"Pokey" Quotes from Famous Books
... ugly and huffy, and smoky, and stuffy, And pokey, and chokey, and black as my hat. As wooer he's dull, for his breath smells of sulphur; Asphyxia incarnate, and horrid at that! You cannot see beauty in one who's so sooty, So dusty, and dingy, and dismal, and dark. He's ... — Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 99, November 15, 1890 • Various
... in places like this," she continued passionately; "I'll grow old and die in pokey, little schools, and wear prim calico dresses, with a remade old white mull for commencements. I'll never hear anything but twice two, and Persia is bounded on the north by,—with all the world beyond, Paris and London and Egypt, for the lucky. ... — Mountain Blood - A Novel • Joseph Hergesheimer
... old Molasses Freight Sidetracked at Pokey Pond and filled with prunes Waiting for Congress to appropriate The nuggets draped around me in festoons. Wait till I ticket Pansy, then I guess Slow Freight will switch to ... — The Love Sonnets of a Car Conductor • Wallace Irwin
... I am simply speechless and can't find a word to say when I try to describe our grand trip and this perfect peach of a place, and the glorious time we have had and are having ever since we left pokey old Woodford and arrived at the Blue Bonnet ranch. I keep pinching myself to see if I'm really me, but it isn't at all convincing, and I suppose I'll simply go on treading air and not believe in the reality of a thing till I come to earth in ... — Blue Bonnet's Ranch Party • C. E. Jacobs
... But it's a pity. You know in this pokey little place no one will ever hear of him. I mean he'll never make any stir." To Iola there was no crime so deadly as the "unheard of." "And yet," she went on, ... — The Doctor - A Tale Of The Rockies • Ralph Connor
... It was the Cabaret of the Philosophers—a small pokey place, down in a cellar, in the heart of the Quarter, and it had only one table. Fancy that for a cabaret! But such a table! A big round one, of plain boards, without even an oil-cloth, the wood stained with the countless drinks spilled by the table-pounding of the philosophers, and it could ... — The Little Lady of the Big House • Jack London
... her cousin, and he's full of fun, and fine to play with," said Polly, "and he thinks Evangeline is pokey, and he laughs at her poetry. I didn't laugh at it, and I don't think he was nice to. I told him so, and he ... — Princess Polly's Playmates • Amy Brooks
... countenanced, Your Majesty. The word "pokey" cannot be found in the dictionary. It is the most flagrant disrespect to use a word that is not in the dictionary in ... — The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays • Various
... ejaculated, as I entered the pokey little place and got my first whiff of its close, reeking, smoke-laden atmosphere; "put out that abominable lamp and light a candle or two, somebody, for pity's sake. How the dickens you fellows can manage to breathe down here I can't understand. And, boy," to the messenger outside, "pass ... — A Middy of the Slave Squadron - A West African Story • Harry Collingwood
... peach with the bloom on it, my poor father used to say. He didn't believe in all this new-fangled nonsense about the higher education of women—none of his daughters could do more I than read and write and spell after a fashion, and yet look what wives and mothers they made! Pokey married three times, and was the mother of fourteen children, nine of them sons. And are we any better off now than then, I ask? Whoever heard of a woman running away from her husband before the war, and ... — Life and Gabriella - The Story of a Woman's Courage • Ellen Glasgow |