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Redden   /rˈɛdən/   Listen

(past & past part. reddened; pres. part. reddening)
Turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame.  Synonyms: blush, crimson, flush.
Make red.
Turn red or redder.

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"Redden" Quotes from Famous Books

... Bolton had been too amazed to do more than stare blankly into her blazing eyes; then before that burning glare his face began to redden consciously and his gaze dropped, wavering from her face to the little blouse so long outgrown that it strained far open across the girl's round throat, doubly white by contrast below the brown line ...
— Once to Every Man • Larry Evans
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... weep, and his brow redden, and the light of his eyes become child-like for sweetness, he asked him the reason; but, finding him still dumb with emotion, he said, "I do not know whether you are overpowered by admiration of what is painted in this chamber. You must know that I am of high descent, though not through ...
— Stories from the Italian Poets: With Lives of the Writers, Volume 1 • Leigh Hunt
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... leave your law case, your sermon, your accounts, and come out for an hour into this delicious March day, bracing as winter and sweet as spring. The new life of the year is stirring in the trees whose tops begin to redden, and in the brown pastures where watchful eyes can already see the green. The joy of the season is singing in a million bluebirds' and robins' throats; the cocks crow gayly; the caw of the big black crow flapping overhead with ragged wing has a cheery tone. All living creatures ...
— The Chief End of Man • George S. Merriam
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... and then a withered flower; and these she picked up and put in her bosom, because she fancied that they might have fallen from her poor child's hand. All day she travelled onward through the hot sun; and at night, again, the flame of the torch would redden and gleam along the pathway, and she continued her search by its light, without ever sitting down ...
— Myths That Every Child Should Know - A Selection Of The Classic Myths Of All Times For Young People • Various
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... beginning to redden, and her dark blue eyes flashing suddenly through her tears "Supposing! Father Rocco, Fabio would never deceive me. I would die here at your feet, rather than doubt the least ...
— After Dark • Wilkie Collins
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... pieces round; Beneath our sun there's nought but gayest sound. You tell me, true, that in your Paris hot-house, You ripen two months sooner 'neath your glass, of course. What is your fruit? Mostly of water clear, The heat may redden what your tendrils bear. But, lady dear, you cannot live on fruits alone while here! Now slip away your glossy glove And pluck that ripened peach above, Then place it in your pearly mouth And suck it—how it 'lays your drouth— Melts in your lips ...
— Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist • Samuel Smiles
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... which, indeed, the things we see become transparent, like a thin veil, and through them the things which are not seen stream in upon the soul. One is sunrise, when there is first a grayness in the east, and then the clouds begin to redden, and afterwards a joyful brightness heralds the appearing of the sun as he drives in rout the reluctant rearguard of the night. The most impressive moment is when all the high lands are bathed in soft, fresh, hopeful sunshine, but the glens are still lying in the cold and dank shadow, ...
— Graham of Claverhouse • Ian Maclaren
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... eastward he saw the horizon redden and darken and redden with the cannon flashes; the immense battle rumour filled his ...
— Ailsa Paige • Robert W. Chambers
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... should sit on the right hand of our successors, and part on the other; nor that the keys which were conceded to me should become a sign upon a banner which should fight against those who are baptized;[2] nor that I should be a figure on a seal to venal and mendacious privileges, whereat I often redden and flash. In garb of shepherd, rapacious wolves are seen from here-above over all the pastures: O defence of God, why dost thou yet lie still! To drink our blood Cahorsines and Gascons are making ready:[3] O good beginning, to ...
— The Divine Comedy, Volume 3, Paradise [Paradiso] • Dante Alighieri
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... browns may be obtained by combining the various direct browns together or with other direct dyes. The use of a yellow or orange will brighten them; that of a red will redden the shade; the addition of a dark blue or a black will darken the shade considerably. It may be useful to remember that a combination of red, orange and blue or black produces a brown, and by using various proportions a great range of shades can ...
— The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics - A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student • Franklin Beech
