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Stanchion   Listen

(Written also stanchel)
Any vertical post or rod used as a support.

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"Stanchion" Quotes from Famous Books

... we had anchored, seeing no sign of life ashore, and they told me it was the Bar. We must wait for high water. Away ahead was the bar buoy, a white blob on the water. I stood leaning against a stanchion trying to sense the atmosphere of the place until the Second called me, for there was something to do. There was always something to do in that terrible old ship. I went down, and together we wrestled with the dynamo-engine, ...
— Aliens • William McFee

... inevitable. Already were both decks swept of everything that was on them. The dining cabin was entirely gone, and everything belonging to the quarter-deck was completely stripped off, leaving not even a stanchion or particle of the bulwarks; and all this was the work of about ...
— Diary in America, Series Two • Frederick Marryat (AKA Captain Marryat)

... rope which held the dinghy to a stanchion beside the tiller. Then he and his father proceeded to hoist the foresail so as to ...
— The Firm of Girdlestone • Arthur Conan Doyle

... time we simply stood and wondered. For that slip of a figure in khaki, high up there with one hand on the stanchion and the other tapping the rail, was telling them a thousand times better than any of us could ever have put it to himself exactly the things one would have ...
— Letters from France • C. E. W. Bean

... or semi-consciousness, in an ill-smelling place. His first impulse was to raise his hands to his aching head, but he could not do this on account of two iron bands that held his wrists to a stanchion. His legs, too, he next became vaguely aware, were fastened by a similar contrivance to the deck. He closed his eyes, and leaned back; the throbbings seemed to beat on his brain like the angry surf, smiting harder and harder until nature at length came to his relief and oblivion ...
— A Man and His Money • Frederic Stewart Isham

... and he was soon overpowered. We threw him out of the cabin-window. Another party threw the officer of the watch over the larboard quarter, but he, being young and active, caught hold of the hammock-stanchion, when one of the men cut his hands off, and he soon dropped astern. The first lieutenant had been ill and keeping his cot, but on hearing the noise, he came up the hatchway in his shirt, when one of the carpenter's crew cut him down with an axe, and he was sent overboard ...
— A Sailor of King George • Frederick Hoffman

Words linked to "Stanchion" :   post

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