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Premiere   /prɛmˈɪr/   Listen

(pl. premieres)
The first public performance of a play or movie.

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"Premiere" Quotes from Famous Books

... developpe chez Manet pour l'art de la tradition," he says, "se manifeste surtout par le mepris qu'il temoigne aux modeles posant dans l'atelier et a l'etude du nu telle qu'elle etait alors conduite. Le culte de l'antique comme on le comprenait dans la premiere moitie du XIXe siecle parmi les peintres avait amene la recherche de modeles speciaux. On leur demandait des formes pleines. Les hommes en particulier devaient avoir une poitrine large et bombee, un torse puissant, des membres muscles. ...
— Six Centuries of Painting • Randall Davies

... for a common master, Rousseau has written of Plutarch as Montaigne felt,—"Dans le petit nombre de livres que je lis quelquefois encore, Plutarque est celui qui m'attache et me profite le plus. Ce fut la premiere lecture de mon enfance, et sera la derniere de ma vieillesse; c'est presque le seul auteur que je n'ai jamais lu sans en tirer quelque fruit."[J] Plutarch's Lives was one of the few books recommended to Catharine II. of Russia, as she herself tells us, wherewith ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 27, January, 1860 • Various

... attention like the red lantern at a railroad crossing—because it contained the name of Stuart Farquaharson. The lines were these: "'The Longest Way Round,' a comedy in three acts, by Stuart Farquaharson, will have its premiere at the Garrick Theater on Monday evening. After a road engagement the piece will be presented to Broadway early in the fall. The cast includes—" But Eben had not troubled about the cast. He was speculating just now upon ...
— The Tyranny of Weakness • Charles Neville Buck

... trusted to remember anything, or to avoid losing all her personal possessions. Idiocy, whether genuine or feigned, does not appeal to the French temperament. The would-be fascinating lady would most certainly be referred to as "une dinde de premiere classe." ...
— The Days Before Yesterday • Lord Frederick Hamilton

... explanatory personage is usually of quite a third-rate order. He is the two walking-gentlemen friends of Sir Harry Courtly, who welcome the young baronet to London, and discourse about the niggardliness of Harry's old uncle, the Nabob; and the depth of Courtly's passion for Lady Annabel the premiere amoureuse. He is the confidant in white linen to the heroine in white satin. He is "Tom, you rascal," the valet or tiger, more or less impudent and acute—that well-known menial in top-boots and a livery frock with red cuffs and collar, whom Sir Harry always retains in his service, addresses ...
— The Newcomes • William Makepeace Thackeray

... is more poetical. "Comme j'entendais raconter cette legende pour la premiere fois, il me semblait que le tableau reflechissait une partie de la poesie qu'elle renferme. Cet amour d'outre mer mele aux aventures chevaleresques d'une croisade, cette relique precieuse donnee pour dot a une pauvre fille, la devotion des deux epoux pour ce gage revere de leur ...
— Legends of the Madonna • Mrs. Jameson

... these friends sent the manuscript of "In Rome" to the Dramatiska Theatre at Stockholm, where it was accepted and produced anonymously in August of the same year, 1870. Strindberg was present at the premiere and although it was well received, to him it was all a fine occasion—except the play! He was ashamed of his self-confession in it and fled before the final curtain. He soon finished another play, "The Outlaw," which is included in the present volume. In this drama, which retains a high place among ...
— Plays: The Father; Countess Julie; The Outlaw; The Stronger • August Strindberg

... overdid things. The airiness of her indifference might have deceived a child of eight, provided that its intellect was not de premiere force. ...
— From One Generation to Another • Henry Seton Merriman

... three children two chapels wherein mass should be said every day." [Footnote: Guillame De Nangis, as quoted in the notes to Joinville, Nouvelle Collection des Memoires, etc., par Michaud et Poujoulat, premiere serie, i., p. 335. Persons acquainted with the character and influence of the mediaeval clergy will hardly need to be informed that the ten thousand livres never found their way to the royal exchequer. It was easy to prove to the simple-minded king that, as the profits ...
— The Earth as Modified by Human Action • George P. Marsh

... translation is full of Gallicisms, and is clearly a translation from a French original; such as make fault, faire des fautes; make it seem that I believe, faire semblant de le croire; make brek, faire breche; this is my first journey, c'est ma premiere journee; have you not desire to laugh? n'avez vous pas envie de rire; the place will hold unto the death, la place tiendra jusqu'a la mort; he may not come forth of the house this long time, il ne peut pas sortir du logis de long-tems; ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. - From Elizabeth to James I. • David Hume

... 2. La Premiere Annee d'Instruction Morale et Civique: notions de droit et d'economie politique (Textes et Recits) pour repondre a la loi du 28 Mars 1882 sur l'enseignement primaire obligatoire: ouvrage accompagne de Resume, de Questionnaires, ...
— The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886 • Various

... size, about a half crown piece, on the exergue, over a small head of Bonaparte, is inscribed Bonaparte premier consul; beneath it, Cambaceres second consul, le Brun troisieme consul de la republique Francaise; on the reverse, Le peuple Francais a defenseurs, cette premiere pierre de la colonne nationale, posee par Lucien Bonaparte, ministre de l'interieur, 25 Messidore, An 8, 14 Juillet, 1800.—One other medal only appears with the name of Lucien Bonaparte; it is that struck in honor of Marshal ...
— Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects and Curiosities of Art (Vol. 3 of 3) • S. Spooner

... discussed their work freely and did not hesitate to condemn either plot or character of which they did not approve. Some of Balzac's women shocked her, but she liked La premiere Demoiselle (afterwards L'Ecole des Manages), a play which Madame Surville found superb, but which Madame Hanska discouraged because she did not like the plot. She aided him in a financial manner by signing one of his stories, Voyage d'un Moineau de Paris. At ...
— Women in the Life of Balzac • Juanita Helm Floyd

... parlerent de la poesie a leurs derniers moments; pour eux, apres l'amitie, c'etait la plus belle chose de la terre. Racine fut l'objet de leur entretien et de leur derriere admiration. Ils voulurent reciter ses vers; ils choisirent la premiere scene ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 358, August 1845 • Various

... affaires humaines. Je veux seulement que l'egalite en politique consiste a etre egalement libre.—TOCQUEVILLE, 10th September 1856. Mme. Swetchine, i. 455. On peut concevoir une legislation tres simple, lorsqu'on voudra en ecarter tout ce qui est arbitraire, ne consulter que les deux premiere lois de la liberte et de la propriete, et ne point admettre de lois positives qui ne tirent leur raison de ces deux lois souveraines de la justice essentielle et absolue. LETROSNE, Vues sur la Justice Criminelle, 16. Summa enim libertas est, ad optimum recta ratione cogi.—Nemo ...
— Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

... de St. Wandrille, publiee par la premiere fois, d'apres le Cartulaire de St. Wandrille, de Marcoussis M.S. du XVI. siecle, de la Bibliotheque de Rouen par M.A. ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 42, Saturday, August 17, 1850 • Various

Words linked to "Premiere" :   performance, execute, public presentation, performing arts, first, do, perform

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