"Sirrah" Quotes from Famous Books
... false," rejoined the cardinal, "and you can now contradict it on your own experience. Harkee, sirrah! ... — Windsor Castle • William Harrison Ainsworth
... head, exclaimed, 'Pardon, milor, j'en aurais un horreur parfait.' 'I tell you,' replied our gracefully recumbent hero, 'that it is so, Coridon; and I ascribe it to your partiality for that detestable wine called Port. Confine yourself to Hock and Moselle, sirrah: I fear me, you have a base hankering after mutton and beef. Restrict yourself to salads, and do not sin even with an omelette more than once a week. Coridon must be visionary and diaphanous, or he is no Coridon for me. Remove my night-gloves, and assist me to rise: it is past four ... — Olla Podrida • Frederick Marryat (AKA Captain Marryat)
... hear these men," he said. Then, turning to John, he added smoothly, "And after that, sirrah, ... — John of the Woods • Abbie Farwell Brown
... cried Jennet, sharply. "If ey thought ye meant it, ey'd beat ye, sirrah. Answer me another question, ye saucy knave. Who will ... — The Lancashire Witches - A Romance of Pendle Forest • William Harrison Ainsworth
... ride close to the window, perhaps to stop promptly any possible attempt to give an alarm, "whoever you are, you have simply made a stupid mistake, which will only get you into trouble. I am not the lady you suppose. No, sirrah," she added, as her anger made her for the moment forget her danger, "I am Mademoiselle de Valricour; so now you will see that if you dare to attempt to carry out your villainy you will have to ... — The King's Warrant - A Story of Old and New France • Alfred H. Engelbach
... Wiseman seemed to say, "you think you're a devil of a fellow merely because it happens to be morning. Gad sooks! You must be very young. When you get a trifle further on with the mischief of living, you will realise that a bucketful of sunlight doesn't run the devil out of business. Damme, sirrah! Please to clear out with ... — Dwellers in the Hills • Melville Davisson Post
... account of his own colley, 'Sirrah,' who had one night a flock of lambs under his care. They became frightened at something, and ran in all ... — Minnie's Pet Dog • Madeline Leslie
... are still the old man in your answers!' 'Old man,' replied he, with a blunt but respectful air; 'that is just what my father used to say. "Pat," says he, "were you to live to the age of Methuselah, you would still be Patrick O'Donnar."' I lost all patience. 'Sirrah!' cried I, 'to whom do you speak?' 'Sir, did you not know,' answered he, 'I would tell you.' I was extremely provoked; I gave him a push from me, and he fell upon a favourite dog, which set up a loud ... — Forgotten Tales of Long Ago • E. V. Lucas
... you villain!" exclaimed his irate master, as he stepped into the room. "Wasting your time in looking at puppet-shows. How dare you, sir; how dare you? Get you gone, sirrah!" and he gave him a kick which considerably accelerated the speed with which ... — Heiress of Haddon • William E. Doubleday
... said unto him, 'Sirrah! Bring me one hundred pounds to-morrow By nine o'clock,—take them again; So get you out of ... — Ancient Poems, Ballads and Songs of England • Robert Bell
... you remember it against another time, sirrah!" said his father. "I'll teach you to fill your stomach with my money. Am I to lose my customers by your tricks, and then find you here eating my all? You are a rogue, and everybody has found you out to be a rogue; ... — The Parent's Assistant • Maria Edgeworth
... "Sirrah Stupid," she said as she set him down by his cottage gate, "better not kill at all than take the lives of poor tame creatures. I have saved your life this once, but next time you will have to suffer. ... — The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts • Abbie Farwell Brown
... "Sirrah," said his mistress, "why do you bark at Little Two-Shoes? Come in, Madge; here, Sally wants you sadly; she has learned ... — Children's Literature - A Textbook of Sources for Teachers and Teacher-Training Classes • Charles Madison Curry
... the lady, sirrah? What ails you? Why don't you answer me?" exclaimed Thurston, anxiously returning to the spot where the boy crouched. But the latter remained speechless, trembling, groaning, and wringing his hands. ... — The Missing Bride • Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth
... back into the interior, behind the settlement, he came upon her daily, with her attendant Kling. The Kling always squatting on his heels, smoking, or else rolling himself a bit of areca nut into a sirrah-leaf, and dabbing on a bit of pink lime from his worn, silver box. Mercier tried to talk to the child, to disillusion himself by conversations which showed the paucity of ideas, her retarded mentality. But he always ended by looking at the beautiful, slim hands, ... — Civilization - Tales of the Orient • Ellen Newbold La Motte
... through the room, and the color mounted to the King's face. "Sirrah, I do not understand you. I ... — The King's Men - A Tale of To-morrow • Robert Grant, John Boyle O'Reilly, J. S. Dale, and John T.
