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Ocean current   /ˈoʊʃən kˈərənt/   Listen
Ocean current

The steady flow of surface ocean water in a prevailing direction.

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"Ocean current" Quotes from Famous Books

... oceanographic research has shown that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), an ocean current that flows from west to east around Antarctica, plays a crucial role in global ocean circulation. The region where the cold waters of the ACC meet and mingle with the warmer waters of the north defines a distinct border - the Antarctic Convergence - which ...
— The 2008 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... capsized in the very breeze that he himself had conjured forth, but could not afterwards quell. There, on a block of stone, sat a wrinkled yellow Finn with running eyes and a polished dark-red crown. His large head rocked backwards and forwards on his withered neck, as if it were in the swirl of an ocean current. Beside him, on the same block, sat a still more shrivelled and yellow little woman, who also had a crown on, and her garments were covered with all sorts of coloured stones; she was stirring up ...
— Weird Tales from Northern Seas • Jonas Lie

Words linked to "Ocean current" :   Japan current, Gulf stream, stream, Peruvian current, equatorial current, Kuroshio current, current, El Nino, Humboldt current, Kuroshio

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