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Practice of medicine   /prˈæktəs əv mˈɛdəsən/   Listen
Practice of medicine

The learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries.  Synonym: medicine.

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"Practice of medicine" Quotes from Famous Books

... the critical reader; as he cannot but foresee, that many errors will be discovered, many additional species will require to be inserted; and others to be transplanted, or erased. If he could expend another forty years in the practice of medicine, he makes no doubt, but that he could bring this work nearer perfection, and thence render it more worthy the attention of philosophers.——As it is, he is induced to hope, that some advantages will be derived from it to the science of medicine, and consequent utility to the public, and leaves ...
— Zoonomia, Vol. II - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin

... miraculous escape should be a profound secret. Endeared to each other by these extraordinary circumstances, they agreed never to separate; and Dr. Lloyd removed to a spot where he was unknown, supported by the income of a small inheritance, and declining the practice of medicine, except gratuitously among the indigent. Eustace cut off his redundant hair, stained his complexion, and otherwise disguised his appearance; and he passed as the son of a gentleman, who, being afflicted with mental derangement, was obliged ...
— The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 - An Historical Novel • Jane West

... be removed. For the large majority of women it is, indeed, immaterial whether a thousand, or ten thousand, members of their own sex, belonging to the more favored strata of society, land in the higher branches of learning, the practice of medicine, a scientific career, or some government office. Nothing is thereby changed in the total condition ...
— Woman under socialism • August Bebel

... medicine in the past has been directed towards the curing of developed disease and physical ailments. The practice of medicine in the future is to be along the line of preventive practice. Science is showing us how to prevent infection. Science is fighting the deadly microbe which comes to us in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat ...
— Evening Round Up - More Good Stuff Like Pep • William Crosbie Hunter

... long list of Church dignitaries who practised a semi-theological medicine in the Middle Ages, see Baas, pp. 204, 205. For Bertharius, Hildegard, and others mentioned, see also Sprengel and other historians of medicine. For clandestine study and practice of medicine by sundry ecclesiastics in spite of the prohibition by the Church, see Von Raumer, Hohenstaufen, vol. vi, p. 438. For some remarks on this subject by an eminent and learned ecclesiastic, see Ricker, O. S. B., professor in the University of ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

... had quite sufficient, besides this, to bring him to poverty. His pleasures were as expensive as his studies, and both were of a nature to destroy his health and ruin his fair fame. At the age of thirty-seven he found that he could not live by the practice of medicine, and began to look about for some other employment. He became, in 1653, private secretary to the Marquis di Mirogli, the minister of the Archduke of Innsprueck at the court of Rome. He continued in this capacity for two years; leading, however, the same abandoned life as heretofore, frequenting ...
— Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds • Charles Mackay

... probably more, in Arkansas, 2 at least in Wisconsin Territory. The Western Monthly Magazine, edited by James Hall, Esq., and published at Cincinnati is well known. The Western Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences, edited by Daniel Drake, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Cincinnati College, is published quarterly, in Cincinnati. There are a number of religious weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly periodicals, devoted to the interests of the principal denominations through the Valley. There are known to be at least one in Western Virginia, 2 in ...
— A New Guide for Emigrants to the West • J. M. Peck

... Coue is in no sense opposed to the ordinary practice of medicine. It is not intended to supplant it but to supplement it. It is a new ally, bringing valuable reinforcements to the common ...
— The Practice of Autosuggestion • C. Harry Brooks

... intermit such exercise, and then would have some challenges, and begin and intermit again, &c. He says, He had no inclination to the ministry, till a year or more after he had passed his course in the college, upon which he bent his desires to the knowledge and practice of medicine, and to go to France for that end: but when proposed to his Father, he refused to comply. About this time his father, having purchased some land in the parish of Monybroch, took the rights in his son's name, proposing that he should marry and ...
— Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) • John Howie

... specially attracted. Stilling had had a remarkable career; he had been successively charcoal-burner, tailor, schoolmaster, and private tutor, and he had come to Strassburg to qualify himself for the practice of medicine. What attracted Goethe to him was a type of mind and character at every point dissimilar from his own. With a simple mystical piety, which led him to believe that he was a special child of Providence, Stilling combined an intelligence and a zeal for knowledge which gave his words and ...
— The Youth of Goethe • Peter Hume Brown

... for the purpose, if I can, of influencing you, who may have the power of influencing the medical education of the future. You may ask, by what authority do I venture, being a person not concerned in the practice of medicine, to meddle with that subject? I can only tell you it is a fact, of which a number of you I dare say are aware by experience (and I trust the experience has no painful associations), that I have been for a considerable ...
— Critiques and Addresses • Thomas Henry Huxley

Words linked to "Practice of medicine" :   salve, ancylose, ankylose, nurse, dope up, dope, explore, vaccinate, drug, dispense, operate, immunise, bandage, cure, quack, heal, dress, soup, immunize, feel, shoot, vet, eviscerate, remedy, diagnose, digitalize, dose, administer, bring around, medicate, phlebotomize, medicine, inoculate, poultice, plaster, transfuse, palpate, cut off, infuse, medical specialty, resect, operate on, doctor, phlebotomise, slough off, inject, learned profession, preventive medicine, strap, cup, bleed, group practice, complementary medicine, relieve, leech, splint, alternative medicine, venesect, amputate

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