"Whacked" Quotes from Famous Books
... some say. I don't rightly know. Guess it didn't amount to much. Anyhow they've got Peters over there in his boat. They're bringing him to a doctor. It seems Tony whacked him with a boat hook, and then, thinking he'd done serious damage, he leaped overboard and swam for it. ... — The Motor Girls On Cedar Lake - The Hermit of Fern Island • Margaret Penrose
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... lowered. A rasping gurgling began deep in the animal's throat, rising and falling in tone with the inhaling and exhaling of the breath. This increased in volume. It became terrifying. The long tail stiffened, whacked first to one side, then to the other. ... — The Leopard Woman • Stewart Edward White et al
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... animal was about to devour me! But my precious flowers were the attraction. A great, gaunt cow had taken the last delectable bite from my pansy bed and was sticking out a greedy tongue to lap in the snapdragons. Throwing on my bathrobe, I grabbed the broom and attacked the invader. I whacked it fore and aft! I played a tune on its lank ribs! Taken completely by surprise, it hightailed clumsily up through the pines, with me and my trusty broom lending encouragement. When morning came, showing the havoc wrought ... — I Married a Ranger • Dama Margaret Smith
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... the manager. I waved to George, and slid into a seat at the back of the house, so as to be out of the way when the fighting started. Presently George hopped down off the stage and came and joined me, and fairly soon after that the curtain went down. The chappie at the piano whacked out a well-meant bar or two, and the curtain went ... — Death At The Excelsior • P. G. Wodehouse
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... Chicken Little whacked her heels against the logs and made a face at the nearest pig to relieve her feelings. She loathed the creatures. She wished she could wipe them off the face of the earth. Katy was half way to the house when she had an inspiration. "Katy!" she called eagerly, "Katy, I've ... — Chicken Little Jane on the Big John • Lily Munsell Ritchie
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... asks. 'The bums,' she says, an' then she explains that a bum is a thing filled with powder which makes a terrible racket when it goes off. So I took the bums, and the next day one of the Indians sprained a leg, and dropped out. He had the firecrackers, pretty near a hundred pounds, and we whacked up his load among us. I couldn't stand up straight when we camped. We had crooks in our backs every inch of the way to the Range. And would she let us cache some of that junk? Not on your life she wouldn't! And all the time while they was puffing an' panting them Indians ... — The Alaskan • James Oliver Curwood
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... Webb whacked the dottle out of his pipe into a meaty palm, tossed the smoking cinders rather carelessly into a waste-basket, and leaned forward to confront the other man face to face, their ... — Minor Detail • John Michael Sharkey
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... that these hot-stuff articles should be written for him by his friend V.V., of the reformatory passions and the pen of a ready writer. And, the whole subject having been discussed several times in an indecisive sort of way, O'Neill one night whacked out a ... — V. V.'s Eyes • Henry Sydnor Harrison
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... away furiously at a tough elm log when Farmer Bacon drove into the yard with a new seeder in his wagon. Lime whacked away busily while Bacon stabled the team, and in a short time Marietta called, ... — Other Main-Travelled Roads • Hamlin Garland
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... strange, Who Wednesbury never knew; But those who have ever been there, Will not have the least doubt it's true; For they are as savage by nature, And guilty of deeds the most shocking; Jack Baker whacked his own father, ... — Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino • Samuel Butler
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... up and up, and down and down, and that other party Carnehan, was imploring of Dravot not to sing and whistle so loud, for fear of bringing down the tremenjus avalanches. But Dravot says that if a King couldnt sing it wasnt worth being King, and whacked the mules over the rump, and never took no heed for ten cold days. We came to a big level valley all among the mountains, and the mules were near dead, so we killed them, not having anything in special ... — The Man Who Would Be King • Rudyard Kipling
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... moved like a young earthquake, and bellowed like a full-grown thunderstorm. All my informants laid stress on his voice; he exploded in their midst with an uproar that overthrew their senses, and whacked right and left with fist and foot and assegai. He was a white man; it took them some seconds to see that through the dirt on him; he was clad in rags of cloth, and his head was bare, and he raged like a sackful of tiger-cats. ... — Those Who Smiled - And Eleven Other Stories • Perceval Gibbon
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... smiting. There can have been at the Institution no blows instructionally dealt—nor even from our hours of ease do any such echoes come back to me. Little Cubans and Mexicans, I make out, were not to be vulgarly whacked—in deference, presumably, to some latent relic or imputed survival of Castilian pride; which would impose withal considerations of quite practical prudence. Food for reflection and comparison might well have been so suggested; interesting at least the element of contrast between such opposed ... — A Small Boy and Others • Henry James
