"Vesper" Quotes from Famous Books
... the National Anthem and the no less popular anthem of the Machine Gun Section, our men always sang: Keep the Home Fires Burning. The soldiers could have no better vesper hymn. ... — With Manchesters in the East • Gerald B. Hurst
... at Ferrara. For example, we learn that in 1497 the Cardinal d'Este promised the Marchioness of Mantua that she should have some new compositions by Tromboncino. Yet in 1499 he was sent with other musicians of the suite of the Gonzagas to Vincenza to sing a vesper service in some church. It appears that Tromboncino was not only a composer, but an ... — Some Forerunners of Italian Opera • William James Henderson
... we parted and I reached the next deserted town without incident. It was almost the vesper hour or what had been the allotted time for that rite in those parts when I entered the yard of the village church, located in an exposed position at a cross roads on the edge of the town. A sudden unmistakable whirr sounded above and I threw myself on the ... — "And they thought we wouldn't fight" • Floyd Gibbons
... his music, however, was not of a kind to disperse melancholy; he sung, in a sort of chant, one of the most dismal ditties his present auditors had ever heard, and St. Aubert at length discovered it to be a vesper-hymn to ... — The Mysteries of Udolpho • Ann Radcliffe
... chamber to chamber of his burrow, washed himself thoroughly from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail, then, feeling lonely, awakened his parents from their heavy sleep, and spent the afternoon thinking and dreaming, till the sun sank low in the glory of the aureolin sky, and the robin's vesper trilled wistfully from the hawthorns on the fringe of the shadowed wood. Becoming venturesome with the near approach of night, but still remembering the danger that had threatened him before the last period of his winter sleep, he lifted himself warily above the ground, and for a little while stayed ... — Creatures of the Night - A Book of Wild Life in Western Britain • Alfred W. Rees
... or near or far, And yet I have the memory Of twilight, and the vesper star, Hung o'er ... — From The Lips of the Sea • Clinton Scollard
... shrill cicalas, people of the pine, Making their summer lives one ceaseless song, Were the sole echoes, save my steed's and mine, And Vesper bell's that rose the boughs along; The spectre huntsman of Onesti's line, His hell-dogs, and their chase, and the fair throng Which learned from this example not to fly From a ... — The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron
... soon behind him, and the winding trail among the sagebrush, went reaching out to the east. The pine woods of his native country were not well stocked with life; the feathered folk were inconspicuous there; but here it seemed that every bush and branch was alive with singing birds. The vesper sparrows ran before his feet, flashed their white tail feathers in a little flight ahead, or from the top of a stone or a buffalo skull they rippled out their story of the spring. The buffalo birds in black ... — The Preacher of Cedar Mountain - A Tale of the Open Country • Ernest Thompson Seton
... "Fulfilment—drop into the eager palm?" "Then let us watch for such a star," quoth I. "Nay, love," she said, "'Tis but an idle tale." But some swift feeling smote upon her brow A rosy shadow. I turn'd and watch'd the sky— Calmly the cohorts of the night swept on, Led by the wide-wing'd vesper; and against the moon Where low her globe trembl'd upon the edge Of the wide amethyst that clearly paved The dreamy sapphire of the night, there lay The jetty spars of some tall ship, that look'd The night's device upon his ripe-red shield. ... — Old Spookses' Pass • Isabella Valancy Crawford
... The placid air of the day shed a new tranquillity over the consoling landscape. The heart of the earth seemed to taste a repose more perfect than that of common days. A hermit-thrush, far up the vale, sang his vesper hymn; while the swallows, seeking their evening meal, circled above the river-fields without an effort, twittering softly, now and then, as if they must give thanks. Slight and indefinable touches in the scene, perhaps the mere absence of the tiny human figures passing along the ... — Fisherman's Luck • Henry van Dyke
... at Olney Church after the morning service, I have heard, is to apprize the congregation of a vesper service to follow. ... — Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 • Various
... brilliancy attracted notice from earliest antiquity, and we find her, radiant and charming, in the works of the ancients, who erected altars to her and adorned their poetry with her grace and beauty. Homer calls her Callisto the Beautiful; Cicero names her Vesper, the evening star, and Lucifer, the star of the morning—for it was with this divinity as with Mercury. For a long while she was regarded as two separate planets, and it was only when it came to be observed that the evening and the ... — Astronomy for Amateurs • Camille Flammarion
... the room, or passed by the door, but she heard me sigh heavily; that I neither eat, or slept, or took pleasure in anything as before. Judge then, my L., can the valley look so well, or the roses and jessamines smell so sweet as heretofore? Ah me! but adieu—the vesper bell calls me ... — Selected English Letters (XV - XIX Centuries) • Various
... moonbeams shed their silvery light In richest lustre over copse and dell, Come sainted hopes, sweet dreams and fancies bright As when through shadows sounds the Vesper Bell. ... — Graham's Magazine Vol XXXII No. 1 January 1848 • Various
... social reunion, where every one goes, listens as he will to the music of the Papal choir in the Chapel of the Sacrament, and strolls about the vast interior where the promenade of the multitude does not yet disturb in the least the vesper service in the chapel. Here one meets everybody; the general news of the day is exchanged; greeting and salutation and pleasant little conversational interludes mark the afternoon, while the sun sinks behind ... — Italy, the Magic Land • Lilian Whiting
... full, the stars are bright, The monks are all asleep; Now gayly come the Fays to-night, Their revelry to keep. They love the abbeys old and gray, Whence the vesper song is heard, And the matin hymn at break of day Awakes ... — Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants • James H. Head
... thy vesper "service"— Dulcet exhilaration! glorious tea!— I deem my happiest. Howsoe'er I swerve, as To mind or morals, elsewhere, over thee I am a perfect creature, quite impervious To care, or tribulation, or ennui— ... — Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, Complete • Various
