"Ordinal" Quotes from Famous Books
... of St. Benedict and Pastoral, in one volume. Liber cartarum. A Graduale, with a Tropario, and a Processional. Psaltar for Prior Roger. Palladium de Agricultura. Librum experimentorum, in quo ligatur compotus Helprici. A book containing Compotus manualis et Merlin, etc. An Ordinal for the Choir. Tables for the Martyrology. Kalendarium mortuorum. Ditto. Table of Responses. Capitular. Capitular for Prior Roger. A Reading Book. A book of Decretals. Psalter for the monks in the infirmary. Generationes Veteris et Novi Testamenti; ante scholasticam hystoriam et ante Psalterium ... — Bibliomania in the Middle Ages • Frederick Somner Merryweather
... paradigmatic, the most etymologically correct term for base 10, for example, is 'denary', which comes from 'deni' (ten at a time, ten each), a Latin 'distributive' number; the corresponding term for base-16 would be something like 'sendenary'. 'Decimal' is from an ordinal number; the corresponding prefix for 6 would imply something like 'sextidecimal'. The 'sexa-' prefix is Latin but incorrect in this context, and 'hexa-' is Greek. The word 'octal' is similarly incorrect; a correct form would be 'octaval' ... — The Jargon File, Version 4.0.0
... Pontifical. It was one of the greatest of the achievements of the English reformers that they succeeded in condensing, after a practical fashion, these four books, or, to speak more accurately, the first three of them, Breviary, Missal, and Ritual, into one. The Pontifical, or Ordinal, they continued as a separate book, although it soon for the sake of convenience became customary in England, as it has always been customary here, for Prayer Book and Ordinal to be stitched together by the binders into ... — A Short History of the Book of Common Prayer • William Reed Huntington
... table) with a pencil (supplied by Stephen) Stephen wrote the Irish characters for gee, eh, dee, em, simple and modified, and Bloom in turn wrote the Hebrew characters ghimel, aleph, daleth and (in the absence of mem) a substituted qoph, explaining their arithmetical values as ordinal and cardinal numbers, videlicet ... — Ulysses • James Joyce
... MINISTRY. Every Candidate for Deacon's Orders (see Ordinal) has this question put to him by the Bishop,—"Do you trust that you are inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon you this Office and Ministration, to serve God for the promoting of His glory and ... — The Church Handy Dictionary • Anonymous
... degree of modification of the human lower limbs, to which he owes his upright attitude, relieving the manual instruments from all share in station and terrestrial locomotion—combine and concur in raising the group so characterized above and beyond the apes, to, at least, ordinal distinction. The dental characters of mankind bear like testimony. The lowest (Melanian), like the highest (Caucasian), variety of the bimanal order differs from the quadrumanal one in the order of appearance, and succession to the first set ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882 • Various
... The translator seems here to have misunderstood the author, as these ordinal numbers ought surely to signify first ... — A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 5 • Robert Kerr
... less. Almost all the Russian substantives have two augmentatives and three diminutives; some have even more. We abstain with some difficulty from adducing examples; but we are afraid of going beyond our limits. It deserves to be mentioned as a peculiarity, that the Slavi consider only the first four ordinal numbers as adjectives, and all the following ones as substantives. For this reason, the governed word must stand in the genitive instead of the accusative: osm sot (nom. sto), eight hundred. In all negative phrases they employ likewise ... — Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic - Nations • Therese Albertine Louise von Jacob Robinson |
Words linked to "Ordinal" : centesimal, eleventh, umptieth, 50th, 37th, forty-sixth, ordinal number, thirty-third, 14th, fourteenth, forty-seventh, twenty-sixth, forty-fourth, 35th, thirty-fourth, twenty-fifth, 115th, hundred-and-tenth, forty-second, 45th, 43rd, eightieth, umteenth, 38th, 1st, 180th, trillionth, 22nd, hundred-and-fifty-fifth, fourth, hundred-and-fiftieth, thirty-seventh, sixth, 4th, nth, 155th, 25th, 6th, three-hundredth, quaternary, thirty-first, first, 28th, 24th, 15th, third, 5th, sixteenth, twentieth, twelfth, 101st, 150th, 27th, sixtieth, fifteenth, seventieth, hundred-and-fifteenth, tenth, 17th, twenty-second, hundred-and-fifth, 70th, 125th, 145th, ninth, 8th, four-hundredth, hundred-and-ninetieth, five-hundredth, 2d, 200th, 100th, hundred-and-sixtieth, hundred-and-thirty-fifth, 130th, 165th, 23rd, 64th, billionth, 29th, 40th, 85th, 36th, twenty-ninth, hundred-and-thirtieth, eighth, hundred-and-seventy-fifth, no., 1000th, 7th, 105th, hundred-and-first, 13th, forty-ninth, 39th, twenty-first, 12th, fifth, 80th, 20th, 26th, 110th, 135th, hundred-and-twentieth, thirty-ninth, second, seventy-fifth, 90th, 65th, fortieth, hundredth, millionth, 21st, 44th, 140th, 190th, forty-eighth, 48th, ninetieth, 34th, hundred-and-seventieth, eighteenth, 49th, 42nd, order, tertiary, number one, 46th, eighty-fifth, thirty-sixth, 400th, quintillionth, ninety-fifth, 33rd, sixty-fifth, 175th, twenty-seventh, quadrillionth, twenty-third, 31st, 60th, hundred-and-forty-fifth, 41st, seventh, sixty-fourth, 18th, 32nd, fifty-fifth, 170th, thirtieth, nineteenth, hundred-and-twenty-fifth, 30th, two-hundredth, thirty-fifth, 160th, fiftieth, thousandth, hundred-and-eightieth, zero, forty-first, 10th, number, zeroth, number 1, 11th, 2nd, forty-third, 47th, forty-fifth, 9th, 55th, 16th, twenty-fourth, thirty-second, hundred-and-sixty-fifth, 75th, umpteenth, n-th, 3rd, 95th, 120th, seventeenth, 19th, thirteenth, thirty-eighth, 500th, cardinal, hundred-and-fortieth, twenty-eighth, 300th |
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