"Physiological state" Quotes from Famous Books
... stereoscopically into a single image, if the divergence passes certain limits. A formidable analogy, much in the nature of a proof, with very serious consequences, which moralists and match-makers would do well to remember! Double vision with the eyes of the heart is a dangerous physiological state, and may lead to missteps ... — Elsie Venner • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. |
Words linked to "Physiological state" : anesthesia, condition, distension, anestrus, vitalization, pathological state, anhidrosis, estrus, flexure, suspended animation, emmetropia, cold sweat, elastosis, anaesthesia, toxic condition, pseudocyesis, sedation, infertility, oestrus, false pregnancy, physiological condition, sleep, maternity, angiotelectasia, abnormality, obstruction, analgesia, addiction, slumber, healthiness, oxygen debt, gestation, agalactosis, myasthenia, rigor mortis, cellularity, hyperpigmentation, hypercapnia, potency, upset, flatulency, dependence, disorder, rut, acathexia, hypothermia, fecundity, dependance, habituation, arousal, anoestrum, distention, good health, asphyxia, hyperthermy, intoxication, hypocapnia, cryptobiosis, muscularity, normothermia, oligospermia, abnormalcy, agalactia, anhydrosis, vitalisation, sopor, flatulence, hyperthermia, bloodiness, torpidity, dependency, torpor, flexion, amyxia, physical condition, sterility, dilatation, pregnancy, hypercarbia, incompatibility, flection, potence, anoestrus, status, gas, heat, hypopigmentation, wakefulness, anestrum, blockage, fertility, acapnia, poisoning, drive |
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