... loud uproar bursts from that door! The Wedding-guests are there; But in the Garden-bower the Bride And Bride-maids singing are: And hark the little Vesper-bell Which biddeth me ... — Lyrical Ballads, With Other Poems, 1800, Vol. I. • William Wordsworth
... is the Mate 25 Of him in that forlorn estate! He breathes a subterraneous damp; But bright as Vesper shines her lamp: He is as mute as Jedborough Tower: She jocund as it was of yore, 30 With all its bravery on; in times When all alive with merry chimes, Upon a sun-bright morn of May, It roused the ... — The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Vol. II. • William Wordsworth
... liberty and ease! In anticipation it was a thing boundless and endless, a foretaste of Elysium. It extended from the prima luce, from the earliest dawn of radiance that streaked the "severing clouds in yonder east," through the sun's matin, meridian, postmeridian, and vesper circuit; from the disappearance of Lucifer in the re-illumined skies, to his evening entree in the character of Hesperus. Complain not of the brevity of life; 'tis men that are idle; a thousand things could be contrived and accomplished in that space, and a thousand ... — The Life of Mansie Wauch - tailor in Dalkeith • D. M. Moir
... joyous Woman is the Mate Of him in that forlorn estate; He breathes a subterraneous damp; But bright as Vesper shines her lamp, He is as mute as Jedborough Tower, She jocund as it was of yore With all its bravery on, in times When all alive with merry chimes Upon a sun-bright morn of May It roused ... — Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland A.D. 1803 • Dorothy Wordsworth
... bluffs and along that narrow stream where Mrs. Fair some three weeks earlier had walked with the widow, the Sabbath afternoon was scarcely half spent before the air began to be crossed and cleft with the vesper hymns and serenades of plumed worshippers ... — John March, Southerner • George W. Cable
... basilica of Saint Peter there was peace; there the white-haired priests solemnly officiated in the morning and at noon, and toward evening more than a hundred rich voices of boys and men sang the vesper psalms in the Gregorian tones; there slim youths in violet and white swung silver censers before the high altar, and the incense floated in rich clouds upon the sunbeams that fell slanting to the ancient floor; there, as in many a minster and cloister ... — Via Crucis • F. Marion Crawford
... drum and viol, and he would have frequent music. Each day toward evening each man was given a cup of wine. And before sunset all were gathered for vesper service, and we sang Salve Regina. At night the great familiar ... — 1492 • Mary Johnston
... doxaes; est modus matulae, peri methaes; others in Latin only, as Marcipor the slave of Marcus (i.e. Varro himself). Many are in the shape of proverbs, e.g. Longe fugit qui suos fugit, gnothi seauton, nescis quid vesper serus vehat. Only two fragments are of any length; one from the Marcipor, in graceful iambic verse, [7] the other in prose from the nescis quid vesper. [8] It consists of directions for a convivial ... — A History of Roman Literature - From the Earliest Period to the Death of Marcus Aurelius • Charles Thomas Cruttwell
... more stilly laid, My couch may be the bloody plaid, My vesper song, thy wail, sweet maid! It ... — The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various
... we pensive stood, The day was waning and the sun drooped low; Long shadows fell across the vale below, And deepened as they reached the distant wood. The sky seemed in arm's reach: in holy mood, The trees stretched forth their boughs as to bestow A vesper blessing, ere we turned to go. Like feathered mother hovering her brood, Gray twilight o'er the landscape spread her wings. I looked into your eyes: in their clear glow, There dwelt the light that altar candles throw On imaged saint and ... — Edward MacDowell • Elizabeth Fry Page
... bought the hat, a gray felt with partridge plumage, which became Ida's rich dark bloom to perfection; and then they went to the Cathedral, and knelt in the dusky aisle, and heard the solemn melody of the organ, and the subdued voices of the choir, in the plaintive music of Vesper Psalms, monotonous somewhat, but with a sweet soothing influence, music that ... — The Golden Calf • M. E. Braddon
... private home could possibly hold it, whereupon it was decided to secure a public hall for future meetings. But when the authorities heard this, they suddenly experienced a change of heart and offered the troublesome preacher and his friends the use of Frederik's church for a vesper service ... — Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark • Jens Christian Aaberg
... Vesper Olympo Expectata diu vix tandem lumina tollit. Surgere iam tempus, iam pingues linquere mensas, Iam veniet virgo, iam dicetur Hymenaeus. Hymen o Hymenaee, Hymen ades ... — The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus
... came flying home to the arbor where the nest was, and having twittered out a little vesper-song, put its head under its wing, near his mate, which sat brooding in the nest over some little eggs, and the thought stole into her heart, "Will God take care of them and not me?" and she watched the peaceful sleep of the family over her ... — What Can She Do? • Edward Payson Roe
... from that door! The wedding-guests are there: But in the garden-bower the bride And bride-maids singing are: And hark the little vesper bell,[63] 595 Which biddeth ... — Selections from Five English Poets • Various
... to appreciate your volume now. But I liked the dedicat'n much, and the apology for your bald burying grounds. To Shelly, but that is not new. To the young Vesper-singer, Great Bealing's, Playford, ... — The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb (Vol. 6) - Letters 1821-1842 • Charles and Mary Lamb
... woman was visible except the white-coiffed grandmother who served the drinks. The war was not the only cause of the necessity of Mademoiselle Simone's opposition to antiphonal Gregorian singing. I fear that the lack of male voices in the vesper service is a chronic one, and that Mademoiselle Simone's attempt to put life into the service would have been equally justifiable before the tragic period of la guerre. For the men of Cagnes were engrossed ... — Riviera Towns • Herbert Adams Gibbons
... comforting warmth of the sun that my body embraces, For the cool of the waters that run through the shadowy places, For the balm of the breezes that brush my face with their fingers, For the vesper-hymn of the thrush when the twilight lingers, For the long breath, the deep breath, the breath of a heart without care,— I will give thanks and adore thee, God of the ... — Songs Out of Doors • Henry Van Dyke
