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Tot   /tɑt/   Listen

(past & past part. totted; pres. part. totting)
Determine the sum of.  Synonyms: add, add together, add up, sum, sum up, summate, tally, tot up, total, tote up.

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"Tot" Quotes from Famous Books

... heart on the raisins," said papa, tossing the small maiden up higher than his head, and dropping her all laughing on the door-step, "and Tot shall have them sure, if papa can find them in S——. Now good-bye, all! Willie, remember to take care of mamma, and I depend on you to get up a Christmas dinner if I don't get back. Now, wife, don't worry!" ...
— The Children's Book of Christmas Stories • Various

... de la part de Cassandre, Ouvre-lui tot la porte, et ne le fais attendre, Soudain entre en ma chambre ...
— Old and New Masters • Robert Lynd

... Piso, a very odd History, which this relation may make the more probable; and that is in the 2. Chapter of the 4. Book of his Natural History of Brasil, where he says, Porro praeter tot documenta fertilitatis circa vegetabilia & sensitiva marina telluris aemula, accidit & illud, quod paucis a Paranambucensi milliaribus, piscatoris uncum citra intentionem contingat infigi vadis petrosis, ...
— Micrographia • Robert Hooke

... on. But no one can make head or tail of these 47,000 drafts and reinforcements; no one can run them to ground. He has notified me the units and the ships, but the total coming to Maxwell and myself don't tot up to that figure, much less the portion of them detailed for the Dardanelles.[11] Now comes to-day's cable in which Egypt is spoken of as being mine, and the fatness thereof. Taking this message per se, any one might imagine I could ...
— Gallipoli Diary, Volume 2 • Ian Hamilton

... for his afternoon nap, Donald." She removed the sleepy tot from his arms and carried him away to his crib. When she returned, she resumed her task of ...
— Kindred of the Dust • Peter B. Kyne

... all kinds and qualities,—some well-to-do, some very poor, some gentle and well-mannered, some wild as steers, some brazen-faced and pushing, some sweet and shy and modest. I had one little child—a mere tot—take hold of the ribbon with which I tied my cape and ask me how much it was a yard; she also inquired about the quality of the narrow lace edge on my handkerchief, and being convinced that it was real, sharply told me to look out "it didn't get stoled." One little girl came every ...
— Stage Confidences • Clara Morris

... aliquo moriente, campanae debent pulsari; ut populus hoc audiens, oret pro illo. Pro muliere quidem bis, pro eo quod invenit asperitatem.... Pro viro vero ter pulsator.... Si autem clericus sit, tot vicibus simpulsatur, quot ordines habuit ipse. Ad ultimum vero compulsari debet cum omnibus campanis, ut ita sciat populus pro quo sit orandum."—Mr. Strutt's Man. ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 197, August 6, 1853 • Various

... captains and men of war came thither, to show their feats before the King, among whom was the strong man, namely Glowar, whose might was such that with his battle-axe he could hew down a thistle at one stroke. Thither also came the King's heir-apparent. Tiny, son of Tot, and the Queen Bebo with her maidens; and there were also the King's harpers and singing-men, and the chief poet of the court, who was ...
— The High Deeds of Finn and other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland • T. W. Rolleston

... Cum tot sustineas, et tanta negotia solus: Res Italas armis tuteris, moribus ornes, Legibus emendes: in publica commoda peccem, Si longo sermone morer ...
— The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Complete - To Which Are Added, His Lives Of The Grammarians, Rhetoricians, And Poets • C. Suetonius Tranquillus

... unfair, uneven! But sure to be all set right in heaven, Where bills like these will be checkt, some day, And the balance settled the other way: Where Lyons the curate's hard-wrung sum Will back to his shade with interest come; And Marcus, the rector, deep may rue This tot, in his favor, ...
— The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore • Thomas Moore et al

... the young male, they had once burned a cat alive, and the passion of their father and their cries under flaying had beat about in her brain for weeks after. Jealousies, each of the other, burned fiercely, and, aged three, they scratched blood from one another over the favor of the shoemaker's tot of a girl. And once, to her soul-sickness, Nikolai, the black one, had found out the vodka and drunk of it until she discovered him in a ...
— The Vertical City • Fannie Hurst

... four. One died when a mere baby from cold contracted from running about the house in winter weather in her bare feet. She was so fond of doing this that her mother could not bear to put shoes and stockings on the dear little tot. The other, a sweet, affectionate boy, suffered at regular intervals during the fifteen years of his life from acute indigestion. Directly after one of these attacks, he, as was his habit, followed the cravings of ...
— The Secret of a Happy Home (1896) • Marion Harland

... you never disappoint me. It is Garry's poor little boy who must be protected. Everybody would pity the wife, but nobody would pity the child. He will always be pointed at when he grows up. Dear little tot! He lay in my arms so sweet and fresh this morning, and put his baby hands upon my cheek, and looked so appealingly into my face. Oh, Jack, we must help him. He has ...
— Peter - A Novel of Which He is Not the Hero • F. Hopkinson Smith

