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Phi   /faɪ/   Listen

The 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.

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"Phi" Quotes from Famous Books

... which the value and term are given. Dary's theorem, which he seems to have invented specially for the solution of his problem, though it is of wide range, can be exhibited to mathematical readers even in our columns. In modern language, it is that the limit of [phi]^{n}x, when n increases without limit, is a solution of [phi]x x. We have mentioned the I. Newton to whom Dary looked up; we add a word about the one on whom he looked down. Dr. John Newton,[561] a sedulous publisher of ...
— A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II) • Augustus de Morgan

... Fairfield may be known by his sign-manual like a Sign of the Zodiac run wild. It is, however, merely an inverted "A" on the Greek character [Greek: Phi] with its stem elongated. He sprang from an artistic family, and after three months' training at South Kensington in 1857, he began to draw on wood for "Fun" at about the same time as Mr. W. S. Gilbert—the autumn of 1861. His ...
— The History of "Punch" • M. H. Spielmann

... knighthood. pas try (pas): article of food made with crust of paste (or dough) as a pie. peas ant (pes): a tiller of the soil. pe can: a kind of nut. Pe kin duck: a large, creamy white duck. pest: a nuisance. Phi le mon (Fi le' mon): a Greek peasant. pil lar: a support. pin ing: drooping; longing. pound: a piece of English money, equal to about $5.00 in United States money. prai rie: an extensive tract of ...
— The Child's World - Third Reader • Hetty Browne, Sarah Withers, W.K. Tate

... ordenat que Moss. Aymar de Bessa et P. Karti ano a Vinho far reverensa al papa per nom de la vila eque Phi recomendo la vila. E quelh fasso supplicacio quelh plassa far am los vescomte se bot ...
— Two Summers in Guyenne • Edward Harrison Barker

... followed up his discourse on Nature by a course of twelve lectures on the "Philosophy of History," a considerable portion of which eventually became embodied in his essays. The next year (1837) was the year of the delivery of the Man Thinking, or the American Scholar address before the Phi Beta Kappa ...
— Essays • Ralph Waldo Emerson

... which, having previously informed the public that I had been dishonoured at Cambridge for preaching Deism, at a time when, for my youthful ardour in defence of Christianity, I was decried as a bigot by the proselytes of French phi-(or to speak more truly psi-)-losophy, the writer concludes with these words; "since this time he has left his native country, commenced citizen of the world, left his poor children fatherless, and his wife ...
— Biographia Literaria • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... but his father called him, had immediately given his collection and been rewarded. He had on his best suit for the occasion and the tie his aunt had sent him on his seventh and latest birthday. He was a handsome, sturdy boy, and his father expected a Phi Beta Kappa key of him and an enthusiasm for Marx and John Stuart Mill. His aunt's plans were vague, but altogether different. At present she was inclined to favour the family business, with the understanding that when he was established at its ...
— Tutors' Lane • Wilmarth Lewis

... im mor' tal ized prin' ci ple col' o nists rep re sen ta' tion de ri' sion pa' tri ot ism Phil a del' phi a ...
— De La Salle Fifth Reader • Brothers of the Christian Schools

... PHI. What thinke yee of these strange newes, which now onelie furnishes purpose to al men at their meeting: I meane ...
— Daemonologie. • King James I

... [phi]. (p. 506.) may find a solution of his difficulties regarding the production of stereoscopic pictures, in the following considerations. The object of having two pictures is to present to each eye an image of what it sees in nature; but as the angle subtended ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 188, June 4, 1853 • Various

... Association, of which he was a steward, and the Art Club, the Rifle Corps, the O.K. Society, and the Finance Club. In his senior year he became a member of the Porcellian Club, the Hasty Pudding, and the Alpha Delta Phi Club, and also one of the editors of a college paper called the Advocate. On Sundays he taught a class of boys, first in a mission school, and then in a Congregational Sunday school. It was a life full of planning, full of study, and full of work, and it ...
— American Boy's Life of Theodore Roosevelt • Edward Stratemeyer

... J. Mitchell; my renomination and election. My third year of service, 1866. Speech on the Health Department in New York; monstrous iniquities in that Department; success in replacing it with a better system. My Phi Beta Kappa address at Yale; its purpose. My election to a Professorship at Yale; reasons for declining it. State Senate sits as Court to try a judge; his offense; pathetic complications; his removal from office. Arrival of President Johnson, Secretary Seward, General Grant, and Admiral Farragut ...
— Volume I • Andrew Dickson White

... stresses always of the same kind, F (t-u)/(t-f{max.}) approximately agreed with experiment. For stresses of different kinds Weyrauch found F (u-s)/(2u-s-f{max.}) to be similarly approximate. Now let f{max.}/f{min.} [phi], where [phi] is or - according as the stresses are of the same or opposite signs. Putting the values of F in (1) and solving for f{max.}, we get for the breaking stress of a bar subjected ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 - "Brescia" to "Bulgaria" • Various

... that brought Dr. Bushnell out of the world of theology into the world of literature was his oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Harvard College in 1848. He had achieved a reputation as a preacher of remarkable insight for such as had ears to hear, and he was already in the thick of theological controversy; but his ...
— Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Vol. 7 • Various

... of 1867 he delivered the address before the Phi Beta at Harvard. He seemed to have an especial feeling of unreadiness on that day, and, to increase the trouble, his papers slipped away in confusion from under his hand as he tried to rest them on a poorly arranged desk or table. Mr. Hale put ...
— Authors and Friends • Annie Fields

