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Untidiness   Listen

The condition of being untidy.
The trait of being untidy and messy.  Synonym: messiness.

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"Untidiness" Quotes from Famous Books

... deputation comes I can go and hide myself. It won't matter if... seven... one... seven... two... one... five... nought. I don't like untidiness myself.... Seven... two... nine... [Uses the counting-frame] I can't stand untidiness! It would have been wiser of you not to have invited ladies to to-day's ...
— Plays by Chekhov, Second Series • Anton Chekhov

... the door. At that moment LAURA sees the letter, which she has thrown on the table.] Wait a minute. I want you to mail a letter. [By this time her hair is half down, hanging loosely over her shoulders. Her waist is open at the throat, collar off, and she has the appearance of a woman's untidiness when she is at that particular stage of her toilet. Hands letter to ANNIE, but snatches it away as ANNIE turns to go. She glances at the letter long and wistfully, and her nerve fails her.] ...
— The Easiest Way - Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911 • Eugene Walter

... use them! On my honour, she does not. Look! Oh look! Untidiness I can endure, but ignorance never! The ...
— Under the Deodars • Rudyard Kipling

... do," declared Patty, stoutly. "This kind of stuff can be picked up in a jiffy, and then the room is all in order. This is temporary, you see. By untidiness, I mean dirt and dust, and bureau drawers in a ...
— Patty's Social Season • Carolyn Wells

... journey in Italy and France, although I have had glimpses of much death and seen many wounded men, I have had no really horrible impressions at all. That side of the business has, I think, been overwritten. The thing that haunts me most is the impression of a prevalent relapse into extreme untidiness, of a universal discomfort, of fields, and of ruined houses treated disregardfully.... But that is not what concerns us now in this discussion. What concerns us now is the fact that this war is producing spectacular effects so tremendous and incidents so strange, so remarkable, so ...
— War and the Future • H. G. Wells

... passage. Mrs. Baines, misliking the crowds abroad, had returned alone; she had left Constance in charge of Mr. Povey. Coming into her house by the shop and showroom, she had first noted the phenomenon of the pail —proof of her theory of Maggie's incurable untidiness. ...
— The Old Wives' Tale • Arnold Bennett

... proved very troublesome on account of lies to her family, to the officers, and to the other girls. The latter soon discovered, however, the peculiar lack of foundation for her stories. In the institution was also noted the tendency to untidiness of which her mother spoke. The authorities steadily persevered with Hazel. They secured another operation on her eye, which successfully straightened it, and she became fully "cured'' of her pelvic disease. She received instruction in a form of handicraft in which she quickly showed special ...
— Pathology of Lying, Etc. • William and Mary Healy

... everything had been scrubbed and garnished at a great expense of labor. Everything had been carefully bestowed in the place which, to his mind, seemed most suited for its disposal. Yet now, as he gazed about him at the result, he knew that only a cleanly untidiness ...
— The Twins of Suffering Creek • Ridgwell Cullum

... the affairs of this world. But who could have believed in such complete indifference, in the utter laisser-aller of such a life? Schmucke was a musical Diogenes, and he felt no shame whatever in his untidiness; in fact, he was so accustomed to it that he would probably have denied its existence. The incessant smoking of a stout German pipe had spread upon the ceiling and over a wretched wall-paper, scratched and defaced by the cat, a yellowish tinge. The ...
— A Daughter of Eve • Honore de Balzac

... soon," said Knight, calmly. "If I'd known you had a curiosity to see Bluebeard's Chamber, I'd have had it smartened up. As it is, I shouldn't dare let you peep. You, the mistress of the house before we took it over, would be critical of the state I delight to keep it in. Untidiness ...
— The Second Latchkey • Charles Norris Williamson and Alice Muriel Williamson

Words linked to "Untidiness" :   slovenliness, tidiness, uncleanliness, unkemptness, sloppiness, disarray, disorderliness, disorder, untidy

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