"Samurai" Quotes from Famous Books
... and fifty years ago, the daughter of a rich merchant of the city of the Shoguns, while attending some temple- festival, perceived in the crowd a young samurai of remarkable beauty, and immediately fell in love with him. Unhappily for her, he disappeared in the press before she could learn through her attendants who he was or whence he had come. But his image ... — In Ghostly Japan • Lafcadio Hearn
... He whaled a few before we'd got around the Florida Cape, but he also whaled the Jap for bad cooking and insolence—which was a mistake. That Jap was an educated man, a college graduate and a member of the Japanese Samurai, a curious class in that country that never yield, never forgive, and kill themselves when defeated. We didn't know this; we only knew that he was ... — The Grain Ship • Morgan Robertson
... in A Conservative, has sketched for us, with a sympathy truly clairvoyant, the impression made by the cities of the West upon the consciousness of a young Japanese samurai educated under a feudalism not unlike that of the Middle Ages, wherein was worship, reverence, poetry, loyalty—however strangely compounded with the more sinister products of the ... — Architecture and Democracy • Claude Fayette Bragdon
... of a samurai house," the old man indignantly exclaimed. "How can she make so shameless a request? And why did Nitta, who is himself a samurai, permit her to do so?" Wrapping the letter around his sword, he plunged the blade into his body ... — Historic Tales, Vol. 12 (of 15) - The Romance of Reality • Charles Morris
... "We are not ready yet," said he. He then demanded of the reformers what they were going to do with themselves. This was too much for So Jai-pil. His seniors tried to restrain him, but in vain, "What way is this for Samurai to treat Samurai?" he hotly demanded. "We trusted you, and now you betray and forsake us. I have had enough of you. I am going to a new world, where men stand by their bonds and deal fairly with one another. ... — Korea's Fight for Freedom • F.A. McKenzie
... spend all my time.... There alone can you now see the soldiers in masks, ferocious and hairy, with the chain-armour and javelins of fifteen years ago. [Footnote: This was written in 1875.] There alone can you now see the procession of daimios accompanied by two-sworded Samurai, there alone have the true old Japan of the times before this cursed 'New Reform ... — The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke V1 • Stephen Gwynn
... was rough—"The commission of Cho[u]bei San has no attractions. This Take has had enough to do with the matter. Truly Cho[u]bei is a wicked fellow. Take would fare badly in such intercourse. Besides his company is too high flown. Officials! Samurai! Cho[u]bei San seeks and will find promotion in the world. Lodgings are preparing for Cho[u]bei Sama in public office—on the Ryo[u]gokubashi; of such he is assured." She drew away from him, harshly cackling. Thus he crawled from one to the other. It was "Cho[u]bei Sama," ... — The Yotsuya Kwaidan or O'Iwa Inari - Tales of the Tokugawa, Volume 1 (of 2) • James S. De Benneville |