into one flat roof of foliage, but clinging to the hillside and the crag, old above young, spire above spire, whorl above whorl—for the young shoots of each whorl of boughs point upward in the spring; and now and then a whole bough breaking away, as it were, into free space, turns upward altogether, and forms a secondary spire on the same tree—this surely was the form which the medieval architect seized, to ...
— Literary and General Lectures and Essays • Charles Kingsley

Words linked to "Whorl" :   hairdo, crimp, hair style, sausage curl, structure, dreadlock, round shape, calyx, coif, corolla, construction, hairstyle, coiffure, forelock, verticil, hair, hank

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