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Songstress   Listen

A woman songster (especially of popular songs).

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"Songstress" Quotes from Famous Books

... Sweet songstress! whom the melancholy Muse With more than fondness lov'd, for thee she strung The lyre, on which herself enraptur'd hung, And bade thee through the world its sweets diffuse. Oft hath my childhood's tributary tear Paid homage to the sad, ...
— Poetic Sketches • Thomas Gent

... said that his cut was as magnificent as that of any man in the profession. Woolsey and Eglantine were rivals in many ways—rivals in fashion, rivals in wit, and, above all, rivals for the hand of an amiable young lady whom we have already mentioned, the dark-eyed songstress Morgiana Crump. They were both desperately in love with her, that was the truth; and each, in the absence of the other, abused his rival heartily. Of the hairdresser Woolsey said, that as for Eglantine being his real name, it was all his (Mr. Woolsey's) eye; that ...
— Men's Wives • William Makepeace Thackeray

... almost as reckless a rider as myself. She was truly a famous rider, and a woman who sits well on a horse can never be aught but graceful. She was, in fact, youthful and charming, with the most magnificent black eyes I ever beheld in a Teutonic head; witty, besides, and a songstress of no ordinary talent. If I had been in love with her—which I solemnly vow I was not!—I should have called her beautiful and exhausted my store ...
— The Princess Elopes • Harold MacGrath

... straightway came the Nightingale to me, And said, "Forsooth, my friend, do I thank thee, That thou wert near to rescue me; and now, Unto the God of Love I make a vow, That all this May I will thy songstress be." ...
— Playful Poems • Henry Morley

... Such a treat—or such treating:—did never take place. While the Primrose Dames fretted, the Unionists fumed, She merely the thread of her roundel resumed; And the Duncanites whispered—"'Tis most underhand! We must send for a songstress to match ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 101, July 25, 1891 • Various

... midshipman responding, she then sang another, until she had sung them all, waiting each time for the response. The wall was not more than eight feet high, and Gascoigne now determined, with the assistance of Jack, to have a sight of his unknown songstress. He asked Captain Hogg to bring on shore some inch line, and he contrived to make a ladder with three or four poles which were upstairs, used for drying linen. He fixed them against the wall without noise, all ready for the evening. It was a beautiful clear moonlight night, when he went ...
— Mr. Midshipman Easy • Captain Frederick Marryat

... the prince of poets, Yehuda Halevi, is accredited with a soulful religious poem hitherto attributed to her father, and Rabbi Joseph ibn Nagdela's wife was esteemed the most learned and representative woman in Granada. Even in the choir of Arabic-Andalusian poets we hear the voice of a Jewish songstress, Kasmune, the daughter of the poet Ishmael. Only a few blossoms of her delicate poetry have been preserved.[31] Catching sight of her young face in the mirror, she ...
— Jewish Literature and Other Essays • Gustav Karpeles

... some stage-robbers, and quite opportune for this, he thought. He liked things to be done legally. The turmoil of execration and fierce curiosity thrashed about for the right man to pitch on for this crime. The murdered woman had been so good company, so hearty a wit, such a robust songstress, so tireless a dancer, so thoroughly everybody's friend, that it was inconceivable to the mind of Salvation Gap that anybody there had done it. The women were crying and wringing their hands—the Gazelle had been good to them too; the men were talking and cursing, all but Drylyn there among them, ...
— Red Men and White • Owen Wister

... gathered round the blind songstress. Arthur stood behind her, and Helen saw tears glistening in his eyes. She did not wonder at his emotion, for accustomed as she was to hear her, she never could hear Alice sing without feeling ...
— Helen and Arthur - or, Miss Thusa's Spinning Wheel • Caroline Lee Hentz

... been very prolific in the production of hymns. The venerable and devout blind songstress, Fanny Crosby (whom I often meet at the house of my beloved neighbor, Mr. Ira D. Sankey), has produced very many hundreds of them—none of very high poetic merit, but many of them of such rich spiritual savour, and set to such stirring ...
— Recollections of a Long Life - An Autobiography • Theodore Ledyard Cuyler

Words linked to "Songstress" :   songster

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