... this vesper, Cold the sun shines down the door. If you stood there, would you whisper "Love, I love you," as before,— Death pervading Now, and shading Eyes you sang of, that yestreen, As the ... — The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Volume IV • Elizabeth Barrett Browning
... or Song of the Virgin, is part of the vesper service of the Church, and has been treated by all the old Church composers of prominence both in plain chant and in polyphonic form. In the English cathedral service it is often richly harmonized, and Bach, Mozart, ... — The Standard Oratorios - Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers • George P. Upton
... voice when she cried out that Cedric might be forgiven for the murder of Christopher. Now Janet knew that the lad had only been slightly injured by Hiary and had fully recovered, and she determined to send for him, and at the Vesper service introduce him into the Chapel and thereby cause to cease her mistress' plaints. And so it came about in the late autumn, when Crandlemar was about to receive its new master from Wales, and the plate and all belongings of the Duke had been sent to Ellswold, and Katherine herself ... — Mistress Penwick • Dutton Payne
... A Vesper Sparrow ran along the road before them, flitting a few feet ahead each time they overtook it and showing the white outer ... — Two Little Savages • Ernest Thompson Seton
... Robes in its golden beams,—ah! thou hast fled! The brave, the gentle and the beautiful, The child of grace and genius. Heartless things 690 Are done and said i' the world, and many worms And beasts and men live on, and mighty Earth From sea and mountain, city and wilderness, In vesper low or joyous orison, Lifts still its solemn voice:—but thou art fled— 695 Thou canst no longer know or love the shapes Of this phantasmal scene, who have to thee Been purest ministers, who are, alas! Now thou art not. Upon those pallid lips So sweet even in their silence, ... — The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley
... glory of the setting sun, as if Nature rejoiced to grant her bulwarks as a protection to liberty. A small clear stream ran through the valley, sparkling with the last smile of the departing day; and ever and anon, from the scattered shrubs and the fragrant herbage, came the vesper music of the birds, and the ... — Falkland, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
... of the sun, his altar there In the broad west has blazed for vesper-song; And I have loitered in the vale too long And gaze now a belated worshipper. Yet may I not forget that I was 'ware, So journeying, of his face at intervals Transfigured where the fringed horizon falls,— A fiery bush ... — The House of Life • Dante Gabriel Rossetti
... Place"[2] grown in beauty and riches. Seventeen abbots have exercised unbounded hospitality within it, but now they are all gone, save one!—and he is attainted of felony and treason. The grave monk walketh no more in the cloisters, nor seeketh his pallet in the dormitory. Vesper or matin-song resound not as of old within the fine conventual church. Stripped are the altars of their silver crosses, and the shrines of their votive offerings and saintly relics. Pyx and chalice, thuribule and vial, golden-headed pastoral staff, ... — The Lancashire Witches - A Romance of Pendle Forest • William Harrison Ainsworth
... the livelong day, Nor waked until the twilight shadows fell, That flung a brown night o'er that leafy dell. Then up he rose refreshed and went his way, And, half ashamed, he heard the vesper-bell. ... — Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science - February, 1876, Vol. XVII, No. 98. • Various
... world will snatch a fond review; Oft at the shrine neglect her beads, to trace Some social scene, some dear, familiar face, Forgot, when first a father's stern controul Chas'd the gay visions of her opening soul: And ere, with iron tongue, the vesper-bell Bursts thro' the cypress-walk, the convent-cell, Oft will her warm and wayward heart revive, To love and joy still tremblingly alive; The whisper'd vow, the chaste caress prolong, Weave the light dance and swell the choral song; With rapt ear drink the enchanting serenade, ... — Poems • Samuel Rogers
... adest ubi Vesper, et accipiens te Saepe recusatum voces intelligit hospes Rusticus ignotas notas, ac flumina tellus Occupat—In sancto tum, tum, stans Aede caveto Tonsuram Hirsuti Capitis, via namque pedestrem Ferrea praeveniens cursum, peregrine, laborem Pro pietate tua inceptum frustratur, amore Antiqui ... — The Path to Rome • Hilaire Belloc
... himself, that if hate could kill, Brother Lawrence would not live long. Meanwhile, as we also hear, he spites him when he can, and fondly dreams of tripping him up somewhere, or somehow, on his way to the better world. He is turning over some pithy expedients, when the vesper bell cuts ... — A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.) • Mrs. Sutherland Orr
... rooms, with attendance, I pay eight and sixpence a week; my landlady will ask eleven shillings when there are two of us, so that your share would be five-and-six. I hope you won't think this is too much. I am a quiet and I think a very reasonable person.' The signature was 'Mildred H. Vesper.' ... — The Odd Women • George Gissing
... narrow, sombre, subdued melodies. They are the voice of a people whose ideas revolved in a narrow circle—of people who dwelt on vast gray plains dotted with sad brown huts, and who heard no sounds but the sighing of the wind through the dark pine forests. The "Vesper Hymn," known to every ordinary player, is a very good example of the general character of Russian melodies. The songs of the peasants are further distinguished by their frequent modulation from the major to the minor key, as if not long could they be joyful, and ... — Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 26, August, 1880 - of Popular Literature and Science • Various
... day ended. But no vesper spark Hung forth its heavenly sign; but sheets of flame Play'd round the savage features of the dark, Making night horrible. That night, there came A weeping maiden to high Sestos' steep, And tore her hair and gazed ... — The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood • Thomas Hood
... of valleys fair, Of stately forests and mountains bold, Of churches filled with treasures rare, And storied castles centuries old; But now and then, when the sun sinks low, And the vesper bell is softly rung, I think of the days of long ago, And yearn for the ... — Poems • John L. Stoddard
... Vesper colloquiis dulcibus ad focum; Somnis nox magis, et preci: Sed nil, Terrigenum ... — Verses and Translations • C. S. C.