... sparkled with rage. 'Hoity-toity!' she answered. 'D'you say No to me in that fashion? I'll thank you to mend your manners, Fishwick, and remember to whom you are speaking. Hark ye, sirrah, is she Sir George's ... — The Castle Inn • Stanley John Weyman
... SYLLA. Sirrah, your words are good, your thoughts are ill. Each milkwhite hair amid this mincing beard, Compar'd with millions of thy treacherous thoughts, Would change their hue through vigour of thy hate. But, did not pity make my fury ... — A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VII (4th edition) • Various
... know that, sirrah" answered the mate." The boat might have got into the smaller passages of the reef, where the brig could not enter, or she might have dodged about among these islets, until it was night, and then escaped ... — Jack Tier or The Florida Reef • James Fenimore Cooper
... the head of Andromeda. White and purplish in color. It culminates Nov. 10th. Alpheratz is some times called Sirrah. ... — A Field Book of the Stars • William Tyler Olcott
... spire." To every farmer twice a-week all round about the Yoke, Our parsons read the Drapier's books, and make us honest folk. And then I went to pay the squire, and in the way I found, His bailie driving all my cows into the parish pound; "Why, sirrah," said the noble squire, "how dare you see my face, Your rent is due almost a week, beside the days of grace." And yet the land I from him hold is set so on the rack, That only for the bishop's lease 'twould quickly break my back. ... — Poems (Volume II.) • Jonathan Swift
... MRS ART. Sirrah, run to the Exchange, and if you there Can find my husband, pray him to come home; Tell him I will not eat a bit of bread Until I ... — A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. IX • Various
... is most great!" When the damsel saw him she sprang to her feet, and running to the bank of the river, which was there six cubits wide, made a spring and landed on the other side, where she turned, and standing cried out in a loud voice, "Who art thou, sirrah, that breakest in on our pasture as if thou wert charging an army? Whence comest thou and whither art thou bound? Speak the truth and it shall profit thee, and do not lie, for lying is of the losel's ... — Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol. 2 • Charles Dudley Warner
... they rode, these lusty boys, When one chanced to turn toward the highway's side, "There's a sorry figure of fun," jested he, "Well, Sirrah! move back, there is scarce ... — A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass • Amy Lowell
... you remember," he said, speaking southland English, as he was wont to do in moments of excitement, "I bid you remember, sirrah, that I am the Earl of Douglas and Avondale, Justicer of ... — The Black Douglas • S. R. Crockett
... too long. Soldiers, let him be strongly guarded.—Let Virro now receive his just dues. Men call me cruel, and well I fear they may; but unjust, rapacious, never, as I believe. Whom have I wronged, whom oppressed? The poor of Rome, at least, cannot complain of Aurelian. Is it not so, sirrah?' ... — Aurelian - or, Rome in the Third Century • William Ware
... listen with tacit approval. "Well, well," answered the duke, carelessly, "all my servants are alike to me. You may dine at one table, or at twenty, if you can so arrange it. But whatever the number"—here his voice rose ominously, and his eye flashed with anger—"you, sirrah, shall dine at the lowest!" The great question of the "tables" was crushed. Sometimes—after the fashion of Haroun al Raschid, though not in disguise—he would steal down quietly and unperceived, through the out-of-the-way holes and corners ... — The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various
... addresses! But I see there are marks different from each other on the corners. Ah!" he went on with growing excitement, as he tore one open and glanced at the contents, "from the arch traitor himself to conspirators here in Brussels. This is an important capture indeed. Now, sirrah, what have you to say to this? For whom ... — By Pike and Dyke: A Tale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic • G.A. Henty
