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Pipe-clay   /paɪp-kleɪ/   Listen

Whiten or clean with pipe-clay.

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"Pipe-clay" Quotes from Famous Books

... transport. Clothing was another matter. One of the things insisted upon in a well-trained army is a decent regard for appearance, and in the eyes of the French and the British officers the American army usually seemed rather unkempt. The formalities of dress, the uniformity of pipe-clay and powdered hair, of polished steel and brass, can of course be overdone. The British army had too much of it, but to Washington's force the danger was of having too little. It was not easy to induce farmers and frontiersmen who at home began the day without the use of water, razor, or ...
— Washington and his Comrades in Arms - A Chronicle of the War of Independence • George Wrong

... interior of the little cabin, whose atmosphere was rendered speedily fragrant with the perfume of rum punch, which Joe, whilst in the West Indies, had learnt the art of brewing to perfection, the two sailors would sit smoking their yards of pipe-clay whilst they discoursed on the past, one incident recalling another, one briny recollection prompting an even salter memory, until their eyes grew moist and their vision dim in their balls of sight; ...
— The Honour of the Flag • W. Clark Russell

Words linked to "Pipe-clay" :   make clean, clean

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