... saw thee far Sit in thy crown of bridal flowers, And with Another watch the star We watch'd in vanish'd vesper hours. And as I paced the lonely room, I wonder'd how that holy ray Could with its light a world illume So fill'd with falsehood ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 57, No. 351, January 1845 • Various
... were darkening his wife's pale beauty. For a while, a deep stillness was about them. Flooded by the gold of the setting sun, lay the park at their feet; farther off glimmered the domes of St. Stephen at Vienna, and faint over the evening air came the soothing tones of the vesper-bell. ... — Joseph II. and His Court • L. Muhlbach
... use of lights in divine worship seems to have been handed on from the Jewish Temple to the Christian Church. The candles upon the Altar, as in use in many churches, whether the two Eucharistic lights or the vesper lights, not only give beauty and festival character to the service, but are an expressive sign of spiritual gladness and joy, and a symbol, suggested by His own words, of Christ as the true "light of the world." They remind us of the gladness and spiritual illumination ... — The Worship of the Church - and The Beauty of Holiness • Jacob A. Regester
... but his attention wandered, and all the time he wished himself back in the sunny garden, where he had seen a fair young face looking through the pink sprays of almond blossoms, while the music of the vesper hymn sounded sweet and clear ... — Knights of Art - Stories of the Italian Painters • Amy Steedman
... worship, Though life slow, and the sobering Genius change To a lamp his gusty torch. What though no more Athwart its roseal glow Thy face look forth triumphal? Thou put'st on Strange sanctities of pathos; like this knoll Made derelict of day, Couchant and shadow-ed Under dim Vesper's overloosened hair: This, where emboss-ed with the half-blown seed The solemn purple thistle stands in grass Grey as an exhalation, when the bank Holds mist for water in the nights of Fall. Not to the boy, although his eyes be pure As the prime snowdrop is, Ere the rash ... — New Poems • Francis Thompson
... atmosphere with angels. The monasteries, even those into whose gates women are forbidden to look, all have stories of womanly excellence which the monks tell each other in pauses from labor in the lentil patch, and in their cells after vesper prayers. In brief, so did Sergius' estimate of the Princess increase that he was unaware of impropriety when, trudging slowly after the train of attendants, he associated her with heroines most odorous in Church and Scriptural ... — The Prince of India - Or - Why Constantinople Fell - Volume 2 • Lew. Wallace
... swooping winds across the spicery snare, The aromatic smells of redolent wood, Camphor, cinnamon, cassia, are incense there, And the tall aloe soaring into the flood Of pearlaceous moonlight stimulates the air Which scarcely soughs, so heavy with vesper scents; The calamus growing by the pond, did spare A spicey breath, with sweet sebaceous drents Of nard, and Jiled's balsamic tree, balm sweet, Were all which ... — A Williams Anthology - A Collection of the Verse and Prose of Williams College, 1798-1910 • Compiled by Edwin Partridge Lehman and Julian Park
... when, according to invariable custom on board of the admiral's ship, the mariners had sung the vesper hymn to the Virgin, he made an impressive address to his crew. He pointed out the goodness of God in thus conducting them by soft and favouring breezes across a tranquil ocean, cheering their hopes continually with fresh ... — MacMillan's Reading Books - Book V • Anonymous
... hour which wakes the wish, and melts the heart, Of those who sail the seas, on the first day When they from their sweet friends are torn apart; Or fills with love the pilgrim on his way, As the far bell of vesper makes him start, Seeming to weep the dying day's decay. Is this a fancy which our reason scorns? Ah, surely nothing dies but something ... — The Unseen World and Other Essays • John Fiske
... heard in the twilight dim A low, soft strain That ye fancied a distant vesper-hymn, Borne o'er the plain By the zephyrs that rise on perfumed wing, When the sun's ... — Music and Some Highly Musical People • James M. Trotter
... halls, A hundred chambers, where the shadows lie On things put by, forgotten long ago. Forgotten lutes with strings that Time has slackened, We two shall draw them close and bid them sing— Forgotten games, forgotten books still open Where you had laid them by at vesper-time, And your embroidery, whereon half-worked Weeps Amor wounded by a rose's thorn. Shall I not see the room in which you slept, Palpitant still and breathing of your thoughts, Where maiden dreams adown the ways of sleep Swept noiselessly with damosels and knights ... — Helen of Troy and Other Poems • Sara Teasdale
... helpers (the same three gigantic supernatural beings who took part in the battle) appear. Faust vents his anger and chagrin with regard to the peasant and the irritating ding-dong-dell of the vesper bell. He commissions Mephistopheles to persuade the peasant to take the money and to make him turn out of his wretched hut. Mephistopheles and his mates go to carry out the order. A few moments later flames are seen to rise from the cottage and chapel. ... — The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust' • H. B. Cotterill
... of the fairy night, Or Be-ulah, in Banyan's holy tale. The silvery clouds that o'er the valley sail Dim not the sinking sun, whose lustre fires The old cathedral and its gorgeous spires, The ruin'd abbey, garlanded and pale The vesper choristers in each lone wood Chant to the peeping moon their serenade; Now creeps the far-off forest into shade, And twilight comes o'er heath, and field, and flood. Oh! had I genius now the task to try, My picture ... — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 17, No. - 480, Saturday, March 12, 1831 • Various
... of Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, was born on Innocents' Day, 1635. The incident accounted in Stanza iv occurred in 1637. She had been taken on a visit to Hampton Court to her mother, who wished her to be present at her own vesper-service, when Elizabeth, not yet two years old, became very restless. To quiet her a book of devotion was shown to her.' The King, when the Queen drew his attention, said, ... — The Visions of England - Lyrics on leading men and events in English History • Francis T. Palgrave
... the dews of night The vesper star appears! So faith lights up the mourner's heart, Whose eyes are dim with tears. Night falls, but soon the morning light Its glories shall restore; And thus the eyes that sleep in death Shall ... — Hymns for Christian Devotion - Especially Adapted to the Universalist Denomination • J.G. Adams
... the wooded hills, and Cantar-las-horas had sung his weird vesper song. Dusk was thickening into night, though upon the distant Sierras a mellow glow still illumined the frosted peaks. Moments crept ... — Carmen Ariza • Charles Francis Stocking
