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Well-set   /wɛl-sɛt/   Listen

Strongly and firmly constructed.  Synonym: well-knit.  "A well-knit theatrical production" , "Well-knit athletes" , "A sailor short but well-set"

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"Well-set" Quotes from Famous Books

... the girls found two slim, uniformed young figures who rose like well-set-up ramrods ...
— Betty Gordon at Boarding School - The Treasure of Indian Chasm • Alice Emerson

... the train stopped at Hyattsville, a few miles out of Washington, and a well-set-up officer in uniform came aboard and approached ...
— The Conquest of America - A Romance of Disaster and Victory • Cleveland Moffett

... attire was neat and graceful and not Oriental. She was clad in a riding-habit of ruby brocaded velvet, with jacket to match, had a cloud of lace round her throat, and an Alpine hat with cock's feather poised on her well-set head. She might serve as the model for a Spanish Ann Chute. Bracelets on her plump wrists and rings on her taper fingers caught the sunshine as she occasionally twirled her cutting-whip. Her voice was bell-like and melodious, with the faintest ...
— Romantic Spain - A Record of Personal Experiences (Vol. II) • John Augustus O'Shea

... without an ounce of unnecessary weight. The well-rounded form took away all hint of spareness, while it did not destroy the promise of endurance. His heavy, dark hair and dark gray eyes, his straight nose and firm mouth under a dark mustache, and his well-set chin made up an attractive but not handsome face. The magnetism of his personality was not in manly beauty. It was an inborn gift and would have characterized him in any condition in life. There was about him a genial dignity that made men look up to him and a willingness to serve that made selfishness ...
— Winning the Wilderness • Margaret Hill McCarter

... eye in the correct position. He remembered that both Jules and Rocco were distinctly above the average height; also that they were both thin men, and could have descended the well with comparative ease. Theodore Racksole, though not stout, was a well-set ...
— The Grand Babylon Hotel • Arnold Bennett

... football captain with some interest. He saw a tall and fairly heavy youth, with well-set head and broad shoulders. He looked quite as fast on his feet as rumor credited him with being, and his dark eyes, sharp and steady in their regard, suggested both courage and ability to lead. His other features were strong, ...
— Behind the Line • Ralph Henry Barbour

... is, at her best, repulsive to a European. After one has overcome one's first disgust, she yet has, at a distance, a certain charm of her own. She walks well, for she is accustomed to carry heavy weights on her head. Her skull would be well-set upon her shoulders were it not that the neck is too short and thick to be graceful. Her body and limbs possess great muscular strength, and are well developed, but generally lack firmness. She is heavily built, and ...
— An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet • A. Henry Savage Landor

Words linked to "Well-set" :   strong, well-knit

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