... true, sirrah," said the Queen, with one of those searching looks which few had the audacity to resist, "that you have seduced to infamy a young lady of birth and breeding, the daughter of Sir Hugh Robsart of ... — Kenilworth • Sir Walter Scott
... head, with a purse mouth, as if she would not have simpered, could she have helped it. I reached down the glass, and gave Will. six. There—put 'em up, Sirrah. ... — Clarissa, Or The History Of A Young Lady, Volume 8 • Samuel Richardson
... "Hallo, sirrah!" Sir John exclaimed, reining in his horse, "who are you who pass a knight and a gentleman on the highway without vailing his ... — In Freedom's Cause • G. A. Henty
... "Sirrah," said Amgiad, with a fierce tone, and angry look, "where have you been? What have you been doing, that you ... — The Arabian Nights Entertainments Complete • Anonymous
... to call me worthy) write down such words as those, about litter and wolvets, for the perusal and meditation of the grand jury? If the whole corporation of Stratford had not unanimously given it against thee, still his tongue would catch thee, as the evet catcheth a gnat. Know, sirrah, the reverend Sir Silas, albeit ill appointed for riding, and not over-fond of it, goeth to every house wherein is a venison feast for thirty miles round. Not a buck's hoof on any stable-door but it awakeneth his recollections ... — Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare • Walter Savage Landor
... laugh, sirrah, with the rope about your neck, upon the very threshold of that eternity you are so suddenly to ... — Captain Blood • Rafael Sabatini
... almost crouching. Did he not know the attitude, though the back was broader than of old? He paused, as did his companions; but there was one who did not pause, and would not be left outside. Watch unseen had pattered up, and was rearing up, jumping and fawning. There was a call of 'Watch! here sirrah!' but 'Watch! Watch! Good dog! Is it thou indeed?' was exclaimed at the same moment, and with Watch springing up, King Henry stood on his feet looking ... — The Herd Boy and His Hermit • Charlotte M. Yonge
... Castlewood church," says Mr. Holt, "and this is the pillar thereof, learned Dr. Tusher. Take off your hat, sirrah, and ... — Boys and girls from Thackeray • Kate Dickinson Sweetser
... on parts of speech, and hope to be even with him); that by this pipe which I hold in my hand I ever expect to be beaten, as in the days when old Doctor Twiggs, if I made a bad stroke in my exercise, shouted aloud with a sour joy, "John Ridd, sirrah, down with your small-clothes!" ... — Lorna Doone - A Romance of Exmoor • R. D. Blackmore
... when I told him of our destination. "Amboise; why, sirrah, you are a good five leagues from Amboise! Step within and remain here for the night. I have plenty of convenience for ... — Visionaries • James Huneker
... sirrah! Follow me, and wait for me till I call. I shall not be above a few moments. ... — For the Faith • Evelyn Everett-Green
... from that quarter," and he angrily faced his eldest son. "So, sirrah; 'twas you that did urge this foolish boy to work your traitorous purpose ... — The Children's Book of Christmas Stories • Various
... backsword, and target; Brisk Monsieur advanced as fast as he could, But all his fine pushes were caught in the wood, And Sawny, with backsword, did slash him and nick him, While t'other, enraged that he could not once prick him, Cried, "Sirrah, you rascal, you son of a whore, Me will fight you, be gar! if you'll come from ... — The Lady of the Lake • Sir Walter Scott
... forward, and gave him a violent blow on the face; "Take that back for your answer, sirrah," cried she, "and learn not to grin at your betters another ... — Evelina • Fanny Burney
... directed some bread and wine to be given to her; after which, turning round to the man, he said, "At what time did I order you to open and read a paper directed to me? or to refuse a letter from any one? Hark you, sirrah, you have been admonished by me for drunkenness, idleness, and other faults; but since I have discovered your inhuman disposition, I must dismiss you from my service: so pull off your clothes, take your wages, and let me ... — Irish Wit and Humor - Anecdote Biography of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell • Anonymous