... a great festival of Freemasons on St. John's Day, I remained at the Hague till the day after the celebration. The Comte de Tot, brother of the baron, who lost all his money at the seraglio, and whom I had met again at the Hague, introduced me. I was not sorry to be in company with all ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... argued a good deal as to the right quantities of lemon and sugar and nutmeg; and whether it was or was not improved by the addition of brandy, and how much; and an orange or so, and how many; and a tangerine, if you had it; and a tot of gin, if you had it left. Yet in this case too the most repeated practice proved as inadequate as the most ...
— Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard • Eleanor Farjeon

... Vos) house, clean and pleasant; and the Cure, who liked the good things of this world, brought his stout person to coffee every evening, and did not disdain to make the acquaintance of an occasional tot of British rum or ...
— The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade - August 1914 to March 1915 • Edward Lord Gleichen

... aegritudinis prospecta causa repente in deteriorem valetudinem prolapsus est, nec unquam potuit affectum corpus pristinum statum recuperare. Uxor in aliud ex alio malum regina omnium laudatissimia non multo post morbo periit. Quid mirum si Rex tot irati numinis indiciis admonitus coeperit cogitare rem male illis succedere qui vellent hoc nomine cum Dei legibus litem instituere ut diutius cum homine amicitiam gerere possent. Quid deinceps egit? Quid aliud quam quod decuit ...
— The Reign of Henry the Eighth, Volume 1 (of 3) • James Anthony Froude

... enough for passage money. I said I knew the language and the route and all the rest of it, and the outlay for the pair of us would be very little more than what it would cost him to go alone. In fact, I was going on to sketch out the trip, and tot up the items of cost, when he cut me short, and coldly intimated that he did not intend to part with a cent. He did not even plead poverty. ...
— The Recipe for Diamonds • Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne

... tot, helas, l'amour s'enflamme, Et je sens qu'il est mal aise; Que l'ami d'une belle dame, Ne soit ...
— Records of a Girlhood • Frances Anne Kemble

... Mother brought me here once when I was a little tot. We stayed about a week and the roses were all in bloom. I can see the garden now. Allison used to come over sometimes and tell me fairy stories. He told me that the long, slender gold-trimmed bottles filled with attar of roses came ...
— Old Rose and Silver • Myrtle Reed

... orders at once, Alderson supporting Dugan, who was growing weak from loss of blood. As we went to the reception room I caught sight of Tot Dennis, his hatchet face peering above the companionway at the end of the bridge deck. At sight of me his head disappeared hastily. But he had given me an idea. I hung back while the rest of our party passed into the saloon, then walked forward quickly ...
— The Pirate of Panama - A Tale of the Fight for Buried Treasure • William MacLeod Raine

... my pay and my mother's allowance tot up to three hundred and fifty a year, and, my ...
— The Squire - An Original Comedy in Three Acts • Arthur W. Pinero

... serta, unguenta iusserit ancillam ferre Veneri aut Cupidini, tuos servos servet, Venerine eas det an viro. si forte pure velle habere dixerit, 800 tot noctes reddat spurcas quot pure habuerit." haec sunt non nugae, ...
— Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi • Plautus Titus Maccius

... past one," Frank said, holding the lantern, which the pilot had left with them, to his watch. "We shall get four hours' sleep. You had better serve a tot of grog all round, George. It will keep out the ...
— The Queen's Cup • G. A. Henty

... you must remember that there are spies and spies, good spies and bad spies. All of our law-enforcement officials are spies in their attempts to crush crime. Your mother was a spy when she watched you as a little tot stealing into the pantry to poke your fist into the jam. That is what Mrs. Hutchins suspects is taking place now. Someone has got his or her fist in the jam. We must go and peek in ...
— Campfire Girls at Twin Lakes - The Quest of a Summer Vacation • Stella M. Francis

... them, and begged them to rest a while in the shade. But they were all hungry, and Charles Svendt laughingly asserted that he had swallowed so much salt-water, in rescuing Miss Penny from a watery grave, that his constitution absolutely needed a tiny tot of whisky, or ...
— Pearl of Pearl Island • John Oxenham

... being one of them at heart. So presuming that "men are but children of a larger growth," the games, pastimes and entertainments described herewith were collected, remembered and originated respectively with the view of pleasing all of the children, from the tiny tot to, and including the "grown-up," each according to their ...
— Games For All Occasions • Mary E. Blain

... "Wee Tot" wishes to say that she is getting a great many requests for ocean curiosities. She can not possibly answer all the letters, but whoever will send her a box of pretty curiosities in minerals, insects, birds' eggs, skulls and skeletons of reptiles, rare postage ...
— Harper's Young People, October 26, 1880 - An Illustrated Weekly • Various

