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Regurgitation   Listen

Backflow of blood through a defective heart valve.
Recall after rote memorization.
The reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth.  Synonyms: disgorgement, emesis, puking, vomit, vomiting.

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"Regurgitation" Quotes from Famous Books

... examined into, and as far as possible removed. It must be seen that the nursery is well ventilated, and that its temperature is not too high; while it will often be found that no remedy is half so efficacious as change of air. Next, it must not be forgotten that the regurgitation of the food is due in great measure to the weakness and consequent irritability of the stomach, and care must therefore be taken not to overload it. If these two points are attended to, benefit may then be looked for from the employment of tonics, and as ...
— The Mother's Manual of Children's Diseases • Charles West, M.D.

... hurled a boiling spray of mud so high that we rushed down the slope. A single drop of it would have burned like molten lead. Five minutes of this was enough; and even now, when I reflect that every moment, day and night, the same regurgitation of black slime is going on, I feel as I have often felt, when, on a stormy night at sea, I have tried to sit through a ...
— John L. Stoddard's Lectures, Vol. 10 (of 10) - Southern California; Grand Canon of the Colorado River; Yellowstone National Park • John L. Stoddard

... young mother, if you can't nurse your precious infant, you can at least 'mother it' at the nursing time by holding it in your arms and gently rocking it to and fro as you hold the bottle to its lips." This so-called "mothering" has resulted in regurgitation, belching, and numerous other troubles, as well as the formation ...
— The Mother and Her Child • William S. Sadler

Words linked to "Regurgitation" :   expulsion, regurgitate, rumination, physiological reaction, reflex, inborn reflex, hyperemesis, haematemesis, unconditioned reflex, ejection, innate reflex, hematemesis, recall, backflowing, instinctive reflex, forcing out, recollection, backflow, reminiscence, reflex response, reflex action, projection

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