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Tartar emetic   /tˈɑrtər ɪmˈɛtɪk/   Listen
Tartar emetic

A poisonous colorless salt used as a mordant and in medicine.  Synonym: antimony potassium tartrate.

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"Tartar emetic" Quotes from Famous Books

... conception. The extraordinary and disgraceful prevalence of bleeding scarcely fifty years ago, for instance; the murderous doses of calomel and other violent purges; the indiscriminate use of powerful emetics like tartar emetic and ipecac; the universal practice of starving or "reducing" fevers by a diet of slops, were all obvious survivals of the expulsion-of-the-demon theory of treatment. Their chief virtue lay in their violence and repulsiveness. ...
— Preventable Diseases • Woods Hutchinson

... Antimony (tartar emetic). { Emetic if vomiting is not already { profuse; then tannic acid freely, or { strong tea; later, milk or other { soothing drinks; finally, castor oil { ...
— The Mother and Her Child • William S. Sadler

... That I will! For I have got lots and loads to tell you about that grand vilyun! You needn't think I came here to stop the marriage because I cared for him! Not I! I'm that sick of the beast that the very sight of him is tartar emetic! What i' the name o' sense ever come over a purty gal like your daughter to take up with a man like him? And a man older and uglier than her own father? Good land! I didn't mean to say that! I beg your pardon, sir; I didn't indeed! I meant ...
— Her Mother's Secret • Emma D. E. N. Southworth

... number of cases of colic occurred among both whites and blacks, on both occasions resulting simply from gastronomic excesses, first in Teita and then at the Naivasha lake; and these were also cured, without evil results, by the use of tartar emetic. These sanitary conditions, exceptionally favourable for African journeys, even in the healthy highlands, were the result of the judicious marching arrangements, and, particularly among us whites, ...
— Freeland - A Social Anticipation • Theodor Hertzka

... of his ill-nature. He returned to the school-room; but, when they were dismissed for that day, he told some of the larger boys of his discovery. Their plan was soon arranged. Early the next morning a bottle of whiskey, having tartar emetic in it, was placed in the bower, and the other bottle thrown away. At the usual hour, the lads were sent out to play, and the master started on his walk. But their play was to come afterward; they longed ...
— Life & Times of Col. Daniel Boone • Cecil B. Harley

... chamber room soon after, and upon feeling the General's pulse &c., the Physicians went out together. Dr. Craik soon after returned. The General could now swallow a little—about four o'clock Calomel and tartar emetic were administered; but without any effect. About half past four o'clock, he desired me to ask Mrs. Washington to come to his bedside—when he requested her to go down into his room and take from his desk two wills which she would find there, and bring them ...
— George Washington • William Roscoe Thayer

Words linked to "Tartar emetic" :   mordant, tartrate

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