... what the dickens his name is my husband had him of.—What do you call your knight's name, sirrah?" (Merry Wives, ... — The Romance of Words (4th ed.) • Ernest Weekley
... 'rt fit to walk from here to Cape Cod. Many a mile have I marched with a worse wound than that, and no better than a rag or at best my belt bound round it. Now you sirrah! Hast a ... — Standish of Standish - A story of the Pilgrims • Jane G. Austin
... of the inn might still have been seen, though the galleried buildings which surrounded it were modern. Before Holborn Viaduct was built, the "Black Bull" stood just at the top of Holborn Hill, that difficult ascent which good citizens found too long, and bad ones too short. "Sirrah, you'll be hanged; I shall live to see you go up Holborn Hill," says Sir Sampson Legend to his thriftless son in Congreve's "Love ... — Dickens' London • Francis Miltoun
... "Come nearer, sirrah!" he called to the innkeeper in a loud imperious voice. "Throw open your apartments, and make ready for our entertainment. Give us wine, tokay, and menes; give us also pheasants, artichokes, ... — A Hungarian Nabob • Maurus Jokai
... I discover then, that in this match You get to your dog's tricks to break it off, Or try to show how shrewd a rogue you are, I'll have you beat to mummy, and then thrown In prison, Sirrah! upon this condition, That when I take you out again, I swear To grind there in your stead. D'ye take me now? Or don't ... — The Comedies of Terence • Publius Terentius Afer
... devils. In "The Honourable Historie of Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay," Ralph says, "Why, Sirrah Ned we'll ride to Oxford to Friar Bacon. O! he is a brave scholar, sirrah; they say he is a brave necromancer, that he can make women of devils, and he can juggle cats into coster-mongers." Further on in the same play a devil ... — History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) - With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour • Alfred Guy Kingan L'Estrange
... you mean, sirrah, by coming in at this moment; don't you see I am preparing for the attack on the half moon? Mr. Lorrequer, I beg your pardon for one moment, this fellow has completely put me out; and besides, I perceive, you have eaten the flying artillery, and in fact, ... — The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, Vol. 2 • Charles James Lever
... Singleton. "What does the man mean? Even to-night! I've a good mind to order you to the watch to-night for talking in riddles, sirrah!" ... — Boycotted - And Other Stories • Talbot Baines Reed
... the instrument that did it?' He then brought the ax. 'Is this the same ax; are you sure?' said my Lord. 'Yes, my Lord,' saith the hangman, 'I am very sure it is the same.' My Lord Capell took the ax and kissed it, and gave him five pieces of gold. I heard him say, 'Sirrah, wert thou not afraid?' Saith the hangman, 'They made me cut it off, and I had thirty ... — Notes & Queries, No. 40, Saturday, August 3, 1850 - A Medium Of Inter-Communication For Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, • Various
... not forget," replied the Earl, "and it is because I remember that my sword remains in its scabbard. The fellow has been amply repaid by the friendship of De Montfort, but now this act of perfidy has wiped clean the score. An' you would go in peace, sirrah, go quickly, ere I lose ... — The Outlaw of Torn • Edgar Rice Burroughs
... please; but hold your peace, sirrah. Here is a crown to buy a plaster. I heard the dog throw away your musket on the stairs— go seek it, and return to your post; and when you are relieved, act as if nothing had happened. I take the responsibility ... — The Pilot • J. Fenimore Cooper
... "Silence, sirrah!" the Syndic cried, and cut him short. "You will do well to be quiet!" And he was turning to bid his people bear their prisoner out without more ado when one of the merchants ventured to ... — The Long Night • Stanley Weyman
... drive a knife through a six-inch wood-wall? I doubt this wild boar wants a harder hit than many a best man could give. 'Sblood! obey, sirrah. How shall we keep yon fellow true, if he sees ... — The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith
... twelve and one o'clock, she being asleep, but myself yet awake, there appeared unto me an antient man, standing at my bedside, arrayed in white, having a long and broad white beard, hanging down to his girdle steed, who taking me by the right ear, spake these words following unto me; "Sirrah, will not you take time to translate that book which is sent unto you out of Germany? I will provide for you both place and time to do it:" and then he vanished out ... — Miscellanies upon Various Subjects • John Aubrey
... of an absurd mistake, still current through the county, respecting the sirloin. The occasion, as far as we have been able to gather, was thus. Whilst he sat at meat, casting his eyes upon a noble surloin at the lower end of the table, he cried out, 'Bring hither that surloin, sirrah, for 'tis worthy a more honourable post, being, as I may say, not sur-loin, but sir-loin, the noblest joint of all;' which ridiculous and desperate pun raised the wisdom and reputation of England's Solomon to the ... — Notes and Queries, Number 51, October 19, 1850 • Various
... whispering from one to the other that there was a living man at hand. "A living man," said one; "a living man," said the other; and they came thronging about me like caterpillars from every corner. "How did you come hither, sirrah?" said a little morkin of a death who was there. "Truly sir," said I, "I know no more than yourself." "What do they call you?" he demanded. "Call me what you please, here in your own country," I replied, "but at home I am ... — The Sleeping Bard - or, Visions of the World, Death, and Hell • Ellis Wynne
... Po. Soho, Sirrah! bring hither the Dice, the Matter shall be determin'd by their Votes; he shall be our President that Jupiter shall favour. O brave! Eutrapelus has it, the fittest Man that could be chosen, if we had every individual ... — Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. • Erasmus
... attended us well. Let me have no more of this: I observ'd your leering. Sirrah, I'll have you know, whom I think worthy To sit at my table, be he ne'er so mean, When I am ... — The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 4, April 1810 • Various
... crowded town, until it gets to be as pestilent as Rotterdam in the dog-days. You have now come to years when a man obtains his reflection, boy, and I expect suitable care and discretion about the premises, while my back is turned. Now, harkee, sirrah: I am not entirely pleased with the character of thy company. It is not altogether as respectable as becomes the confidential servant of a man of a certain station in the world. There are thy two cousins, Brom and Kobus, who are no better than a couple ... — The Water-Witch or, The Skimmer of the Seas • James Fenimore Cooper
... vagabond—nothing better, I assure you, my dear; had you seen me, you would have said so. I arrive at Douvres; no welcome. I walk to Canterbury and knock at the door of one auberge. The landlord opens. "What do you here?" he says; "who are you?" "Vone exiled priest," I reply. "Get you gone, sirrah!" he says; "we have beggars enough of our own," and he slams the door in my face. Ma foi, il faisoit bien, for my toe was ... — Lavengro - The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest • George Borrow
... and down with impatient steps, crumpling, in his rage, a letter that he held in his left hand. This letter had been innocently delivered by Spoil-sport, who, seeing him come in, had run joyously to meet him. At length the door opened, and Dagobert appeared. "I have been waiting for you a long time, sirrah!" cried the marshal, ... — The Wandering Jew, Complete • Eugene Sue
... passionate days, which the boys described as the days he wore his Passy wig (passy abbreviated from passionate). "Sirrah! I'll flog you," were words so familiar to him, that on one occasion, some female relation or friend of one of the boys entered his room, when a class stood before him and inquired for Master—; master was no school title with Bowyer. The errand of this ... — The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1838 • James Gillman
