"So-so" Quotes from Famous Books
... laugh if you will, but a vine-dresser of the neighborhood named Garrigue, without doubt a descendant of Garrigou, has assured me that one Christmas night, finding himself a little so-so-ish, he became lost on the mountain beside Trinquelague, and behold what he saw! At eleven o'clock, nothing. All was silent, dark, lifeless. Suddenly, toward midnight, a chime sounded up above from a clock, an old, old chime which seemed six leagues ... — In the Yule-Log Glow, Book I - Christmas Tales from 'Round the World • Various
... a mosaic worker. "Many years ago Hadrian sent a picture to me that he had painted; I was to make a mosaic from it. It was a fruit piece. Melons, gourds, apples, and green leaves. The drawing was but so-so, and the color impossibly vivid, still the composition was pleasing from its solidity and richness. And after all, when one sees it, one cannot but feel that such superfluity is better than meagreness and feebleness. The larger fruits, especially under the exuberant sappy foliage, were ... — Uarda • Georg Ebers
... much to pay, she begs to hint She hopes sincerely you'll not spare the Mint. MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN, The public till, I much regret to say, is looking ill; For Canada and China, and the Whigs—no, no— Some other prigs—have left the cash so-so: But as our soldiers and our tars, brave lads, Won't shell out shells till we shell out the brads, Her Majesty desires you'll be so kind As to devise some means to raise the wind, Either by taxing more or taxing less, Relieving or increasing our distress; Or by increasing ... — Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 1, August 28, 1841 • Various
... gathered on the mouth, kissed and stretched out and spread, intimate a dainty morsel. The open hand stretched out horizontally, and gently shaken, intimates that a thing is so-so, not good and not bad. (Butler.) Compare also the Neapolitan sign given by De Jorio, see Fig. 62, p. 286, supra. Cardinal Wiseman gives as the Italian sign for good "the hand thrown upwards and the head back with a prolonged ... — Sign Language Among North American Indians Compared With That Among Other Peoples And Deaf-Mutes • Garrick Mallery
... youngsters, where, over a cigar, they soon made acquaintance with each other and with the ship's officers. By luncheon-time they had mutually arrived at the conclusion that they were likely to get on exceedingly well together, that the captain was a capital fellow, the mates but so-so, the midshipmen very gentlemanly lads, and the ship everything that could be wished; and that, on the whole, they were justified in expecting the passage to be as pleasant as it was likely to prove long. ... — The Missing Merchantman • Harry Collingwood
... Oh, so-so. Ask for oatmeal at breakfast and they send to the livery stable for a peck of oats and ask you please to be so kind as to show them how ... — A Book of Burlesques • H. L. Mencken
... John Hawkins, did not manage things well, for there was no anthem or choir service performed—no lesson—but merely what is read over every old woman that is buried by the parish. Dr. Taylor read the service but so-so.' Johnstone's ... — Life Of Johnson, Volume 4 (of 6) • Boswell
... all pretty well. Your mother has been troubled by a cold, but is over it I hope. The girls are well, and have as many opinions with as few acts as ever; and Custis is so-so. We have had accounts of Lawrence Butler's wedding, and all were as gay as a flock of snow-birds. They regretted your absence. I will ask your mother to send you reports. I am tolerable and wish I could get down ... — Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee • Captain Robert E. Lee, His Son
... "Well, so-so," remarked the squire, indifferently. "I helped him to go to California; but I am not sure whether it was a wise step. I let my feelings get the ... — The Young Miner - or Tom Nelson in California • Horatio Alger, Jr. |