... Tot . ecce . insignes . juvenes . quot . intuetor . non . magis . sunt . poenitendi . senatores . quam . aenitet . Persicum . nobilissimum . virum . amicum . meum . inter . imagines . majorum . suorum . Allobrogici . ...
— A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse

... Snickelfritz." He ran his fingers through the tot's golden hair. "Don't you know your ...
— Kindred of the Dust • Peter B. Kyne

... Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Jena, iv. (1886) pp. 118 sq. As to the spirit or spirits who dwell in tree tops and draw away the souls of the living to themselves, see further "Eenige bijzonderheden betreffende de Papoeas van de Geelvinksbaai van Nieuw-Guinea," Bijdragen tot de Taal- Landen Volkenkunde van Neerlandsch-Indie, ii. ...
— The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) • Sir James George Frazer

... Miss Polly, and will it tell you a story, too, when you look at it?" asked one little tot as they all crowded about her for ...
— Polly Oliver's Problem • Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin

... a contemporary writer: "Excellent musicien, et la memoire duquel sera perpetuelle pour avoir heureusement besogne les psaumes de David en francais, la plupart desquels il a mis en musique en forme de motets a quatre, cinq, six et huit parties, et sans la mort eut tot apres rendu cette oeuvre accomplie." Sommaire et vrai discours de la ...
— History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird

... height we held their lines at bay. At last the muttering guns were still; the day died slow and wan; At last the gunners pipes did fill, the sergeant's yarns began. When, as the wind a moment blew aside the fragrant flood Our brierwoods raised, within our view a little maiden stood. A tiny tot of six or seven, from fireside fresh she seemed, (Of such a little one in heaven one soldier often dreamed.) And as we stared, her little hand went to her curly head In grave salute. "And who are you?" at length the sergeant said. "And where's your home?" ...
— Poems Teachers Ask For, Book Two • Various

... the ordinary way for the time being, anyhow. I'll have to see about that. I can't promise too much. You'll have to wait until you come out of this block and down-stairs. Some of the cells have a yard there; if there are any empty—" The warden cocked his eye wisely, and Cowperwood saw that his tot was not to be as bad as he had anticipated—though bad enough. The warden spoke to him about the different trades he might follow, and asked him to think about the one he would prefer. "You want to have something to keep ...
— The Financier • Theodore Dreiser

... tiktein hubris men palaia nea— zousan en kakois brotôn hubris tot' ê tóth', hote to kyrion molê phaos tokou, daimona t' etan, amachon, apolemon, anieron thrasos, melai— nas melathroisin ...
— The Legacy of Greece • Various

... kind of stuff I like to hear," said Lyne, and poured out from the long bottle which stood on the coffee-tray a stiff tot of Sam's favourite brandy. "Now, I'll ...
— The Daffodil Mystery • Edgar Wallace

... to think of it, who would say them nay for the sake of a ton of coal, or twenty? If one grows old, he is still young in his children. There is the smallest tot at this very moment sliding under my window with shrieks of delight, in the first fall of the season, though the November election is barely a week gone, and snowballing the hired girl in quite the fashion of the good old days, with the grocer's clerk stamping his feet at the back gate ...
— Children of the Tenements • Jacob A. Riis

... between the machine and the human labor, in the race of life for that which men call success, who cares for the life of one little mill hand? And what is one tot of them from another? And if one die one month and another the next, and another the next and the next, year in and year out, who remembers it save some poverty-hardened, stooped and benumbed creature, surrounded by a scrawny brood calling ...
— The Bishop of Cottontown - A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills • John Trotwood Moore

... the grandiose title we give to the grand total of a long column of accidents when we stop to tot up the figures. So we wait till that strange sum of accidents which we call a baby is added up into a living child of determined sex before we fasten a name that changes an it to a ...
— The Cup of Fury - A Novel of Cities and Shipyards • Rupert Hughes

... than thousands of the flood sufferers who are elsewhere. There are other babies in Camp Hastings, but none of them receive half of the attention from the people in the camp that is bestowed upon this little tot, whose life began just as so many lives were ended. The baby will probably be ...
— The Johnstown Horror • James Herbert Walker

... fina, ans que fos l'enfantamens, et apres tot eissamens, receup en vos carn humana Jesu Crist, nostre salvaire, si com ses trencamen faire intra.l bels rais, quan solelha, per la ...
— The Troubadours • H.J. Chaytor

... pious standards it invariably took sides against wealth and power, sentimentalized every woman who found her way into the public prints, whether she had perpetrated a murder or endowed a hospital, simpered and slavered over any "heart-interest story" of childhood ("blue-eyed tot stuff" was the technical office term), and licked reprehensive but gustful lips over divorce, adultery, and the sexual complications. It peeped through keyholes of print at the sanctified doings of Society and snarled while ...
— Success - A Novel • Samuel Hopkins Adams

... How much would that tot to off the porter in the month? Say ten barrels of stuff. Say he got ten per cent off. O more. Fifteen. He passed Saint Joseph's National school. Brats' clamour. Windows open. Fresh air helps memory. ...
— Ulysses • James Joyce