... 'Hark ye, sirrah!' he muttered, with sullen emphasis, 'be content! I have my suspicions. And if it were not for my lady's orders I would put a knife into you, fair or foul, this very night. You would lie snug outside, instead of inside, and I do not think anyone would be the worse. But as it is, be content. ... — Under the Red Robe • Stanley Weyman
... o' your Crocodile's Tears. Why, Sirrah, Sirrah, do you call my Daughter Whore? Hey, Swords and Daggers, Blunderbusses and Pistols, shall I bear this? Hark you, you my Friend, and no Friend, what a Kin do you take me to be to ... — The City Bride (1696) - Or The Merry Cuckold • Joseph Harris
... LEONARDO Sirrah, thou speakst in haste, as is the way Of monkish men. The beauty of Lucrezia Commends, not discommends, her to the eyes Of keener thinkers than I take thee for. I am an artist and an engineer, Giv'n o'er to ... — Seven Men • Max Beerbohm
... impudent face. My lady! says I, you saucy scoundrel; my lady is meat for no pretenders. She is a young lady of as good fashion, and family, and fortune, as any in Somersetshire. Did you never hear of the great Squire Western, sirrah? She is his only daughter; she is——, and heiress to all his great estate. My lady to be called a nasty Scotch wh—re by such a varlet!—To be sure I wish I had knocked his brains out ... — The History of Tom Jones, a foundling • Henry Fielding
... "Sirrah!" cried his master, somewhat sharply. "Know you not that the swan sings but upon one voyage, and that her last? 'Tis not the Cygnet that sings, but upon her sing my mariners and soldiers, for that they ... — Sir Mortimer • Mary Johnston
... him: 'How now! Where is my wife?' 'Sir,' said the servant, 'my mistress says, you have some goodly jest in hand, and therefore she will not come. She bids you come to her.' 'Worse and worse!' said Petruchio; and then he sent his servant, saying: 'Sirrah, go to your mistress, and tell her I command her to come to me.' The company had scarcely time to think she would not obey this summons, when Baptista, all in amaze, exclaimed: 'Now, by my holidame, here comes ... — Tales from Shakespeare • Charles and Mary Lamb
... "Cowardly dog!" exclaimed Prince John.—"Sirrah Locksley, do thou shoot; but if thou hittest such a mark, I will say thou art the first man ever did so. However it be, thou shalt not crow over us with a mere show of ... — Eighth Reader • James Baldwin
... imps; they say you have endured the water torment, we will try what fire will do with you: You, sirrah, confess; were not you knowing of Towerson's plot, against this ... — The Works of John Dryden, Volume 5 (of 18) - Amboyna; The state of Innocence; Aureng-Zebe; All for Love • John Dryden
... "Speak out, sirrah," said the laird, assuming a look of his father's, a very particular ane, which he had when he was angry—it seemed as if the wrinkles of his frown made that selfsame fearful shape of a horse's shoe in the middle of his ... — Stories by English Authors: Scotland • Various
... reasons to sup I refused, I nothing did doubt to be holden excused; But my quaint repartee had his worship possess'd With so wonderful good a conceit of the rest, That with mere impatience he hoped in his breeches To see the fine fellow that made such fine speeches: 'Go, sirrah!' quoth he, 'get you to him again, And will and require, in his Majesty's name, That he come; and tell him, obey he were best, or I'll teach him to know that he's now in West-Chester.' The man, upon this, ... — Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete • George Gilfillan
... uttered volumes, folios, in less than decimo sexto, my dear Lacedemonian. Sirrah, Petulant, thou art an ... — The Way of the World • William Congreve
... favour, fair cousin of Burgundy," said the King, "we ourselves crave priority of voice in replying to this insolent fellow.—Sirrah herald, or whatever thou art, carry back notice to the perjured outlaw and murderer, William de la Marck, that the King of France will be presently before Liege, for the purpose of punishing the sacrilegious murderer of his late beloved kinsman, Louis of Bourbon; and that ... — Quentin Durward • Sir Walter Scott
... sirrah, first prove to me that you can save my life, and then, perhaps, I may overlook this ... — Olla Podrida • Frederick Marryat
