"Pickings" Quotes from Famous Books
... picnic," said Magnus, joyfully; "keep it up, chappie, and we shall get some of the pickings—you see." ... — Boycotted - And Other Stories • Talbot Baines Reed
... greater number are strangers, who congregate in Rome during the winter from every quarter. Naples and Tuscany send them by thousands. Every little country town of the Abruzzi Mountains yields its contribution. From north, south, east, and west they flock here as to a centre where good pickings may be had of the crumbs that fall from the rich men's tables. In the summer season they return to their homes with their earnings, and not one in five of those who haunted the churches and streets in the winter is ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. IV, No. 22, Aug., 1859 • Various
... and, oh, the easy pickings for them! A fresh kill daily. Warm meat with every meal. Such hunting they had never known, hence they gorged themselves openly, seldom quarreling among themselves nor even bothering to conceal the carcasses of their prey. It was easier to pull down a new ... — Flowing Gold • Rex Beach
... have experience, knowledge, and otherwise ability for land cultivation and the capacity for sticking to a job. These should be selected and will contribute to the success of the colony, which ultimately depends upon the settlers themselves; (2) those who are hunters for easy pickings in the way of a piece of property or for an opportunity for safe investment or for speculation. These should be avoided as the plague; and (3) those who are not suited for rural life and heavy toil ... — A Stake in the Land • Peter Alexander Speek |