... He advanced boldly. "It's all nonsense, child, as she is," he said. "It was natural enough, to talk with the man," for Mae had made a clean breast of her misdoings to him, to the extent of saying that they had chatted after the beggar left. "Do forgive her, poor little proud tot, away across the sea from her mother. Albert, you're as hard as a rock, and that Edith has no spirit in her," he added, under his breath. This remark made Albert white with rage. Nevertheless, he put in a plea for his wayward, reckless little sister, with effect. After a few more remarks from Mrs. ...
— Mae Madden • Mary Murdoch Mason

... et confusionem ad omnes bacularios: speramus quod eae carae et benedictae creaturae invenient tot maritos quot velint,—quod geminos quottanis habeant, et quod earum filiae, maternum exemplum sequentes, gentem Islandicam ...
— Letters From High Latitudes • The Marquess of Dufferin (Lord Dufferin)

... The tot followed Tavia to the little end room—Dorothy saw her going, and though feeling very drowsy herself (which really was the reason Tavia left her alone) Dorothy kept her eyes opened long enough to see that the mother was sound asleep, and had not ...
— Dorothy Dale • Margaret Penrose

... hands on his trousers, Rowland lifted the tot and said, tenderly: "Well, little one, you must run back to mamma. You're in bad company." The innocent eyes smiled into his own, and then—a foolish proceeding, which only bachelors are guilty of—he held her above the rail in jesting menace. "Shall I drop you over ...
— The Wreck of the Titan - or, Futility • Morgan Robertson

... taken up. All these thoughts and many more passed through the mind of Mrs. Herne, for she now knew for a certainty that such joys would be hers, and many a pleasant laugh and joke she and her husband had over the coming of a little tot. ...
— A California Girl • Edward Eldridge

... Viattus erit. Una dies geminos Phoenices non dedit orbi, Mors erit unius, vita sed alterius. Rara avis in terris confectus morte Viattus, Houerdum haeredem scripserat ante suum. Dicere nemo potest recte periisse Viattum, Ingenii cujus tot monimenta vigent. ...
— The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687) • William Winstanley

... subjective mind it must reproduce exactly the conception of itself which the objective mind of the individual, acting through his own subjective mind, impresses upon it; and at the same time as creative mind, it builds up external facts in correspondence with this conception. "Quot homines tot sententiae": each one externalizes in his outward circumstances precisely his idea of the Universal Mind; and the man who realizes that by the natural law of mind he can bring the Universal Mind into perfectly reciprocal action with its own, will on the one hand make it a source ...
— The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science • Thomas Troward

... amused themselves playing bull-fight, and among the most-applauded feats was that of Don Tancredo. One tot would get down on all fours, and another, not very heavy, would mount him and fold his arms, thrust back his chest and place a three-cornered hat of paper upon his ...
— The Quest • Pio Baroja

... thus deserted by her companions, Shoofly began a low, musical hum of a wail and walled large eyes up at Everett, at whose feet she was seated. In instant sympathetic response he applied the toe of his shoe to the small of the whimpering tot's back and proceeded awkwardly, though with the best intentions in the world, to follow the General's directions as to pacification. Rose Mary laughed as she took a tin-cup from a nail in the wall, and filling it with milk from one of the crocks, she knelt at the side ...
— Rose of Old Harpeth • Maria Thompson Daviess

... crossed the narrow seas in safety. He acquire any tincture of humane letters!—yes, when prowling foxes and yelling wolves become musicians. He read the glorious blazoning of the firmament!—ay, when sordid moles shall become lynxes. Post tot promissa—after so many promises made, to entice me from the Court of the magnificent Matthias, where Hun and Turk, Christian and Infidel, the Czar of Muscovia and the Cham of Tartary themselves, contended to load me with gifts—doth he think I am to abide in this old ...
— Quentin Durward • Sir Walter Scott

... now in the moighty Pacific, eh?" he exclaimed in high elation. "Bedad that's good news, annyhow, and we'll cilibrate the occasion by takin' an exthry tot o' grog all round, and dhrinkin' shuccess to the v'yage. But, sthop a minute; ye want to know where ye're to shape a coorse for, now? By the powers, misther, I'll tell ye that same in a brace of shakes. Let me go and get the paper out o' me chist, ...
— The Castaways • Harry Collingwood

... society known as the "Vereenigung tot bevordering van vreemdelingenverkeer," whose ambition, as their title suggests, is to draw strangers to the town; and as part of their campaign they have issued a little guide to Leeuwarden and its environs, in English. It is an excellent ...
— A Wanderer in Holland • E. V. Lucas

... great Saracen to this tot of a broncho, and the grand homme to little Jacques Brillon." Jacques was ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