... in twilight silences, Like swimmers in a sea of quietude, And faint farewells re-echo from the hill; When the last thrush his sleepy vesper says, And the lost threnody of the whip-poor-will Gropes through the gathering ... — The Five Books of Youth • Robert Hillyer
... vesper songs are a hundred other short poems, among which the reader must make his own selection. The ballads should not be neglected, for Longfellow knew how to tell a story in verse. If he were too prone to add a moral to his tale (a moral that does not speak for itself were ... — Outlines of English and American Literature • William J. Long
... is the Mate Of Him in that forlorn estate! He breathes a subterraneous damp, But bright as Vesper shines her lamp: He is as mute as Jedborough Tower; She jocund as it was of yore, With all it's bravery on; in times, 30 When, all alive with merry chimes, Upon a sun-bright morn of May, It ... — Poems In Two Volumes, Vol. 2 • William Wordsworth
... should you shackle poor Gurth, uncle, for the fault of his dog Fangs? for I dare be sworn we lost not a minute by the way, when we had got our herd together, which Fangs did not manage until we heard the vesper-bell." ... — Ivanhoe - A Romance • Walter Scott
... thee hath the maiden kept Her vigils pale and lone; While darkly have her ringlets swept The chapel's sculptur'd stone; And when the vesper-hymn was sung Around the warrior's bier, With cross and banner o'er him hung, What ... — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 14, - Issue 403, December 5, 1829 • Various
... vesper bell the company broke up, some of the graver sort going to evening prayers, where, with half shut eyes and shining countenances, they made a most orthodox and edifying portion of a Lenten congregation; others to their own homes, to tell ... — The Fair Maid of Perth • Sir Walter Scott
... expect, and for which she shows no gratitude. Life appears to be indifferent to these people. But, if these be brigands, we prefer them to those of Naples, and even to the innkeepers of England. As we saunter home in the pleasant afternoon, the vesper-bells are calling to each other, making the sweetest echoes of peace everywhere in the hills, and all the piano is jubilant with them, as we come down the steeps ... — Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner
... on his breast, where she smiled as one at rest,— Toll slowly. 'Ring,' she cried, 'O vesper-bell, in the beech-wood's old chapelle!' But ... — Lives of Girls Who Became Famous • Sarah Knowles Bolton
... me more, in autumn gray, Upon the hill-side lone, The cheerful vesper-bell, or light Of ... — The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi • Giacomo Leopardi
... cheering to their open-eyed and open-hearted friends. Many, who when listening to the hymn-like cadences of the wood thrush have felt that the place was holy ground, are now keenly regretting that this vesper song is so rare; the honest sweetness of the song sparrow mingles with the coarser sounds less often in the accustomed places. Not many now find "the meadows spattered all over with music" by the bobolink, ... — Bird Day; How to prepare for it • Charles Almanzo Babcock
... viceroy, indignant at the inconceivably loose morals of the people, attempts to introduce a puritanical reform, and comes miserably to grief over it. Die Stumme von Portici probably contributed to some extent to this theme, as did also certain memories of Die Sizilianische Vesper. When I remember that at last even the gentle Sicilian Bellini constituted a factor in this composition, I cannot, to be sure, help smiling at the strange medley in which the most ... — My Life, Volume I • Richard Wagner
... and vesper bell, free from the dominion of England, having the prestige of an independent Catholic State, the Ireland of excommunication by bell, book, and candle, the Ireland of the priest and Pope—that, and no other, according to Ulstermen, is the ultimate end of Home Rule. ... — Ireland as It Is - And as It Would be Under Home Rule • Robert John Buckley (AKA R.J.B.)
... holy vesper hour, The time for rest, and peace, and prayer, When falls the dew, and folds the flower Its petals, delicate and fair, Against the chilly evening air; And yet the bridegroom was not there. The guests, who lingered through the day, Had glided, one by one, away, And then, with pale ... — Mazelli, and Other Poems • George W. Sands
... in this mood of apathy that, one evening, there broke upon his ear low but beautiful voices performing the evening service of the Church. His eye glistened, his heart was touched by the vesper spell. He listened with rapt attention to the sweet and sacred strains, and when they died away he felt depressed. Would they ... — Lothair • Benjamin Disraeli
... to the Holy See, which he inherited, was of a more than conventional type. "He is very religious," wrote (p. 106) Giustinian, "and hears three masses daily when he hunts, and sometimes five on other days. He hears the office every day in the Queen's chamber, that is to say, vesper and compline."[272] The best theologians and doctors in his kingdom were regularly required to preach at his Court, when their fee for each sermon was equivalent to ten or twelve pounds. He was generous in his almsgiving, and his usual offering on Sundays and saints' days was six shillings and ... — Henry VIII. • A. F. Pollard
... hillsides, and where the latter had been cut in terraces, and seemed swinging like the gardens of Semiramis, orange, lemon, myrtle, and olive trees showed all their tender green and soft grey tints, and longhaired acacias waved in the evening air, that was redolent of the faint delicious vesper incense swung from the pink ... — Infelice • Augusta Jane Evans Wilson
... thumpin' the desk earnest, "I am dissatisfied! Buttermilk and vesper services! Huh! Do you suppose I've paid two weeks in advance for such a dose? Where's ... — Torchy • Sewell Ford
... rendered is evidently the mind of the Church and its ancient usage. Our beautiful Evening Prayer thus rendered is certainly much more in keeping with Scripture and much more elevating than the "Song Services," or "Vesper Services" of the various denominations. These latter are not regarded as "Romish" and are very popular. Yet in some places if a choral Even Song is attempted, at once the cry of "Romanism" is raised, and yet from Holy Scripture ... — The American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia • William James Miller
... stages of relationship. Some had already paired, and were at work upon their domiciles, but more were in the blissful and excited state of courtship, and their conversational notes, wooings, and pleadings, as they warbled the pros and cons, were quite different from their matin and vesper songs. Not unfrequently there were two aspirants for the same claw or bill, and the rivals usually fought it out like their human neighbors in the olden time, the red-breasted object of their affections standing demurely aloof on the sward, ... — Nature's Serial Story • E. P. Roe
