"Stratification" Quotes from Famous Books
... terrace overlooking the slope of the hill gives access to the shallow upper grotto, in which were found the remains of an altar, and close by a table of offerings, while the ground beneath the floor of the cave yielded, in regular stratification, Kamares ware, immediately above the virgin soil; then glazed ware, with cloudy brown stripes on a creamy slip; then regular Mycenaean ware, with the familiar marine and plant designs; and, uppermost, bronze. The lower grotto has at first ... — The Sea-Kings of Crete • James Baikie
... of the Earth's Crust. Classification of Rocks according to their Origin and Age. Aqueous Rocks. Their Stratification and imbedded Fossils. Volcanic Rocks, with and without Cones and Craters. Plutonic Rocks, and their Relation to the Volcanic. Metamorphic Rocks, and their probable Origin. The term Primitive, why erroneously applied to the Crystalline Formations. Leading Division ... — The Student's Elements of Geology • Sir Charles Lyell
... which it was composed. These layers are of gravel, earth, and sand, the latter being only a few inches thick. Mounds made in this manner are called stratified mounds, and all altar mounds are probably of this kind. The lines of stratification have been described as curving so as to correspond with the shape of the mound, and such we are told is ... — The Prehistoric World - Vanished Races • E. A. Allen
... the "stratification" of the Trades Unions, there is a cleavage cutting across the Communist Party itself and uniting in opinion, though not in voting, the Mensheviks and a section of their Communist opponents. This cleavage is over the question of "workers' control." Most of those who, before the revolution, ... — The Crisis in Russia - 1920 • Arthur Ransome
... walnuts germinate readily if the nuts are viable and if those planted in the spring are properly stratified over winter. To find out just what effect spring and fall planting has on germination and to compare various methods of stratification, three seedlots were given the following ... — Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Report • Various
... the history of a soul? It is the stratification of its different stages of progress, the story of its acquisitions and of the general course of its destiny. Before my history can teach anybody anything, or even interest myself, it must be disentangled from its materials, distilled and simplified. ... — Amiel's Journal • Mrs. Humphry Ward
... and dingy white colour, slightly tinged with green and marked by long parallel dark gray veins of unequal breadth. The metamorphic action was not sufficiently energetic to destroy the last traces of organic matter and the original stratification of the rock; and the crystallising force was not sufficiently exercised to allow of the entire rearrangement of the whole of the particles so as to expel the included impurities. This marble was not therefore ... — Roman Mosaics - Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood • Hugh Macmillan
... covered by shallow water. One specimen of galena showed traces of copper. The rock which prevails on each side of the vein is a hard compact gneiss, abounding with garnets, some of which are of good colour, but mostly full of flaws; the stratification of the gneiss is somewhat confused, but it generally dips at a high angle (sometimes nearly perpendicular) to the westward, the strike being north and south. The facilities which the position of the lode offers for mining are ... — Journals of Australian Explorations • A C and F T Gregory |