... Et Sanctus Ambrosius, Sanctus Augustinus, et alii omnes zelossimi doctores non sciebant ipsi bene tot, sicut iste Ribaldi? M. Ort. Ipsi deberent interponere suis. M. Lup. Non bene indigemus de suo Graeco. M. Ging. Videtur eis, qui sciunt dicere tou, tou, logos, monsotiros, legoim, taff, hagiotatos, quod ipse sciunt plus quam Deus. M. Ort. Magister ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 38, Saturday, July 20, 1850 • Various

... stupefying charivari, with tributary processions that quite overflowed the city. The house of "confections" yielded me no broadcloth of a cut or dimension suitable to my figure. But my two friends chose me a hat, a light pale-tot (my second purchase in that sort on this eventful journey), a scented cambric handkerchief, a rosebud, and a snowy waistcoat, in which, as in a whited sepulchre, I concealed the decay of my toilet. These changes were judged to be sufficient ...
— Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Vol. XV., No. 85. January, 1875. • Various

... expenses are much the same as at Rome, and no matter how you try to economize and cut down expenditure, you will find, when you arrive home and tot up the figures, that the average amount per day, travelling included, is no less than L1 for each person. You may of course forego wines, etc., but in so doing you take your chance of being poisoned with the water, which is very bad here, and which no one ...
— Fair Italy, the Riviera and Monte Carlo • W. Cope Devereux

... of May, Noel and I, drifting about the town, heard many a wide-mouthed lout let go his joke and his laugh, and then move tot he next group, proud of his wit and happy, to ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... at Jim's call, and handed him a tot. This Jim took into his mouth. He rolled it round his gums, he wagged his tongue in it. He let it flow far back into his throat, and then brought it forward again. Kalaza came and stood before him, and opened his mouth wide. Into this, Jim deliberately, and with ...
— Kafir Stories - Seven Short Stories • William Charles Scully

... lassies to spin wool for making blankets and lint for sheets and napery. She sent the butter on market days to Irville, her cheese and huxtry to Glasgow. We were just coining money, in so much that, after the first year, we had the whole tot of stipend to put ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol IV. • Editors: Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton

... invitum, Fratres cum militibus velut compeditum Stringunt, nec discedere sinunt expeditum. Erat in exercitu maximus tumultus, Cum carorum cernerent alternari vultus. Flebant omnes pariter, senex et adultus, Turbae cum militibus, cultus et incultus. Eja! Quis non plangeret, cum videret flentes Tot honestos nobiles, tam diversas gentes, Cum Thuringis Saxones illuc venientes, Ut viderent socios suos abscedentes. Amico luctamine cuncti certavere, Quis eum diutius posset retinere; uidam collo brachiis, quidam inhaesere Vestibus, nec poterat cuiguam respondere, Tandem ...
— The Saint's Tragedy • Charles Kingsley

... the result that it no longer had to waste its days chewing the cud. We cut away steaks by bringing the bayonet into service, but had no fat in which to fry the savoury article. The more tender portions were eaten raw—we were hungry—and the remainder fried with water and a tot of rum. A rum steak—it was "rum," inflicted us with gumboils for ...
— Norman Ten Hundred - A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry • A. Stanley Blicq

... Mr. Shakspeare would write a new play," grumbled Sidney. "All these revivals make him lazy. Heavens! what his fees must tot up to! If I were not sustained by the presence of you two girls, I should no more survive the fifth act than most of the characters. Why don't they brighten the piece up ...
— Children of the Ghetto • I. Zangwill

... drawn back to her cash-register, Redfield turned to say: "My dear young lady, I don't suppose you remember me, but I knew you when you were a tot of five or six. I knew your ...
— Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger - A Romance of the Mountain West • Hamlin Garland

... Peu connu dans l'histoire, Se levant tard, se couchant tot, Dormant fort bien sans gloire, Et couronne par Jeanneton D'un simple bonnet de coton, Dit-on. Oh! oh! oh! oh! ah! ah! ah! ah! Quel bon petit ...
— French Lyrics • Arthur Graves Canfield

... series of smiles, which Attilio interpreted as best he could. She insisted upon producing some apples and a bottle of wine, and I was interested to notice that she poured out to her various male offspring, down to the tiniest tot, but drank not a drop herself, nor gave any to her big ...
— Alone • Norman Douglas

... Tot." My papa writes this letter for me. By-and-by I will write myself. I have shells, and ocean mosses, and stuffed birds that don't sing, and a big owl, and some alligators, and—oh! I don't know—lots of things. I wish ...
— Harper's Young People, April 27, 1880 - An Illustrated Weekly • Various

... canvas bags on their backs, and they rolled into port at noon, in the nick of time to serve Elliott's purpose. They were indubitably tired, but he gave them not a moment for rest. A ration of meat and bread and a stiff tot of grog, and they turned to and manned the boats which were to cut out the two British brigs when ...
— The Fight for a Free Sea: A Chronicle of the War of 1812 - The Chronicles of America Series, Volume 17 • Ralph D. Paine

