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Neuter   /nˈutər/   Listen

A gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to inanimate objects (neither masculine nor feminine).

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"Neuter" Quotes from Famous Books

... the classification in various languages has been arranged on no fixed plan. We in our modern English, with much still to do, have improved in this respect, since, in Anglo-Saxon, wif wife, was neuter, and wif-mann woman, was masculine. In German still die frau, the woman, is feminine; but das weib, the wife, is neuter. [121] Dr. Farrar finds the root of gender in the imagination: which we admit if associated with sex. Otherwise, we ...
— Moon Lore • Timothy Harley

... yet unknown criminal, absolutely perspired and fumed in pleading for the defendant; the company demurred; the orator grew urgent; wits began to smoke the case, as active verbs; the advocate to smoke, as a neuter verb; the 'fun grew fast and furious;' until at length delinquent arose, burning tears in his eyes, and confessed to an audience, (now bursting with stifled laughter, but whom he supposed to be bursting with fiery indignation,) 'Lo! I am he ...
— Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers • Thomas De Quincey

... quod est, interjectio admirantis, et vere admirabilis: quia vices Dei in terris gerit. Inde dixit ille Anglicus in poetria nova: Papa stupor mundi. Et circa fin., Qui maxima rerum, nec Deus es nec homo, quasi neuter es inter utrumque." ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 41, Saturday, August 10, 1850 • Various

... not, we dare not, leave off to debate with them. Among the laws of Solon, there was one which pronounced him defamed and unhonest who, in a civil uproar among the citizens, sitteth still a looker-on and a neuter (Plut. in Vita. Solon); much more deserve they to be so accounted of who shun to meddle with any controversy which disquieted the church, whereas they should labour to win the adversaries of the truth, ...
— The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Gillespie

... considerable, used in the neuter as a noun, with a partitive genitive voluntariorum. Cf. ...
— Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce

... Self of all that moves and rests (Rv. I. 115, 1), and still more frequently self becomes a mere pronoun. But Atman remained always free from mythe and worship, differing in this from the Brahman (neuter), who has his temples in India even now, and is worshipped as Brahman (masculine), together with Vishnu and Siva, and other popular gods. The idea of the Atman or Self, like a pure crystal, was too transparent for poetry, and therefore was handed over to philosophy, which afterwards polished, ...
— Chips From A German Workshop - Volume I - Essays on the Science of Religion • Friedrich Max Mueller

... "heart," for instance, not only is a concrete concept conveyed, but there cling to the form, which is actually shorter than its own radical element (cord-), the three distinct, yet intertwined, formal concepts of singularity, gender classification (neuter), and case (subjective-objective). The complete grammatical formula for cor is, then, A (0) (0) (0), though the merely external, phonetic formula would be (A)—, (A) indicating the abstracted "stem" cord-, the minus sign a loss of material. The ...
— Language - An Introduction to the Study of Speech • Edward Sapir

... which is in such general use on board ship, being used in giving orders instead of "go"; as "Lay forward!" "Lay aft!" "Lay aloft!" etc., I do not understand to be the neuter verb, lie, mispronounced, but to be the active verb lay, with the objective case understood; as "Lay yourselves forwards!" "Lay yourselves ...
— Two Years Before the Mast • Richard Henry Dana

... equitable monarch is perhaps nothing less than he is a free agent; when he believes himself bound to act conformably to the laws, which he has sworn to observe, or which he cannot violate without wounding his justice. The theologian is a man who may be very fairly estimated neuter; because he destroys with one hand what he establishes ...
— The System of Nature, Vol. 2 • Baron D'Holbach

Words linked to "Neuter" :   alter, sterilize, sterilise, nonsexual, desexualize, feminine, fix, desex, masculine, defeminize, defeminise, desexualise, grammatical gender, gender, asexual, unsex, spay

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