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Planchette   Listen

A triangular board supported on casters; when lightly touched with the fingertips it is supposed to spell out supernatural (or unconscious) messages.

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"Planchette" Quotes from Famous Books

... Chan-li. At the interesting age of eighteen, an age at which the intellect awakens and old prejudices lose their grasp, he ceased to burn gilt paper on the tombs of his ancestors; he ceased to revere their august spirits; he gave up the use of the planchette, rejected the teachings of Confucius, and, in short, became a convert to Christianity. This might be considered either as a gratifying testimony to the persuasive powers of Catholic missionaries, or as an example of the wiles of Jesuitism, if we did not know the inner history of Mr. Ling's ...
— Lost Leaders • Andrew Lang

... circle, being his special butts. There was room for the suspicion that his humour had not deserted him even after death. Once my elders were engaged in an attempt to start a postal service with the other world by means of a planchette. At one of the sittings the pencil scrawled out the name of Kailash. He was asked as to the sort of life one led where he was. Not a bit of it, was the reply. "Why should you get so cheap what I had ...
— My Reminiscences • Rabindranath Tagore

Words linked to "Planchette" :   Ouija, board, Ouija board

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