... their work was not published and was superseded by that of Jones, Colebrooke and others. Most valuable information on Hindu religion was given by the Dutch preacher Abraham Roger in his well known book De Open-Deure tot het Verborgen Heydendom, published at Leyden in 1651, two years after the author's death. This book also gave to the West the first specimen of Sanskrit literature in the shape of a Dutch version of two hundred maxims of Bhartrhari, not a direct translation from the Sanskrit, ...
— The Influence of India and Persia on the Poetry of Germany • Arthur F. J. Remy

... d' hot' en aigialo polyechei; kyma thalasses ornyt' epassyteron Zephyrou hypo kinesantos; ponto men te prota koryssetai, autar epeita cherso rhegnymenon megala bremei, amphi de t' akras kyrton eon koryphoutai, apoptyei d' halos achnen; hos tot' epassyterai Danaon kinynto phalanges nolemeos polemonde. keleue de oisin hekastos hegemonon; oi d' alloi aken isan, oude ke phaies tosson laon hepesthai echont' en stethesin auden, sige, deidiotes semantoras; amphi de pasi teuchea ...
— Political and Literary essays, 1908-1913 • Evelyn Baring

... men! But I see you're about all in. I shan't bother you with any more questions now. Williams, see these men have a change, and a tot of rum. And some of you give 'em a good rub down. ...
— On Land And Sea At The Dardanelles • Thomas Charles Bridges

... over and the situation explained to her. Like all only children, living constantly in the society of her parents, and sharing their talk and plans, she was precociously old for her age, and more serious and thoughtful than a little tot ought to be. Though her lower lip trembled, and her eyes flooded with tears, she put on a brave face to it, and protested her willingness to remain with Nantok and be ...
— Wild Justice: Stories of the South Seas • Lloyd Osbourne

... knowing much of the nature of the Gurkhas, treated them as they would treat any other "niggers," and the little men in green trotted back to their firm friends the Highlanders, and with many grins confided to them:—"That dam white, regiment no dam use. Sulky—ugh! Dirty—ugh! Hya, any tot for Johnny?" Whereat the Highlanders smote the Gurkhas as to the head, and told them not to vilify a British Regiment, and the Gurkhas grinned cavernously, for the Highlanders were their elder brothers and ...
— Indian Tales • Rudyard Kipling

... the King's cane; away ran the terrified instructor; and Frederic's classical studies ended forever. He now and then affected to quote Latin sentences, and produced such exquisitely Ciceronian phrases as these: "Stante pede morire;" "De gustibus non est disputandus;" "Tot verbas tot spondera." Of Italian he had not enough to read a page of Metastasio with ease; and of the Spanish and English, he did not, as far as we are aware, ...
— Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... a sign of, and I followed him like a weasel follows a rabbit. As good a boy as ever lived! I've seen him with Sir Huon and the Lady Esclairmonde stepping just as they stepped to avoid the track of Cold Iron in a furrow, or walking wide of some old ash-tot because a man had left his swop-hook or spade there; and all his heart aching to go straightforward among folk in housen all the time. Oh, a good boy! They always intended a fine fortune for him—but they ...
— Rewards and Fairies • Rudyard Kipling

... gone, the bo'sun had set the men to clearing out the main cabin; after which, he had served out two biscuits apiece all round, and a tot of rum. To Josh, when he appeared, he gave the same, and, in a little, we called a sort of council; being sufficiently stayed by the food ...
— The Boats of the "Glen Carrig" • William Hope Hodgson

... Yarrell-Smith went on as the tot was filled. "First place, the Bosch has finished hating us for to-night and gone to bye-bye. Secondly, it's starting to sleet—and that vicious, a man can't see five yards in ...
— Foe-Farrell • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... ist nun, die mich erzog und stillte, Tot ist nun die jugendliche Welt, Diese Brust, die einst ein Himmel fuellte, Tot und duerftig wie ein Stoppelfeld; Ach es singt der Fruehling meinen Sorgen Noch, wie einst, ein freundlich troestend Lied, Aber hin ist meines Lebens Morgen, Meines Herzens ...
— Types of Weltschmerz in German Poetry • Wilhelm Alfred Braun

... amongs the Jurise.[287] raising 2 quoest. 1'o, utrum recentiores sunt proeferendi antiquioribus: 2'do, utrum juniores natu maioribus, wheir he ran out on the advantage of youth: Quot video Juvenes candidatos tot mihi videor videre aequissimos Servios, sublimissimos Papinianos gravissimos Ulpianos, et disertissimos Cicerones: quod plura[288] stellae indubio[289] sunt jae magnitudines in Sphaera ...
— Publications of the Scottish History Society, Vol. 36 • Sir John Lauder

... no difficulty in purchasing whisky, and be ordered the sergeant to serve out a tot to each man with his dinner and another half an hour later, and by seven o'clock there was scarcely one of the tired men who was not already asleep. The next morning they started at eight o'clock, having had a breakfast of potatoes before they fell ...
— One of the 28th • G. A. Henty