... this night must be my bed, The bracken curtain for my head, My lullaby the warder's tread, Far, far from love and thee, Mary; To-morrow eve, more stilly laid My couch may be my bloody plaid, My vesper song, thy wail, sweet maid! It will not waken ... — The World's Best Poetry, Volume 3 - Sorrow and Consolation • Various
... too long with birds and bird-songs. It is a fond subject, however, and scarcely can I forbear to speak of the veeries, the vesper-birds, and "hair-birds" whose nests we so often found in the orchard; the cedar birds or cherry birds which so persistently stripped the wild cherry trees and pear-plum shrubs; the wood thrushes that trilled forth such sad, ... — When Life Was Young - At the Old Farm in Maine • C. A. Stephens
... fair, all in the moony light, As one ashamed, she looked upon the ground, And her white raiment glistened in his sight. And, hark! the vesper chimes began to sound, Then lower yet she drooped her young, pure cheek, And still was she ashamed, ... — Poems by Jean Ingelow, In Two Volumes, Volume II. • Jean Ingelow
... fight in the green meadows between the bishops and the lords had been concluded, the warlike churchman coming off victor. Many of the lords' vassals had been killed, more put to flight, and themselves taken prisoners. At the vesper-bell Henry entered the city with his captives, bound with ropes, and was met at the gates by the king and the archbishop. At the request of King William he pardoned and released his prisoners, on their promise to cease molesting ... — Historical Tales, Vol 5 (of 15) - The Romance of Reality, German • Charles Morris
... Nearly every afternoon found them sitting there in a solemn row, waiting for the shadows to grow long across the grass, for it was then that George oftenest came to play on the organ. He always smiled on the three grave little figures, waiting so patiently for the music of his vesper hymns. ... — Ole Mammy's Torment • Annie Fellows Johnston
... were sitting smoking the vesper cigar. (Frank would do it, and his mother actually lighted his cigar for him now, enjoining him straightway after to go to bed.) Kew smoked and looked at a star—shining above in the heaven. "Which is that star?" he asked: and the accomplished young ... — The Newcomes • William Makepeace Thackeray
... drum in the pulseless bay, The crickets creak in the prickful hedge, The bull-frogs boom in the puddling sedge And the whoopoe whoops its vesper lay Away In the twilight ... — Eugene Field, A Study In Heredity And Contradictions - Vol. I • Slason Thompson
... washtub till eight o'clock next evening, twenty hours, that is, on end. In 1880 the working day was shortened, and only lasts now from five in the morning till seven at night, with a two hours' pause for dinner and shorter pauses for breakfast and vesper. But, on the other hand, women do work now that only men did in former times. The threshing of corn has fallen entirely into their hands, and they follow a plough yoked with oxen. Both kinds of work are heavy and unpleasant. But women are glad to get ... — Home Life in Germany • Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick
... high-spirited young prince saw not the black cloud hanging already upon him. The soldiers greeted him with cheers and blessings; the generals bent the knee to him, and vowed to die to win him back his crown. The light of the setting sun illumined the field so soon to be red with human blood, and the vesper bell from the church hard by ... — In the Wars of the Roses - A Story for the Young • Evelyn Everett-Green
... isle up the river of Time, Where the softest of airs are playing; There's a cloudless sky and a tropical clime, And a song as sweet as a vesper chime, And the Junes with ... — McGuffey's Fifth Eclectic Reader • William Holmes McGuffey
... His voice was so modulated that it mixed harmonious with the silver whisper, the gush, the musical sigh, in which light breeze, fountain and foliage intoned their lulling vesper: ... — Villette • Charlotte Bronte
... wakens fond desire In men at sea, and melts their thoughtful heart, Who in the morn have bid sweet friends farewell, And pilgrim newly on his road with love Thrills, if he hear the vesper bell from far, That seems to mourn for the expiring day: When I, no longer taking heed to hear Began, with wonder, from those spirits to mark One risen from its seat, which with its hand Audience implor'd. Both palms it join'd and rais'd, Fixing ... — The Divine Comedy, Complete - The Vision of Paradise, Purgatory and Hell • Dante Alighieri
... accepted the invitation to the Temples' for the next week-end. She had other plans for the Sabbath, and that week there appeared on all the trees and posts about the town, and on the trails, a little notice of a Bible class and vesper-service to be held in the school-house on the following Sabbath afternoon; and so Margaret, true daughter of her minister-father, took up her mission in Ashland for the Sabbaths that were to follow; for the school-board had agreed with alacrity ... — A Voice in the Wilderness • Grace Livingston Hill
... Audubon, and many others familiar with their haunts and habits, their affections and their passions, till we feel that they are indeed our fellow-creatures, and part of one wise and wonderful system! If there be sermons in stones, what think ye of the hymns and psalms, matin and vesper, of the lark, who at heaven's gate sings—of the wren, who pipes her thanksgivings as the slant sunbeam shoots athwart the mossy portal of the cave, in whose fretted roof she builds her nest above the waterfall! In cave-roof? Yea—we have seen it so—just beneath the cornice. But most ... — Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2 • John Wilson
... beating fast as he went down Westgate Lane into the High Street, and it quickened yet further as the great bells in the Priory church began to jangle; for it was close on vesper time, and instinctively he shook his reins to hasten his beast, who was picking his way delicately through the filth and tumbled stones that lay everywhere, for the melodious roar seemed to be bidding him haste and be welcome. Mr. Morris was close beside him, and ... — The King's Achievement • Robert Hugh Benson
... neighboring church tower strikes the vesper hour. A man in working-clothes uncovers his head reverently, and passes on. Through the vista of green bowers formed of the grocer's stock of Christmas trees a passing glimpse of flaring torches in the distant square is caught. They touch with flame ... — Children of the Tenements • Jacob A. Riis
... favour. The lovely spring eve, the mystical twilight, the mellow flutings of the blackbirds and the vesper thrushes piping nothing new or strange, only the sweet old tune of love, the lift of the hills, the soft trinkling of hidden brooks, the scent of violets at their feet and of the fresh leaves above them—all the magic of the young year and of young love made the delicious ... — A Singer from the Sea • Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