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... Ironwood and rears Fenri's children; one of them all, in troll's shape, shall be the sun's destroyer. He shall feed on the lives of death-doomed men; with red blood he shall redden the seat of the Gods. The sunshine shall grow black, all winds will be unfriendly in the after-summers.... I see further in the future the great Ragnaroek of the Gods of Victory.... Heimdal blows loudly, the horn is on high; Yggdrasil's ash trembles ...
— The Edda, Vol. 1 - The Divine Mythology of the North, Popular Studies in Mythology, - Romance, and Folklore, No. 12 • Winifred Faraday
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... Starr Dana graphically compares to "the china eyes that small children occasionally manage to gouge from their dolls' heads." For generations they have been called "dolls' eyes" in Massachusetts. Especially after these poisonous berries fully ripen and the rigid stems which bear them thicken and redden, we cannot fail to notice them. As the sepals fall early, the white stamens and stigmas are the most conspicuous ...
— Wild Flowers Worth Knowing • Neltje Blanchan et al
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... from the door, his dropped from her arm, and as they drew back and faced each other she saw the blood rise slowly through his sallow skin, redden his neck and ears, encroach upon the edges of his beard, and settle in dull patches under his kind troubled eyes. She had seen the same blush on another face, and the same impulse of compassion she had then felt made her ...
— Autres Temps... - 1916 • Edith Wharton
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... redden as they approached each other. To hide his embarrassment he swung his little hickory switch gaily and called to his dog Dunder, who was nosing about by the roadside. Dunder bounded forward, spied the newcomer, and leaped toward her playfully and ...
— One Basket • Edna Ferber
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... before daylight, on a calm morning, along the banks of a larger tributary, to proceed towards the heights of the Sierra Erere. As dawn begins to redden the sky, large flocks of ducks and of a small Amazonian goose may be seen flying towards the lake. Here and there we see a cormorant, seated alone on the branch of a dead tree; or a kingfisher poises himself over the water, watching ...
— The Western World - Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North - and South America • W.H.G. Kingston
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... face. The sun was dreaded as an enemy to the skin without doors, and the fire as a spoiler of the complexion within. My wife observed that rising too early would hurt her daughters' eyes, that working after dinner would redden their noses, and she convinced me that the hands never looked so white as when they did nothing. Instead therefore of finishing George's shirts, we now had them new-modeling their old gauzes, or flourishing upon catgut. The poor Miss Flamboroughs, their former gay companions, ...
— The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. IV (of X)—Great Britain and Ireland II • Various
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... him to keep up his rank, he is sure of their affection in advance, and brought into contact with him they are so enchanted as to put up with anything at his hands. They may be seen to redden with pleasure at his approach, and if he speaks to them their suppressed joy increases their redness, and causes their eyes to gleam with unusual brilliance. Respect for nobility is in their blood, so to speak, as with ...
— The Crowd • Gustave le Bon
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... not; for this being a legal paper may set down only such matters as are of evidence. But it is witnessed and may be certified to that the court did drop his eyes for a second or two, that the white thread of a scar upon the forehead of the court did redden for a moment while he held the heavy bejewelled hand of plaintiff, hereinbefore mentioned, and that he did draw a deep breath, and did look out of the window, set high up in the court house, and that he did see the elm trees covering a home which, despite all his perfidy and neglect was full of ...
— In the Heart of a Fool • William Allen White
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... fever! The fighting-boy of our school always turned white when he went out to a pitched battle with the bully of some neighboring village; but we knew what his bloodless cheeks meant,—the blood was all in his stout heart,—he was a slight boy, and there was not enough to redden his face and fill ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 25, November, 1859 • Various
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... implied in this was enough to redden the expressman's cheek in the light of the coach lamp which Yuba Bill had just unshipped and brought to the window. He would have made some tart rejoinder, but was prevented by Yuba Bill addressing the passengers: "Ye'll have to put up with ...
— From Sand Hill to Pine • Bret Harte
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Words linked to "Redden" :   colourize, ruddle, discolor, colorize, carmine, colour, crimson, discolour, madder, rubify, vermilion, colorise, encrimson, colourise, color, colour in, color in

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