... pupils was a little deaf-mute tot, five years of age, named Georgie Sanders. Bell had agreed to give him a series of private lessons for $350 a year; and as the child lived with his grandmother in the city of Salem, sixteen miles from Boston, it was agreed that Bell should make his home with the Sanders ...
— The History of the Telephone • Herbert N. Casson

... If you tot all this up, you will find it has now reached the not inconsiderable sum of fifteen shillings and tenpence. This is how the rich person like Celia lives. There still remains a balance of four shillings and twopence to be expended on clothing, bus fares, insurance and amusement. Quite an adequate—indeed, ...
— The Woman's Way • Charles Garvice

... Holland, I may add that Herr Vermeulen (General Secretary of the "Maatschappy" ["Maatschappy tot bevordering der toonkunst."]) is coming to see me here early in August. This offers me a good opportunity of being of service to you in regard to your concert arrangements in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, etc., of ...
— Letters of Franz Liszt, Volume 1, "From Paris to Rome: - Years of Travel as a Virtuoso" • Franz Liszt; Letters assembled by La Mara and translated

... tot, ye'll see Daddy then; He's in below the bed claes, to cuddle ye he's fain; Noo nestle to his bosie, sleep and dream yer fill, Till Wee Davie Daylicht ...
— The Home Book of Verse, Vol. 1 (of 4) • Various

... du, Alter Hunne, (heimlich)[7] lockst du mich 40 Mit deinen Worten, willst mit dem Speer mich werfen, Bist worden so alt nur immer Trug sinnend. Das sagten mir Leute, die zur See gefahren Westwrts ber den Wendelsee:[8] Hinweg nahm der Krieg ihn, Tot ist Hildebrand, Heribrands Sohn." 45 Hildebrand erhob das Wort, Heribrands Sohn: ...[9] "Wohl hr' ich's und seh' es an deinem Harnisch, Dass du daheim hast einen Herrn so gut, Dass unter diesem Frsten du flchtig nie ...
— An anthology of German literature • Calvin Thomas

... him best as a tiny tot, A bonny babe, though it's me that speaks; Laughing there in his little cot, With his sunny hair and his apple cheeks. And my! but the blue, blue eyes he'd got, And just where his wee mouth dimpled dim Such a fairy mark like a ...
— Ballads of a Bohemian • Robert W. Service

... only looked all right, but he likewise was in the best of spirits, possibly from the tot of rum Tim Rooney had given him after his soup, to "pull him together," as the boatswain said; for, ere I left the precincts of the forecastle he volunteered to sing a song, and as I made my way aft I heard the beginning of some plaintive ditty concerning a "may-i-den ...
— Afloat at Last - A Sailor Boy's Log of his Life at Sea • John Conroy Hutcheson

... neighboring Diarbekir, before I received the copy. In Mardn itself the return of the book was loudly demanded, as soon as they knew I was having it copied. Iwas indeed delighted when, through the kindness of friends, post tot discrimina rerum I received ...
— Chips from a German Workshop - Volume IV - Essays chiefly on the Science of Language • Max Muller

... to appraise and make an inventory of all that remained on the place that he could call his own still and sell. There was some timber left. Then all the stock on the home farm would be disposed of. As he endeavoured to 'tot' this up he noticed a figure swinging along across the park at a great pace. Was a stranger ...
— Border Ghost Stories • Howard Pease

... led a boy just old enough to toddle. She lifted him carefully up to the seat (she who should have been lifted herself!), took his hat, smoothed his damp, curly hair, and tucked his head down on her shoulder, a shoulder that had begun its life-work full early, poor tot! The boy was a feeble, frail, ill-nourished, dirty young urchin, who fell asleep as soon as his head touched her arm. His child-nurse, having made him comfortable, gave a sigh of relief, and looked up and ...
— Marm Lisa • Kate Douglas Wiggin

... you gen'lemen's supper, gen'lemen, but Tot and those black fellows want something with more stay in it. The way in which they can stow away food makes even me stare, and I'm not a bad fist with the knife. You see, I have a lot to keep going; but I am nothing to one of them. I shouldn't like to leave them in charge ...
— Dead Man's Land - Being the Voyage to Zimbambangwe of certain and uncertain • George Manville Fenn

... doux de prononger les moments de la voir encore, mais la sagesse demande que tout se fasse avec ordre; voila pourquoi notre chere enfant vous est confiee plus tot; que le seigneur l'accompagne et vous aussi, precieux amis; nous vous confions tous trois a la garde divine, et nous vous assurons encore ici de l'affection Chretienne qui unit nos ames aux votres en Celui ...
— Memoir and Diary of John Yeardley, Minister of the Gospel • John Yeardley