... from the automobile toward the stone parapet overlooking the railroad and river far below, and out of earshot of the department chauffeur. "I want to pull off a successful raid on the Vesper Club," he whispered earnestly, scanning ... — Master Tales of Mystery, Volume 3 • Collected and Arranged by Francis J. Reynolds
... as he listens To the sound that grows apace; Well he knows the vesper ringing Of the ... — The New North • Agnes Deans Cameron
... afternoon, the massive gray square tower of an old Cathedral rises before the sight of a jaded traveller. The bells are going for daily vesper service, and he must needs attend it, one would say, from his haste to reach the open Cathedral door. The choir are getting on their sullied white robes, in a hurry, when he arrives among them, gets on his own robe, ... — The Mystery of Edwin Drood • Charles Dickens
... the Apostle, in which he persuades the Corinthians of the resurrection of the dead. He read on and the other listened as one in a dream, and the sun had gone down over the wide sea and outspread sands where they walked alone, and one silver star came forth in the west, the lovely Vesper, and looked at its image in the quiet wave, as the old man read, with tears which would not be restrained, the mighty conclusion, "O Death, where is thy sting? O ... — Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 5 November 1848 • Various
... insectivorous birds nor so restless. Mostly phlegmatic in temperament. Fine songsters. Chipping Sparrow. English Sparrow. Field Sparrow. Fox Sparrow. Grasshopper Sparrow. Savanna Sparrow. Seaside Sparrow. Sharp-tailed Sparrow. Song Sparrow. Swamp Song Sparrow. Tree Sparrow. Vesper Sparrow. White-crowned Sparrow. White-throated Sparrow. Lapland Longspur. Smith's Painted Longspur. Pine Siskin (or Finch). Purple Finch. Goldfinch. Redpoll. Greater Redpoll. Red Crossbill. White-winged Red Crossbill. Cardinal Grosbeak. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Pine Grosbeak. Evening Grosbeak. ... — Bird Neighbors • Neltje Blanchan
... harp when the star of Vesper Hath open'd its eye on the peaceful earth, When not a leaf is heard to whisper That a dew-drop falls, or a breeze hath birth. And you, dear friends of my youthful years, Will oft be the theme of my lonely lay, And a smile for the past will gild ... — The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume IV. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various
... and leaves were furled At the vesper-song of the sunset-world, The sleepy young rose of nine sweet summers Dreamed ... — Collected Poems - Volume One (of 2) • Alfred Noyes
... and probably with the same design, for in the centre of one of them stood what could only be a sarcophagus, but that and others were walled off. The sides and roofs of them were carved in low relief, and curiously painted. Here the witch lodged the blind lady, whose name was Vesper. Her eyes were black, with long black lashes; her skin had a look of darkened silver, but was of purest tint and grain; her hair was black and fine and straight-flowing; her features were exquisitely formed, and if less beautiful, yet more lovely from sadness; ... — Harper's Young People, December 2, 1879 - An Illustrated Weekly • Various
... linger around the doors of the tents in the hush of a beautiful evening, when, the work of the day ended, a sort of vesper service would be improvised, and melodies commemorative of love, home, patriotism and human freedom sung; or a box, enticingly suggestive, just received from home, would be opened, and its contents of various dainties distributed with open-handed ... — Our campaign around Gettysburg • John Lockwood
... rule of youth. To so foule & cruel folyshenes is pret[en]sed the name of custume, as though the custume of an euil thing wer any thing else th[en] an old errour, whiche ought so much the more dilig[en]tly to be pulled vp bicause it is crept among many. So ctinueth amg the diuines y^e maner of a vesper, for they note an euyl thynge w^t a like name, more mete for scoffers th[en] diuines. But thei y^t professe liberal sci[en]ces, shuld haue also liberal sports. But I come againe to chyldren, to whome nothyng is more vnprofitable, then to be vsed to stripes, whiche enormittie ... — The Education of Children • Desiderius Erasmus
... was old? Ah woeful Ere, Which tells me, Youth's no longer here! O Youth! for years so many and sweet 'Tis known that Thou and I were one, I'll think it but a fond conceit— It cannot be, that Thou art gone! Thy vesper-bell hath not yet toll'd:— And thou wert aye a masker bold! What strange disguise hast now put on To make believe that thou art gone? I see these locks in silvery slips, This drooping gait, this alter'd size: But Springtide blossoms on thy lips, ... — The Golden Treasury - Of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language • Various
... Tabarin," "Tabarin" operas, The "Drama Nuevo" of Estebanez and Mr. Howells's "Yorick's Love," What is a Pagliaccio? First performances of the opera in Milan and New York, The prologue, et seq.—The opera described, et seq.—Bagpipes and vesper bells, Harlequin's serenade, The Minuet, The Gavotte, "Plaudite, amici, la commedia finita est!" Philip Hale on who should speak ... — A Second Book of Operas • Henry Edward Krehbiel
... sequence, as decreed, Daily morn and eve succeed; Vesper brings the shades of night, Lucifer the morning light. Love, in alternation due, Still the cycle doth renew, And discordant strife is driven From the starry realm of heaven. Thus, in wondrous amity, Warring elements agree; Hot and cold, and moist and dry, ... — The Consolation of Philosophy • Boethius
... Patrick's people were cutting corn in Trian-Conchobhair. They were seized with great thirst, whereupon a vessel of whey was taken to them from Patrick, who persuaded them to observe abstinence from tierce to vesper time. It happened that one of them died; and he was the first man that was buried by Patrick—i.e., Colman Itadach, at the cross by the door of Patrick's house. What Patrick said when it was told to him was: "My ... — The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick - Including the Life by Jocelin, Hitherto Unpublished in America, and His Extant Writings • Various
... cloudless day Seemed but a world of broad, white desolation— While in my ears small melancholy bells Knolled their long, solemn and prophetic chime;— But hark! a louder and a holier toll, Shedding its benediction on the air, Proclaims the vesper ... — Graham's Magazine Vol XXXII. No. 3. March 1848 • Various
... Matins bound; at Prime reviled; Condemned to death at Tierce; Nailed to the Cross at Sext; at None His blessed Side they pierce. They take him down at Vesper-tide; In grave at Compline lay, Who thenceforth bids His Church observe ... — The Divine Office • Rev. E. J. Quigley
