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Proposer   Listen

Someone who advances a suggestion or proposal.  Synonym: suggester.
(parliamentary procedure) someone who makes a formal motion.  Synonym: mover.

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"Proposer" Quotes from Famous Books

... thus nobly set is being widely followed. The members of the Southern Jazz-band Union met yesterday way down in Tennessee, and passed a resolution demanding the elimination of Othello from the educational curriculum. The proposer declared with some heat that "no coloured gentleman would spifflicate his missus wid a bolster on de word of a mean white thief like dat Iago." The mere suggestion was dam foolishness and an insult to the most prominent ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, January 21st, 1920 • Various

... too fine and sentimental a name (a fault inevitable by literary ladies in such attempts) for sunburnt men to work under. I ventured to whisper "Utopia," which, however, was unanimously scouted down, and the proposer very harshly maltreated, as if he had intended a latent satire. Some were for calling our institution "The Oasis," in view of its being the one green spot in the moral sand-waste of the world; but others insisted on a proviso ...
— The Blithedale Romance • Nathaniel Hawthorne

... hundred ships, as many soldiers and sailors as he wanted, and more than a million pounds in money. The nobles were furious in their opposition, and prepared to prevent by force the passing of this law. The proposer narrowly escaped with his life, and Pompey himself was threatened. "If you will be another Romulus, like Romulus you shall die" (one form of the legend of Rome's first king represented him as having been torn to pieces by the ...
— Roman life in the days of Cicero • Alfred J[ohn] Church

Words linked to "Proposer" :   suggester, propose, nominator, mastermind, parliamentary procedure, originator, rules of order, conceiver, parliamentary law, order

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