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Upper side   /ˈəpər saɪd/   Listen
Upper side

The highest or uppermost side of anything.  Synonyms: top, top side, upside.  "Only the top side of the box was painted"

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"Upper side" Quotes from Famous Books

... time in sallying forth, all three of us, armed with magazine rifle, cutlass, and revolver. Mr. Carmichael in the middle, I on the lower, and Gazen on the upper side, or that nearest to Miss Carmichael. The rocks around were slippery with ordure, and the sickening stench of rotting skeletons made our very gorge rise. Suddenly a loud squeaking in the direction of the ...
— A Trip to Venus • John Munro

... may be bounced any number of times before being sent into the opponents' court. The one essential point is that it should be kept bounding, a ball that is dead being thrown back to the server. In bounding the ball it must always be hit or batted from the upper side with the palm of the hand. Should the ball bound very low so as to give slight opportunity for batting into the opponents' court, a player may coax it to a higher point before batting. A ball may also be worked forward or to any advantageous ...
— Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium • Jessie H. Bancroft

... quite through, bone and all, distributing it in nice and not too large pieces. A moderately-sized sole will be sufficient for three slices; namely, the head, middle, and tail. The guests should be asked which of these they prefer. A small one will only give two slices. If the sole is very large, the upper side may be raised from the bone, and then divided into pieces; and the under side afterwards served in the ...
— The Book of Household Management • Mrs. Isabella Beeton

... at one operation. Previously to this application of the air-pump, the net acting in the same way, although not to the same extent, as the wire-gauze in Davy's safety lamp, cooled down the flame so as to prevent the combustion of the filaments on the upper side: the air-pump by quickening the current of ignited gas, removes ...
— On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures • Charles Babbage

Words linked to "Upper side" :   poll, crown, desktop, pate, face, side, crest, tiptop, rooftop

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