... of being sleepy, has actually gone out of his way to gratify this amiable propensity in his countrymen; for it is plain, from the use that was to be made of his head, and from Abhorson's asking, "Is the axe upon the block, sirrah?" that beheading, and not hanging, was the punishment to which Barnardine was destined. But Shakspeare knew that the axe and block were pregnant with no ludicrous images, and therefore falsified the historic truth of his own drama (if I may so speak), rather than he would ... — The Works of Charles Lamb in Four Volumes, Volume 4 • Charles Lamb
... and, like a parrot 100 Hung in his gilded prison from the window Of a queen's bower over the public way, Blasphemes with a bird's mind:—his words, like arrows Which know no aim beyond the archer's wit, Strike sometimes what eludes philosophy.— 105 [TO ARCHY.] Go, sirrah, and repent of your offence Ten minutes in the rain; be it your penance To bring news how the world goes there. [EXIT ARCHY.] Poor Archy! He weaves about himself a world of mirth Out of ... — The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley
... had not taken; so that, after he had gone a distance, he found that he had missed them by taking that road. Nevertheless, he went on until about the prime of the day, what time he met a forester, to whom he said: "Sirrah, saw you two knights ride this way—one knight clad in white armor with a white shield upon which was depicted the figure of a lady, and the other knight clad in red armor with the figure of a red gryphon upon his shield?" "Nay," said the forester, "I saw not such folk." ... — The Story of the Champions of the Round Table • Howard Pyle
... the Priest that durst dispose of you without my Order? Sirrah, you are my Slave—at least your whole Estate is at my mercy—and besides, I'll charge you with an Action of 5000 pounds. For your ten Years Maintenance: Do you know that ... — The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. III • Aphra Behn
... Iden. Sirrah! in the Prince's Absence, I am sovereign; and the Baron is My intimate connection;—"Cousin Idenstein! (Quoth he) you'll order out a dozen villains." And so, you villains! troop—march—march, I say; And if a single dog's ear of this packet 690 Be sprinkled by the Oder—look to it! For every ... — The Works of Lord Byron - Poetry, Volume V. • Lord Byron
... credit. We doubt not to learn more of these new empires from your learned pains than ever from Raleigh, Drake, and the other travellers whose dull wits go but to the surface of things. But, Lord warrant us!" she continued, "here standeth our page, having as yet no answer. Go, sirrah, and bid Sir Percevall and this great American to our ... — The Panchronicon • Harold Steele Mackaye
... the worst of the Plundering Crew that pluck'd Richard. 'Sirrah,' says he, impudently, 'thy Brother owe'd me three thousand pounds.' And he pulls me out ... — A Woman Named Smith • Marie Conway Oemler
... rest of the Judges did all of them round give him a most high reproofe; my Lord Chief Justice saying, that it was for him, and such wicked wretches as he was, that God's anger and judgments hung over us, calling him sirrah many times. It seems they have bound him to his good behaviour (there being no law against him for it) in 5000l. It being told that my Lord Buckhurst was there, my Lord asked whether it was that Buckhurst ... — The Diary of Samuel Pepys • Samuel Pepys
... partially seen, as from a trap-door opening in the roof, and a voice was heard to utter these words in Anglo-Saxon, "Leap, sirrah; come, no delay; leap, my good Sylvan, show your honour's activity." A strange chuckling hoarse voice, in a language totally unintelligible to Count Robert, was heard to respond, as if disputing ... — Waverley Volume XII • Sir Walter Scott
... mention was before I was born." The Wolf finding it to no purpose to argue any longer against truth, fell into a great passion, snarling and foaming at the mouth, as if he had been mad; and, drawing nearer to the Lamb, "Sirrah," said he, "if it was not you, it was your father, and that's all one." So he seized the poor innocent, helpless thing, tore it to pieces, and ... — Favourite Fables in Prose and Verse • Various
... comedy ends a doleful tragedy, and exit fool in the character of a hero! That's glory, sirrah, a very feather ... — The Indian Princess - La Belle Sauvage • James Nelson Barker