... not. She knew absolutely nothing about her identity—who she was, who her people had been—of course, it was safe to say she was an orphan—where she had lived before she came to the Higbee Endowed School when she was a little tot, who paid her tuition here, or what was to become of her when she ...
— A Little Miss Nobody - Or, With the Girls of Pinewood Hall • Amy Bell Marlowe

... aliquos manes, et subterranea regna, "Et contum, & Stygio ranas in gurgite nigras, "Atq. una transire vadum tot millia cymba. ...
— Ballads of Mystery and Miracle and Fyttes of Mirth - Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Second Series • Frank Sidgwick

... went the King's cane away ran the terrified instructor; and Frederic's classical studies ended for ever. He now and then affected to quote Latin sentences, and produced such exquisitely Ciceronian phrases as these: "Stante pede morire"—"De gustibus non est disputandus,"—"Tot verbas tot spondera." Of Italian, he had not enough to read a page of Metastasio with ease; and of the Spanish and English, he did not, as far as we are aware, ...
— Critical and Historical Essays Volume 2 • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... t'aurais ecrit plus tot pour te souhaiter ta fete, qui est aujourd'hui, mais je n'esperais pas que ma lettre put te parvenir, comme tu etais en route. Je n'ai jamais pu savoir ce que souhaiter une fete voulait dire, mais ...
— Philip Gilbert Hamerton • Philip Gilbert Hamerton et al

... started it all. I was looking at the stars, trying to see the pictures, when I should have been minding my sentry post. They took me like a baby, like a tot not yet given to the wearing of clothing. The hand came out of the darkness and clamped over my mouth, and I ceased my struggling when I felt a sharp blade pricking at ...
— The One and the Many • Milton Lesser

... hurry as you can imagine; I may be but a poor nervous wreck already, as I am; I may be quivering to be up and away from there, but he dabs me with his towel—he dabs me until reason totters on her throne—sometimes just a tiny tot, as the saying goes, or it may be that the whole cerebral structure is involved—and then when he is apparently all through the Demoniac Dabber comes back and dabs me one more fiendish, deliberate and premeditated ...
— Cobb's Anatomy • Irvin S. Cobb

... whole city with awe. St. Francis was preaching in one of the streets during Lent. He happened to pause and address a crowd near the house of an impious, ill conducted woman, who came immediately to her window to laugh and mock at the man of God. Having gratified herself tot he disgust of the crowd, she finally slammed to the window violently, uttering at the same time some filthy and unbecoming remark. St. Francis stood immovable fro a moment; his eye was fixed on heaven; and then, in a voice head half over the city, he cried out: "My God, how terrible ...
— Alvira: the Heroine of Vesuvius • A. J. O'Reilly

... It was, therefore, thought a hard thing, that in the reparation which the seats had come to require in my time, the heritors and corporation should be obligated to pay the cost and expense of what was so clearly the property of others; while it seemed an impossibility to get the whole tot of the proprietors of the pews to bear the expense of new-seating the kirk. We had in the council many a long and weighty sederunt on the subject, without coming to any practical conclusion. At last, I thought the best way, as the kirk was ...
— The Provost • John Galt

... tot de kennis der koffie, mededeeling uit het laboratorium van het Kolonial museum te ...
— All About Coffee • William H. Ukers

... make an inventory of all that remained on the place that he could call his own still and sell. There was some timber left. Then all the stock on the home farm would be disposed of. As he endeavoured to 'tot' this up he noticed a figure swinging along across the park at a great pace. Was a stranger ...
— Border Ghost Stories • Howard Pease

... but that's the tot. I can show the bills:" and Sir Louis, well pleased with his triumph, swallowed a ...
— Doctor Thorne • Anthony Trollope

... und Beppo./ In das Deutsche bertragen/ von/ Wilhelm Schffer./ Stulta est elementia, quam tot ubique/ Vatibus occurras, peritur parcere chart./ Juvenal./ [Emblem—Griffin with shield bearing motto "F.A.B. 1805."] Leipzig: ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 7. - Poetry • George Gordon Byron

... once when she was a little tot and he a lad, he had acted as her horse, trotting around the old studio with the little scamp on his back, pulling his hair and pounding him with ...
— Woman Triumphant - (La Maja Desnuda) • Vicente Blasco Ibanez

... reviewed the story of his thraldom. He thought of how, in his short-dress days, he had been put to rocking a cradle; how in his kilted days, there had been ever a baby's calico dress to consider; how, from his earliest fishing-days, there had been always a tot tagging after him, throwing sticks and stones in the water to scare the fish; and how, now in his swimming and cave-dwelling days, there was a swarm of tow-headed Searses, a crawler, a creeper, a toddler, a stumbler, and a ...
— The Court of Boyville • William Allen White

Words linked to "Tot" :   bambino, small indefinite amount, numerate, youngster, kid, nipper, tote up, add together, count, tot up, small fry, sum up, shaver, minor, child, fry, enumerate, number, tally, tike, small indefinite quantity, tiddler, nestling, tyke

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