"Peregrine" Quotes from Famous Books
... family. For, despite what might have been deemed a somewhat disillusionizing experience, in the depths of his being he still believed in the Providence who had presided over the perilous voyage of the Mayflower and the birth of Peregrine White, whose omniscient mind was peculiarly concerned with the family trees of Puritans. And what could be a more striking proof of the existence of this Providence, or a more fitting acknowledgment on his part of the Bumpus virtues, than that Janet should become the ... — The Crossing • Winston Churchill
... The coat of the Hobys of Bisham, as correctly given, is "Argent, within a border engrailed sable, three spindles, threaded in fesse, gules." A grant or confirmation of this coat was made by Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux, to Peregrine Hoby of Bisham, Berks, natural son of Sir Edward Hoby, Nov. 17, 1664. The Bisham family bore ... — Notes and Queries, Number 219, January 7, 1854 • Various
... new passion that she was ready, if needs be, to brave death in defence of her young. And, not long after the leveret's birth, the mother's courage was tested to the utmost. A peregrine falcon, from the wild, rocky coast to the west, came sailing on wide-reaching wings across the April sky. Puss was resting in a clump of brambles not far from her "form," and saw the big hawk flying swiftly above. Any movement on her part would ... — Creatures of the Night - A Book of Wild Life in Western Britain • Alfred W. Rees
... upon her surrendering it in 1552, to a certain Sir Philip Hoby. He had been of the Privy Council of Henry VIII. Upon his death it passed to his nephew, Edward Hoby; Edward was a Parliamentarian under Elizabeth, wrote on Divinity, and left an illegitimate son, Peregrine, to whom he bequeathed Bisham upon his death in 1617. It need hardly be said that before 100 years were over the son was already legitimatised in the county traditions; his son, Edward, was created Baron just after the Restoration, in ... — The Historic Thames • Hilaire Belloc
... have wept, if that he weepe could, For sorrow of her; she shriek'd alway so loud. For there was never yet no man alive, If that he could a falcon well descrive;* *describe That heard of such another of fairness As well of plumage, as of gentleness; Of shape, of all that mighte reckon'd be. A falcon peregrine seemed she, Of fremde* land; and ever as she stood *foreign She swooned now and now for lack of blood; Till well-nigh is she fallen ... — The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems • Geoffrey Chaucer
... the whole army of peregrine martyrs; more especially those travellers who set out upon their travels with the benefit of the clergy, either as delinquents travelling under the direction of governors recommended by the magistrate;—or young gentlemen transported by the cruelty of parents and guardians, and travelling under ... — A Sentimental Journey • Laurence Sterne
... should be more than commonly affected by the death of Peregrine Langton[55], you were not mistaken; he was one of those whom I loved at once by instinct and by reason. I have seldom indulged more hope of any thing than of being able to improve our acquaintance to friendship. Many a time have I placed myself again at Langton, and imagined the ... — Life Of Johnson, Vol. 2 • Boswell
... This was the fear I feared, this parting blow. * O thou whose love my heart-core ne'er shall tyne! O Bin Khakan! my sought, my hope, my will, * O thou whose love this breast make wholly thine! Against thy lord the King thou sinn'dst for me, * And winnedst exile in lands peregrine: Allah ne'er make my lord repent my loss * To cream[FN60] o' men thou ... — The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton
... Cousin Peregrine's Wonder Stories and Traveller's Tales were written after Mrs. Ewing's marriage, with the help of her husband; he supplied the facts and descriptions from things which he had seen during his long residence ... — Miscellanea • Juliana Horatia Ewing
... be of no avail. The picture of the little profligate French friar, who was Roderick's travelling companion, and of whom he always kept to the windward, is one of Smollett's most masterly sketches. Peregrine Pickle is no great favourite of mine, and Launcelot Greaves was not worthy of ... — Hazlitt on English Literature - An Introduction to the Appreciation of Literature • Jacob Zeitlin
... fine cliff of Bosigran, where the rocks of granite have a pale reddish tint; so that when lit up by the sun they have a very brilliant appearance. A few years ago the bleak hills and towering cliffs in this locality were a favourite haunt of the peregrine falcon, the cliff hawk, while the blue rock dove, and Baillon's crake have been found in the district. Bosigran lies just under Cairn Galva, whose boldly-formed outline is a conspicuous landmark. Just beyond Porthmeor is the Gurnard's Head, ... — The Cornish Riviera • Sidney Heath
... of those left in the ship these four dreary weeks? The ways of life went on in births and deaths; six of the wanderers found the door of the other world; and Peregrine White came into this—first-born of New England. The little boy Jasper More, who came in care of the Carvers, died; and Dorothy Bradford fell overboard and was drowned while her husband was exploring the coast. The men had terrible coughs and colds from ... — Ten Great Events in History • James Johonnot
... magnificent lord, this high-bred, many-titled favourite of courts and of fortune? How could he rival him, he who had never yet travelled a hundred miles from the place where he was born, save once, when he sailed on a trading voyage to Calais? As well might a hooded crow try to match a peregrine that swooped to snatch away the dove from beneath its claws. Yes, he, Hugh, was the grey crow, Eve was the dove whom he had captured, and yonder shifty-eyed Count was the fleet, fierce peregrine who soon ... — Red Eve • H. Rider Haggard |