... read, sirrah, and refine your appetite; learn to live upon instruction; feast your mind and mortify your flesh; read, and take your nourishment in at your eyes; shut up your mouth, and chew the cud of ... — Love for Love • William Congreve
... which he called Sirrah. This dog helped him watch the sheep. He would drive them from place to place as his master wished. Sometimes he would take care of the whole flock while the shepherd was resting ... — Fifty Famous People • James Baldwin
... ORION. Sirrah, was't thou that call'd us from our game? How durst thou (being but a petty god) Disturb me in the ... — A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VIII (4th edition) • Various
... cried, giving vent to the anger I had long felt. 'And you, too!' and with a second kick I sent his neighbour's stool flying also, and administered a couple of cuts with my riding-cane across the man's shoulders. 'Have you no manners, sirrah? Across with you, and leave this side to ... — A Gentleman of France • Stanley Weyman
... MORE. Sirrah, you know that you are known to me, And I have often saved ye from this place, Since first I came in office: thou seest beside, That Justice Suresby is thy heavy friend, By all the blame that he pretends to Smart, ... — Sir Thomas More • William Shakespeare [Apocrypha]
... St. George, testily, "one cannot please everybody. But as for being a sermon, why, certes, my story was not that—and even if it were, it would not have hurt thee, sirrah." ... — Twilight Land • Howard Pyle
... boys, ye shall be emperors both, Stretching your conquering arms from east to west:— And, sirrah, if you mean to wear a crown, When we [45] shall meet the Turkish deputy And all his viceroys, snatch it from his head, And cleave his pericranion ... — Tamburlaine the Great, Part II. • Christopher Marlowe
... who, though not ill-natured, often conceived the necessity of ill-nature, was not so easily satisfied. He stood looking sternly at my white face and my weak yielding of body at the bend of the knees, and suddenly he caught me heavily by my bruised shoulder. "What means all this, sirrah?" he cried out, but then I sank away before him, for the pain was greater than I ... — The Heart's Highway - A Romance of Virginia in the Seventeeth Century • Mary E. Wilkins
... gentle Winchester.— Sirrah, be gone. [Exit Messenger. Bish. of Win. The king hath willingly resign'd his crown. Q. Isab. O, happy news! send for the prince my son. Bish. of Win. Further, or this letter was seal'd, Lord Berkeley came, So that he now ... — Edward II. - Marlowe's Plays • Christopher Marlowe
... Sirrah! said Amgrad, with a fierce tone and a fiery look, is there such a slave as thou in all the world? Where have you been? What have you been doing, that you came no sooner? My lord, replied Bahader, I ask your pardon; I was endeavouring to do as you ordered me, and could ... — The Arabian Nights Entertainments Volume 1 • Anonymous
... wolf-like animal rushed round the projecting angle of the cliff, and sprang upon the carcase of the bighorn. At the same instant a voice reached my ears—"Off there, Wolf! off, villain dog! Don't you see that the creature is killed—no thanks to you, sirrah?" Good heavens! it was the ... — The Wild Huntress - Love in the Wilderness • Mayne Reid
... the throat of Hirsch like a cat-o'-mountain; clutches Hirsch by the windpipe; tumbles him about the room: "Infamous canaille, do you know whom you have got to do with? That it is in my power to stick you into a hole underground for the rest of your life? Sirrah, I will ruin and annihilate you!"—and "tossed me about the room with his fist on my throat," says Hirsch; "offering to have pity nevertheless, if I would take back the Jewels, and return all writings." [Narrative (in—Tantale—).] ... — History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XVI. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—The Ten Years of Peace.—1746-1756. • Thomas Carlyle
... "Say on, Sirrah!" rejoined the younger pirate, so promptly and so gravely that again I had much to do ... — The Lady and the Pirate - Being the Plain Tale of a Diligent Pirate and a Fair Captive • Emerson Hough |