... think, Alcander, there be Ghosts. [She gives her hands to him and Phi. which they refuse to touch. No, give me your hand, and prove mine flesh and blood. —Sir, you were wont to credit what I said, And I would still ...
— The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. III • Aphra Behn

... America, and remained two years in Boston, his adopted home, and there married the sister of Dr. Channing. In 1811, he went again to England, where his reputation as an artist had been completely established. Before his departure, he delivered a poem before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge. During a severe illness, he removed from London to Clifton, at which place he wrote "The Sylphs of the Seasons." In 1813, he made his first, and, with the exception of "Monaldi," twenty-eight years afterwards, ...
— Lectures on Art • Washington Allston

... life—the affairs of the town, the troubles of Watts McHurdie, the bereavement of the Culpeppers, the scarcity of good help in the kitchen, the popularity of Max Nordau's "Social Evolution," and the fun in "David Harum." Nor is it strange that after the girl had shown the boy her Pi Phi pin, and he had shown her his Phi Delta shield, they should fall to talking of the new songs, and that they should slip into the big living room of the Barclay home, lighted by the electric lamps in the hall, and that she should sit down to the piano to ...
— A Certain Rich Man • William Allen White

... man who cannot write "an able doctrinal discourse" is but an inferior man, fit only to preach in an inferior place; and that it would be a great gain to the Church, if scholarship were only so general that the standard of the universities could be applied, and only Phi-Beta-Kappa men allowed to enter the ministry. No doubt, those who incline to this view are quite honest, and not unkindly in it. But those who think this grievously misunderstand the necessities of the age in which we live. Reading men know where to find better reading than can possibly be furnished ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume V, Number 29, March, 1860 - A Magazine Of Literature, Art, And Politics • Various

... significantly the national idealism. I mean the commemorative oration. The addresses upon the Pilgrim Fathers by such orators as Everett, Webster, and Choate; the countless orations before such organizations as the New England Society of New York and the Phi Beta Kappa; the papers read before historical and patriotic societies; the birthday and centenary discourses upon national figures like Washington or Lincoln, have all performed, and are still performing, ...
— The American Mind - The E. T. Earl Lectures • Bliss Perry

... phrenological development.' I am always reminded by it of a circumstance which occurred between the Rocky and Alleghany mountains. A certain witty professor of a certain Western college, had been invited to deliver a poem before the Phi Beta Society of Athens—not the capital of Greece, nor the Athens of America, but a sort of no-town, without even the advantages of an established groggery, or mutual admiration society. The poet, not having attained that celebrity which is incompatible ...
— Continental Monthly, Vol. I, No. V, May, 1862 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various

... Schaghticoke, Rensselaer County, and a second term at the same place during his last year in college. Joined the Psi Upsilon Society, and was one of six in a class of one hundred who were elected members of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the condition of admission being high scholarship. After his graduation in 1848, at the age of 18, attended a law school at Ballston Spa, N.Y.; returned to Lansingburg, N.Y., where his father then ...
— A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Section 2 (of 2) of Volume 8: Chester A. Arthur • James D. Richardson

... with his hands in his pockets; a handsome, capable, powerful figure; not taking any part in the preparations, but mildly interested in the plans. His presence lent enthusiasm to the gathering. He was high in authority. A star athlete, an A student, president of his fraternity, having made the Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year, and now in his senior year being chairman of the student exec. There would be no trouble with the authorities of the college if Court was along to ...
— The Witness • Grace Livingston Hill Lutz

... PHI. Now, by my troth, a woman of the town Scarce ever finds a faithful lover, Syra. This very Pamphilus, how many times He swore to Bacchis, swore so solemnly One could not but believe him, that he never Would, in her ...
— The Comedies of Terence • Publius Terentius Afer

... not aim at or attain a high college rank, the rules of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, which confine the number of members to the first sixteen of each class, were stretched so as to include him,—a tribute to his recognized ability, and an evidence that a distinguished future was anticipated ...
— The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1555-1566 • John Lothrop Motley

... if any one, seeing that gray-faced, heavy-eyed woman, would dream of her so dearly won Ph.D. or of the Phi Beta Kappa key which she had won but not claimed! She had not even dared to converse, lest Lena's fragile self-possession should break. She evidently was in the clutches of nervous fatigue and was fighting it with her last ...
— The Precipice • Elia Wilkinson Peattie

... resistance. [rho] 1 ohm. [omega] 1 megohm. [Omega] Intensity of a current. C Magnitude of 1 ampere. A 1 milliampere. [alpha] Electro-motive force. E Magnitude of 1 volt. v Capacity. K Constant of specific induction. [sigma] 1 farad. [Phi] 1 microfarad. [phi] Quantity of electricity. Q 1 coulomb. C Electric work (volt coulomb). vC Electric effect (volt ampere, watt in one ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887 • Various

... same Faculty people six times over by members of as many fraternities, each presenting him as an individual entirely under their auspices and for whom they alone were responsible. Higgins, the sky-scraping Beta Phi, whom he had met only that evening, took him arm in arm up to ...
— Stanford Stories - Tales of a Young University • Charles K. Field

Words linked to "Phi" :   letter of the alphabet, alphabetic character, letter, Greek alphabet, phi correlation, phi coefficient

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