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... awhile, asked him if he knew who made him. I grieve to state that instead of answering "Dod," as might have been expected, Johnny commenced cramming his face full of ginger-bread, and finally took a fit of coughing that threatened the dissolution of his frame. Having unloaded his throat and whacked him on the back, his mother propounded the following ... — The Fiend's Delight • Dod Grile
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... say a word for me," cried the boy, piteously. "Father would ha' whacked me if I hadn't run away; then you whacked me when I did; and now I'm to be whacked again. Wish ... — Syd Belton - The Boy who would not go to Sea • George Manville Fenn
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... Meg promptly whacked him as hard as she could, whereupon, much surprised, he turned over on his back, waving four paws ... — Jan and Her Job • L. Allen Harker
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... lived—not sixty yards off, it wasn't—and I was at it like a good 'un. It was jest the night for such games—overcast—but a trifle too 'ot, and all round the sky there was summer lightning and presently a thunderstorm. Down it came. First big drops in a sort of fizzle, then 'ail. I kep'on. I whacked at it—I didn't dream the old man would 'ear. I didn't even trouble to go quiet with the spade, and the thunder and lightning and 'ail seemed to excite me like. I shouldn't wonder if I was singing. I got so 'ard at it I clean forgot the thunder and the 'orse and trap. I precious soon got the ... — Twelve Stories and a Dream • H. G. Wells
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... us examine it. Look at this! Am I right?" demanded Grace triumphantly. "Hippy was whacked over the head with the butt of a revolver, and the blow cut right through the felt. No wonder he made no outcry. He is a lucky fellow if he hasn't a fractured ... — Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders Among the Kentucky Mountaineers • Jessie Graham Flower
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... game, from all that you say," he laughed, grimly. "Guess I'd better go back and not try it, but I notice that there was nothing the matter with the position of my muscles, cords, hands and the rest of my anatomy the other day when I whacked that ball out of sight. And I can do it again, Smith, and ... — John Henry Smith - A Humorous Romance of Outdoor Life • Frederick Upham Adams
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... all things 'neath the sun." Then with a smile He shook his head. "Just wait awhile," He slyly said. "When we get in and run the State We'll tackle gold, we'll legislate. We'll pass an act And make a fact By which these gold-bugs will be whacked Till they're as cold As is their gold. We're going to make a statute law by which 'twill be decreed That standards are abolished, for a standard favors greed. This is the country of the free, and free this land shall be As soon as we the 'people' have our opportunity, And he who has to pay a bill ... — Cobwebs from a Library Corner • John Kendrick Bangs
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... during his visit to the Mansion-House Feast, in a moment of forgetfulness after the song of "Hurrah for the Road," being asked to take wine with the new Lord Mayor, declined the honour in the genuine long-stage phraseology, declaring he had already whacked his fare, and ... — Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, Complete • Various
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... out the greasy garment. 'Now,' said he, stooping again, 'I think we may manish ye'; and he took the roll in his arms and hoisted it on to Hercules, whom he meant to make the led horse, observing aloud, as he adjusted it on the saddle, and whacked it well with his hands to make it lie right, 'I wish it was old Jog—wouldn't I sarve him out!' He then turned his horses round in their stalls, tucked his greasy jacket under the flap of the saddle-bags, took his ash-stick from the crook, and led them out of the capacious ... — Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour • R. S. Surtees
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... ostentatiously across the meeting-house, and seated him by his shamefaced mother on the women's side. It was as if one grandly proud in kneebreeches should be forced to walk abroad in petticoats. Far rather would the disgraced boy have been whacked soundly with the heavy knob of the tithingman's staff; for bodily pain is soon forgotten, ... — Sabbath in Puritan New England • Alice Morse Earle
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... took turns using the flail, and thought this great fun. On a big cloth, on the floor of the barn, were spread the dried bean vines that had been pulled from Mab's part of the garden. Then the swinging end of the flail was whacked down on the dried vines and pods. Out popped the white beans as the pods were broken, and when the flail had been used long enough Daddy Blake lifted up the vines and crushed, dried pods, and there was left a pile of ... — Daddy Takes Us to the Garden - The Daddy Series for Little Folks • Howard R. Garis
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