... wrong To class her with the circling throng: Her mind was like a gentle sprite, Whose wings, though aptly form'd for flight, From cowardice are seldom spread; Who folds the arms, and droops the head; Stealing, in pilgrim guise along, With needless staff, and vestment grey, It scarcely trills a vesper song Monotonous at close of day. Cross but its path, demanding aught, E'en what its pensive mistress sought, Though forward welcoming she hied, And ... — The Lay of Marie • Matilda Betham
... of a bird, yet melancholy as the distant dole of a vesper-bell, arose the sound of that sweet voice from the wood. A fragment of a Spanish gipsy song it warbled: Luke knew it well. Thus ... — Rookwood • William Harrison Ainsworth
... the greater music; all that is said in its praise, even to the extremest expressions of admiration of those who are moved to a sense of wonder by it, find an echo in me. But it is not only a delight to me to listen to the lark singing at heaven's gate and to the vesper nightingale in the oak copse—the singer of a golden throat and wondrous artistry; I also love the smaller vocalists—the modest shufewing and the lesser whitethroat and the yellowhammer with his simple chant. These are ... — Afoot in England • W.H. Hudson
... Mother MacAllister was looking for it. Malcolm and Jean were sitting down on the old pump platform doing a Latin exercise. Elizabeth could not understand anyone studying there, with the orioles building their nest above and the vesper-sparrows calling from the lane. So she took her books up to her room, pulled down the green paper blind to shut out all sights and sounds, lit the lamp, and there in the hot, airless little place knelt by a chair and crammed her slate again and ... — 'Lizbeth of the Dale • Marian Keith
... revolution of Christianity had taught us, and by a memento so solemn and imperishable, no longer to pursue our human wrath, that hour of vesper sanctity had come, which, by the tendency of the Christian law and according to the degree in which it is observed, is for us a type and a symbol and a hieroglyphic of wrath extinguished, of self-conquest, of charity in heaven and ... — The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 1 (2 vols) • Thomas De Quincey
... fathers clean as many as The sands thatte doe the mighty sea-shore grace, But black, as sayde, as dark is Erebus. His rule the Southron Federation was, Thatte was a part of great Columbia, Which was as fayre a clyme as man mote pass; And situate where Vesper holds his swaye, But habited wilome by men of ... — Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. VI, June, 1862 - Devoted To Literature and National Policy • Various
... proceeds to more derivations in answer to Hegius. [Greek: Anthropos] he considers a fundamental word, which, like homo, defies analysis: but nevertheless he suggests [Greek: ana] and [Greek: trepo], or [Greek: terpo], or [Greek: trepho]. To explain vesper he cites Sallust, Catullus, Ovid, Pliny's Letters, Caesar's Civil War, Persius and Suetonius. (We must remember that in those days a man's quotations were culled from his memory, not from a dictionary ... — The Age of Erasmus - Lectures Delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London • P. S. Allen
... June; and often the goldfinch, the kingbird, the scarlet tanager delay their coming till then. In the meadows the bobolink is in all his glory; in the high pastures the field sparrow sings his breezy vesper-hymn; and the woods are unfolding to the music of ... — Wake-Robin • John Burroughs
... thus Hesperus or Vesper, the evening star, when following the sun as she passes from beyond him in superior conjunction to inferior conjunction where she is nearest to the earth. As she again leaves him behind in her course from this point to the opposite ... — Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) - Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky • Various
... down the burnie's wimpling course, amid the hazel shade, The robin chants his vesper sang, the cushat seeks the glade; When bats their drowsy vigils wheel round eldrich tree and tower, Be 't mine to meet the lass I lo'e at ... — The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various
... were closed, there was portrayed an entirely novel specimen, one marked by the most grotesque extravagance, in the shape of that impish malignant, "the Deputy," whose pastime at once and whole duty in life seemed to be making a sort of vesper cock-shy of ... — Charles Dickens as a Reader • Charles Kent
... of mingled emotions at the sound. But the guide will reassure you by saying that that great pack of howling Wolves is nothing more than a harmless little Coyote, perhaps two, singing their customary vesper song, demonstrating their wonderful vocal powers. Their usual music begins with a few growling, gurgling yaps which are rapidly increased in volume and heightened in pitch, until they rise into a long squall or scream, which again, as it dies away, breaks up ... — Wild Animals at Home • Ernest Thompson Seton
... Now sinks the golden sun,—the vesper song Demands the tribute of URANIA'S tongue; 470 Onward she steps, her fair associates calls From leaf-wove avenues, and vaulted halls. Fair virgin trains in bright procession move, Trail their long robes, and whiten all the grove; Pair after pair ... — The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society - A Poem, with Philosophical Notes • Erasmus Darwin
... its appearance at the gates of Szczytno. Only on the fifth day, well-nigh toward dark, the blast of the horn resounded in front of the bastion at the gate of the fortress. Zygfried, who was just finishing his vesper prayer, immediately dispatched a page to ... — The Knights of the Cross • Henryk Sienkiewicz
... evening's vesper was more fervent than those preceding it; for they felt they could not last much longer, and that all of ... — The Castaways • Captain Mayne Reid
... novel" in his way, which will make him "grovel hand and foot in Belial's gripe". In his malignity, he is ready to pledge his soul to Satan (leaving a flaw in the indenture), to see blasted that rose-acacia Laurence is so proud of. Here the vesper-bell interrupts his filthy and blasphemous eructations, and he turns up his eyes and folds his hands on his breast, mumbling "Plena gratia ave Virgo!" and right upon the prayer, his disgust breaks out, ... — Introduction to Robert Browning • Hiram Corson
... to agree with me. My stomach was in a very bad state, for while I was in the lower regions of the convent I ate only a small quantity of very stale hard bread once in twenty-four hours, at the ringing of the vesper bells every evening, and the water given me was that in which the holy Mother Abbess had washed her sacred feet. But I must give the holy mother credit for one good omission—she did not ... — Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal • Sarah J Richardson |