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Queerness   Listen

A strange attitude or habit.  Synonyms: crotchet, oddity, quirk, quirkiness.
A sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) persons of the same sex.  Synonyms: gayness, homoeroticism, homosexualism, homosexuality.

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"Queerness" Quotes from Famous Books

... effort is required to remember the distinctive philosophical systems advocated by the respective writers. To the students these philosophers represent a group of peculiar people differing one from the other in their degrees of "queerness." One system is as far removed as another from the life that the student experiences; no system helps him to find himself. An introductory course in philosophy should begin with the problems of philosophy; it should have its origin in the reflective and speculative problems of the student ...
— College Teaching - Studies in Methods of Teaching in the College • Paul Klapper

... I'll rub your nose in the mud!" and then, as they thought, philosophising further on the queerness of girls in general, the boys departed to ...
— The Outdoor Girls of Deepdale • Laura Lee Hope

... explained that he found it too hot to sleep below, so had come up on deck in the hope of being able to cool off a bit prior to having another try. He fell into step alongside me, and began to talk in a low voice, presently turning the conversation to Kennedy and the queerness of his seemingly rooted conviction that we should be attacked. I let him talk on until he appeared to have said all that he had to say upon the subject and was about to go below again, when I said ...
— The First Mate - The Story of a Strange Cruise • Harry Collingwood

... experience of the much-courted and a little spoiled beauty. Being, indeed, a "lady nowise bitter to those who served her with good intent," she reflected, with a kindly light in her eyes, that it was all part and parcel of the beetle's man's amiable queerness. ...
— The Unspeakable Perk • Samuel Hopkins Adams

... is queer, too. If she wasn't, she wouldn't stay at this Orphan Asylum, just to help us children, and doing it as cheerfully as if she were happier here than she would be anywhere else. If her staying isn't queerness, ...
— Mary Cary - "Frequently Martha" • Kate Langley Bosher

... for an instant to wish to say that one might deny the queerness, but she said something else instead. "I suppose a man like you doesn't quite feel that he IS beholden. It's awfully good of him—it's doing a great deal for anybody—that he should come down at all; so that it would add immensely to his burden ...
— The Awkward Age • Henry James

... and, in answer to a casual, civil inquiry, drop into oratory as a natural thing. Had she forgotten where she was, and did she take him for a full house? She had the same turns and cadences, almost the same gestures, as if she had been on the platform; and the great queerness of it was that, with such a manner, she should escape being odious. She was not odious, she was delightful; she was not dogmatic, she was genial. No wonder she was a success, if she speechified as a bird sings! Ransom could see, too, from her easy lapse, how the lecture-tone was ...
— The Bostonians, Vol. II (of II) • Henry James

... to have an inkling. Was it possible that the boy was in love, and with Betty? He sounded Miss Raeburn; found that she did not rise to his suggestion at all—was, in fact, annoyed by it—and with the usual stupidity of the clever man failed to draw any reasonable inference from the queerness of his aunt's looks ...
— Marcella • Mrs. Humphry Ward

... had a right to be queer," the old man said meditatively. "She inherited queerness. Fact of the matter is, her family name was Queeribus. Let me tell you about ...
— Zodiac Town - The Rhymes of Amos and Ann • Nancy Byrd Turner

... definite cause, in a regular rhythm. It was all very real, very big, very impersonal, and after a moment or two she began to raise her first finger and to let it fall on the arm of her chair so as to bring back to herself some consciousness of her own existence. She was next overcome by the unspeakable queerness of the fact that she should be sitting in an arm-chair, in the morning, in the middle of the world. Who were the people moving in the house—moving things from one place to another? And life, what was that? It was only a light passing ...
— The Voyage Out • Virginia Woolf

... however, in Grace's defence that she gave Maggie every chance. She marvelled at her own patience. For two years after that moment, when she decided that Maggie was "queer," and that her beloved Paul was in real danger of his losing his soul because of that "queerness," she held her hand. She was not naturally a patient woman-she was not introspective enough to be that—and she held no brief for Maggie. Nevertheless for two whole ...
— The Captives • Hugh Walpole

... entrance, of which the door was always open. This side entrance showed a brass-plate, "Q. Karkeek, Solicitor." And the wire-blinds of the two windows of the first floor also bore the words: "Q. Karkeek, Solicitor. Q. Karkeek, Solicitor." The queerness of the name had attracted Hilda's attention several years earlier, when the signs were fresh. It was an accident that she had noticed it; she had not noticed the door-plates or the wire-blinds of other solicitors. She did not know Mr. Q. Karkeek by sight, ...
— Hilda Lessways • Arnold Bennett

... the verb "to steal," because it always made her brother uncomfortable. For Stevie was delicately honest. Certain simple principles had been instilled into him so anxiously (on account of his "queerness") that the mere names of certain transgressions filled him with horror. He had been always easily impressed by speeches. He was impressed and startled now, and his intelligence was ...
— The Secret Agent - A Simple Tale • Joseph Conrad

... and certainly it was queer. But it wasn't the queerness that after another minute was uppermost. He was in a wondrous silken web, and it was amusing. "You ...
— The Wings of the Dove, Volume II • Henry James

... strove in imagination to conceive how they would act and feel as old men and old women, they grew more interested, and more sensible of the mingled pathos and absurdity of the project, and its decided general effect of queerness. They all set themselves to make a study of old age in a manner that had never occurred to them before, and never does occur to most people at all. Never before had their elderly friends received so much ...
— The Old Folks' Party - 1898 • Edward Bellamy

... Perhaps he wasn't quite right in his mind. I have told you the story as I remember it and my memory is not perfect. Personally I've always been a bit sorry for Grimthorpe. It is quite possible that all those hints as to his "queerness" were invented by his wife to excuse herself. I only know that Science benefited greatly from his researches, and that he bequeathed some priceless collections to both branches of the British Museum. ...
— Mrs. Warren's Daughter - A Story of the Woman's Movement • Sir Harry Johnston

... cheerfully gave up his youth and early middle age to his mother and waited upon her, ran her errands, sat beside her practically every evening and read romance after romance aloud for her benefit. And his "queerness" developed, as under such circumstances it ...
— Shavings • Joseph C. Lincoln

Words linked to "Queerness" :   sex activity, queer, sexual practice, sapphism, strangeness, paederasty, unfamiliarity, lesbianism, inversion, sexual activity, sexual inversion, sex, pederasty

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