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Nut tree   /nət tri/   Listen
Nut tree

Tree bearing edible nuts.

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"Nut tree" Quotes from Famous Books

... is peculiar. When a man of note dies his relations plant a field of cassava; just as the Nicobar Islanders plant a cocoa-nut tree. Then they lament loudly. But when twelve moons are over, and the cassava is ripe, they re-assemble, feast, dance, and lash each other cruelly, and severely with whips. The whips are then hung up on the spot where the person died. Six moons later a second meeting takes place—and, this ...
— The Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies • Robert Gordon Latham

... almost to the old butter-nut tree Johnny Chuck sat up very straight so that his head came just above the tall meadow grasses beside the Lone Little Path. He could see the Merry Little Breezes dancing and racing under the old butternut tree and having such a good time! And he could see the long ears of ...
— Mother West Wind's Children • Thornton W. Burgess

... had his back towards it, and could see nothing, he found Mr. Seagrave and Juno busy with the tent, and Tommy sitting on the ground crying very lustily. It appeared that, while Mr Seagrave and Juno were employed, Tommy had crept away to where the musket was placed up on end against a cocoa-nut tree, and, after pulling it about some little while, had touched the trigger. The musket went off; and, as the muzzle was pointed upwards, the charge had brought down two large cocoa-nuts. Mr. Seagrave, who was aware what an alarm this would produce on board ...
— Masterman Ready • Captain Marryat

... to battle cheerfully; if, however, it only murmured what they imagined to be "Go back, go back," there was no fighting that day. Tupai was the name of the high priest and prophet. He was greatly dreaded. His very look was poison. If he looked at a cocoa-nut tree it died, and if he glanced at a bread-fruit tree it ...
— Samoa, A Hundred Years Ago And Long Before • George Turner

... small objects out of sight,—bury them, in fact. No doubt the business for which Nature fitted him, and which in freedom he would follow with enthusiasm, is the planting of trees; to his industry we probably owe many an oak and nut tree springing up in odd places. In captivity, poor soul, he does the best he can to fulfill his destiny. When he has more of any special dainty than he can eat at the moment, as meat, or bread and milk, he hides it at ...
— In Nesting Time • Olive Thorne Miller

... more hardy species than the Atlas, and I have had no difficulty in domesticating it. Here it feeds on the cashew-nut tree, on the so-called almond of this country (Terminalia catappa), which is a large tree entirely different from the European almond, and on many other trees. Most of the trees whose leaves turn red when ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882 • Various

... looked much like our trout. I took up the basket and attempted to wade across where she had passed, but was too weak to wade across in that place, and went further up the stream, where I passed over, and then looking for the Indian woman I saw her at some distance behind a large cocoa-nut tree. I walked towards her but dared not keep my eyes steadily upon her lest she would run as she did before. I called to her in English, and she answered in her own tongue, which I could not understand. I then called to her in the Malaysian, which ...
— American Prisoners of the Revolution • Danske Dandridge

... themselves to the most furious orgies, and got fearfully drunk on "tembo," a kind of ardent spirits drawn from the cocoa-nut tree, and an extremely heady sort of beer called "togwa." Their chants, which were destitute of all melody, but were sung in excellent time, continued until far ...
— Five Weeks in a Balloon • Jules Verne

... of the fibres of the cocoa nut. Of the same tree they build ships and houses, and they are skilful in all other workmanships. Their shells they have from the sea at certain times, when they rise up to the surface, and the inhabitants throw branches of the cocoa nut tree into the water, to which the shells stick. These ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. 1 • Robert Kerr

... into beds two feet square for the cane plants with the precision almost of the cells of a honey comb; and withal he might be charmed with the luxurious mansions—more luxurious than superb—surrounded with the white cedar, the cocoa-nut tree, and the tall, rich mountain cabbage—the most beautiful of all tropical trees; but perchance it would not require a very long excursion to weary him with the artificiality of the scenery, and cause him to sigh for the "woods and wilds," the "banks and braes," ...
— The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus • American Anti-Slavery Society

Words linked to "Nut tree" :   Carya illinoinsis, angiospermous tree, wing-nut, kola nut tree, kola nut, Anacardium occidentale, walnut, flowering tree, macadamia, pistachio, hazel, pecan, wing nut, Bertholletia excelsa, pecan tree, pistachio tree, cashew tree, macadamia tree, kola, cashew, hickory, Cola acuminata, Carya illinoensis, Pistacia vera, hickory tree, goora nut, brazil nut, cembra nut tree, hazelnut

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