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Vertebral column   /vˈərtəbrəl kˈɑləm/   Listen
Vertebral column

The series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord.  Synonyms: back, backbone, rachis, spinal column, spine.

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"Vertebral column" Quotes from Famous Books

... also be able, although we have only the pelvis before us, to make reliable statements concerning the position of the bones of the lower extremities of *this individual. And we shall be able to say just what the form of the thorax and the curve of the vertebral column were. This, also, we shall have in our power, more or less, to ground on the child-bearing function of woman. But we might go still further and say that this individual, who, according to its pelvic ...
— Robin Hood • J. Walker McSpadden

... bend in the middle; the vertical portion is formed by the larynx and pharynx, the horizontal by the mouth. The length of the resonator, from the vocal cords to the lips, is about 6.5 to 7 inches (vide fig. 12). The walls of the vertical portion are formed by the vertebral column and the muscles of the pharynx behind, the cartilages of the larynx and the muscles of the pharynx at the sides, and the thyroid cartilage, the epiglottis, and the root of the tongue in front; these structures form the walls of the throat and are all covered with a mucous membrane. ...
— The Brain and the Voice in Speech and Song • F. W. Mott

... extent of the thoracic region ranges perpendicularly from the root of the neck, Q, Plate 1, to the roof of the abdomen—viz., the diaphragm, P, transversely from the ribs of one side, I N, Plate 1, to those of the other, and antero-posteriorly from the sternum, H M, to the vertebral column. All this space is pulmonary, except the cardiac or median space, which, in addition to the heart, A, Plate 1, and great bloodvessels, G C B, contains the oesophagus, bronchi, &c. The ribs are the true enclosures of thoracic space, and, generally, in mammalian ...
— Surgical Anatomy • Joseph Maclise

... — N. centrality, centricalness[obs3], center; middle &c. 68; focus &c. 74. core, kernel; nucleus, nucleolus; heart, pole axis, bull's eye; nave, navel; umbilicus, backbone, marrow, pith; vertebra, vertebral column; hotbed; concentration &c. (convergence) 290; centralization; symmetry. center of gravity, center of pressure, center of percussion, center of oscillation, center of buoyancy &c.; metacenter[obs3]. V. be central &c. adj.; converge &c. 290. render central, centralize, concentrate; bring to a ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

Words linked to "Vertebral column" :   back, axial skeleton, coccyx, spinal canal, vertebra, vertebral canal, notochord, intervertebral disk, skeletal structure, spine, canalis vertebralis, intervertebral disc, tail bone, backbone, chine

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