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Vertu   Listen

Love of or taste for fine objects of art.  Synonyms: connoisseurship, virtu.
Artistic quality.  Synonym: virtu.

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"Vertu" Quotes from Famous Books

... ou la mousse ou la seve Ne gratta point le triste gosier d'Eve. La soie et l'or ne brillaient point chez eux. Admirez-vous pour cela nos aieux? Il leur manquait l'industrie et l'aisance: Est-ce vertu? c'etait ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... mais n'est-il pas infiniment plus deshonorant de ne l'avoir point, qu'il n'est honorable de l'avoir? Il ne semble pas qu'il y ait tant a vanter la possession d'un attribut qu'il serait degradant de ne pas posseder: c'est une vertu negative. La condition du peuple etait pitoyable: entre le status des enfants des fabriques et l'esclavage, il etait difficile d'apercevoir une difference. A Bedlam, les alienes etaient enchaines a leurs lits de paille, en 1828, et du samedi au lundi ils etaient abandonnes a eux-memes, ...
— Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell

... Et ordonnez a ta plaisance; Pour le tres doulz pais de France Les martirs, non pas un mais tous, A jointes mains et a genoux Te requierent que tu effaces La grant doleur de France; et faces Par ta sainte digne vertu Qu'ilz aient paix; adfin que tu, Ta doulce mere et tous les sains, Et ceulx qui sont de pechiez sains, ...
— The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2 (of 2) • Anatole France

... combler les vides de son ame ou porter les fardeaux de sa destinee; c'est dans la priere qu'il cherche, quand tout lui manque, de l'appui pour sa faiblesse, de la consolation dans ses douleurs, de l'esperance pour sa vertu." (p. 22.) ...
— History of Free Thought in Reference to The Christian Religion • Adam Storey Farrar

... marvellous skill in carving ivory, tortoiseshell, and wood. Among the superior black lacquered articles, especially with flat or raised gold ornaments, I observed some, which were worthy of a place in the most valuable collections of objects of vertu. I saw some small work-tables worth at least 600 dollars (120 pounds). The baskets and carpets, made from the bamboo, are also ...
— A Woman's Journey Round the World • Ida Pfeiffer

... chaumpcloos by bataylle, Iupart oure right laate or ellys raathe. And for oure partye, the worthy Wyff of Bathe Cane shewe statutes moo than six of seven Howe wyves make hir housbandes wynne heven, [170] Maugre the feonde and al his vyolence. For theyre vertu of parfyte pacyence Partenethe not to wyves nowe adayes, Sauf on theyre housbandes for to make assayes. Ther pacyence was buryed long agoo, Gresyldes story ...
— The Disguising at Hertford • John Lydgate

... kind of agitation, but show her tact in suggesting light and cheerful subjects of conversation, which will be much aided by the introduction of any particular new book, curiosity of art, or article of vertu, which may pleasantly engage the attention of the company. "Waiting for Dinner," however, is a trying time, and there are few who have ...
— The Book of Household Management • Mrs. Isabella Beeton

... mind, the Italians produce nothing for export. In that country there are no factories, no mining operations, no ship-building, no public works, no printing presses, no tools of trade. In short, they create nothing but a few articles of vertu; and even in those arts in which alone their genius is allowed to exert itself, foreigners excel them. The best sculptors and painters at Rome are Englishmen. And as regards their soil, which might send its wheat, and wine, ...
— Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber - Or The Influence of Romanism on Trade, Justice, and Knowledge • James Aitken Wylie

... Opera. Oratorio. Palette. Pantaloon. Parapet. Pedant. Pianoforte. Piazza. Pistol. Portico. Proviso. Quarto. Regatta. Ruffian. Serenade. Sonnet. Soprano. Stanza. Stiletto. Stucco. Studio. Tenor. Terra-cotta. Tirade. Torso. Trombone. Umbrella. Vermilion. Vertu. Virtuoso. ...
— A Brief History of the English Language and Literature, Vol. 2 (of 2) • John Miller Dow Meiklejohn

... bizarre inconstance, Mon concur lui saura gre' du bien qu'elle me fait Veut'elle en d'autres lieux marquer sa bienvellance, Je lui remets ses dons sans chagrin, sans regret. Plein d'une vertu plus forte J'epouse la pauvrete' Si pour dot elle ...
— Frederick The Great and His Family • L. Muhlbach

... more familiar in his English dress as Satan. The editor has failed to find any such phrase in the works of Montesquieu. In chapter 9 of Book III of L'Esprit des Lois that author lays down the principle that 'il faut de la crainte dans un gouvernement despotique; pour la vertu, elle n'y ...
— Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official • William Sleeman

Words linked to "Vertu" :   perceptiveness, appreciation, discernment, quality, taste, virtu

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