"National capital" Quotes from Famous Books
... University, Washington, D. C. Before coming to Washington he taught school for a time and in 1876 served as an alternate delegate-at-large from Florida to the National Republican Convention, held at Cincinnati, Ohio. As a resident of the national capital he served as a clerk in the United States Treasury Department, in the office of the sixth auditor and in that of the second auditor. He was also Washington correspondent of several newspapers, but after graduating from the law department of the Howard University, ... — Twentieth Century Negro Literature - Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating - to the American Negro • Various
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... at this gross insult. They must have sizzled as from the national capital an angry message shot out to the other ships to talk in code. Jack's fun was over, but he had thoroughly enjoyed all the excitement he had stirred up. As he laid down the receivers ... — The Ocean Wireless Boys And The Naval Code • John Henry Goldfrap, AKA Captain Wilbur Lawton
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... still made good their old hereditary law of Gavelkind. More than once in after times, stung by oppression or inflamed by zeal, they have drawn together in a spirit of tumultuous resistance, and borne their remonstrances to the very gates of the national capital. Connecting this history and character with their maritime position, we are led to apply a remark which our American historian Prescott has generalized from the circumstances of a people not dissimilarly situated. 'The ... — The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, April 1844 - Volume 23, Number 4 • Various
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... 1861, Governor Hicks issued a proclamation invoking them to preserve the peace, and said, "I assure the people that no troops will be sent from Maryland, unless it may be for the defense of the national capital." On the same day Mayor Brown, of the city of Baltimore, issued a proclamation in which, referring to that of the Governor above cited, he said, "I can not withhold my expression of satisfaction at his resolution that ... — The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government • Jefferson Davis
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... his Ministers took a more practical view of the situation; but probably they too would have made common cause with France had they received a definite promise of the withdrawal of French troops from Rome and the satisfaction of Italian desires for the Eternal City as the national capital. This promise, even after the outbreak of war, the French Emperor declined to give, though his cousin, Prince Napoleon, urged him vehemently to give way on ... — The Development of the European Nations, 1870-1914 (5th ed.) • John Holland Rose
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... continued her Washington conventions, convinced that these gatherings in the national capital could not fail to impress Congressmen with the seriousness of their purpose. As women from many states lobbied for the Sixteenth Amendment, reporting a growing sentiment everywhere for woman suffrage, as they received in the press respectful friendly ... — Susan B. Anthony - Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian • Alma Lutz
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... This had been long recognized by all liberal Russians, no matter to what political school or party they might belong. It was as much part of the common knowledge as the fact that St. Petersburg was the national capital. It was part of the intellectual creed of practically every liberal Russian that there was a natural affinity between the great autocracies of Germany and Russia, and that a revolution in Russia which seriously endangered ... — Bolshevism - The Enemy of Political and Industrial Democracy • John Spargo
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... which, under the Kin and Yuen dynasties, had become identified with foreign rulers. Pekin, during the whole of the Ming dynasty, was only a second-rate city, and all the attention of the Ming rulers was given to the embellishment of Nankin, the truly national capital of China. ... — China • Demetrius Charles Boulger
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... expedition in Alaska and served with his regiment on the Western plains most creditably, had done duty as military attache with me during my mission at St. Petersburg, and had proved himself, in every respect, admirable. Though he had no other supporter at the national capital, the Secretary of War, Governor Alger, granted my ... — Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White Volume II • Andrew Dickson White
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... district larger than France. Three years ago, every Slave State was virtually in the grasp of the rebels, and the Union was really put upon the defensive to protect freedom in the Free States and the national capital. Now, by a masterly series of campaigns in the West and Southwest, ranging from the Alleghanies to the Gulf, in which we have never lost a decisive battle, we have saved all the Territories of the United States, cut the 'Confederacy' in ... — The Continental Monthly, Vol 6, No 5, November 1864 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various
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... that year the young lawmaker set out for the national capital at Philadelphia, and there he arrived, after a journey of almost eight hundred miles on horseback, just as the triumphs of the Democrats in the recent presidential election were being duly celebrated. ... — The Reign of Andrew Jackson • Frederic Austin Ogg
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... new argument for the removal of the National Capital to St. Louis, in the Capital style of doing things in that accomplished city. Supposing you have a business, we naturally admire you as a business man, in proportion to your ingenuity in developing that business, and your ... — Punchinello, Vol. 1, No. 14, July 2, 1870 • Various
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... Lincoln, the President-elect, on his journey from Illinois to the national capital, was Elmer E. Ellsworth, a young man who had been employed in the law office ... — Good Stories For Great Holidays - Arranged for Story-Telling and Reading Aloud and for the - Children's Own Reading • Frances Jenkins Olcott
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... return to the United States in November, he resumed his newspaper work, this time at the National Capital. On his arrival there he found a letter from Elisha Bliss, of the 'American Publishing Company', proposing a volume recounting the adventures of the "Excursion," to be elaborately illustrated, and sold by subscription on a five per cent. royalty. He eagerly accepted the offer and ... — Mark Twain • Archibald Henderson
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... him to you? Shall I do so as he appeared to me, when I first saw him immediately on his arrival in the national capital, the chosen president of the United States, his appearance quite as strange as the story of his life, which was then but half known and half told, or shall I use the words of another and ... — America First - Patriotic Readings • Various
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... New Orleans by the Western pioneers, who had no constitutional scruples about fighting outside of their own states, and who were animated by lively patriotic feelings. On the whole, however, the story makes humiliating reading, not because the national Capital was captured almost without resistance, or because we were so frequently beaten, but because our disorganization, the incompetence of the national government, and the disloyalty of so many Americans made us deserve both a less ... — The Promise Of American Life • Herbert David Croly
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... first to drive Republicans from a few counties, it has grown from "autumnal outbreaks" into an almost perpetual hurricane and, gathering force as it goes, has violently seized State after State, mastered the entire South, and is even now thundering at the gates of the national Capital. Whether it shall capture it too, and spread its blighting influence all over the land, is the question you must answer at the poles in ... — Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence - The Best Speeches Delivered by the Negro from the days of - Slavery to the Present Time • Various
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... is northernmost national capital on European continent; population concentrated on small ... — The 2008 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.
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... leaders of the rebellion were marshalling the hordes of treason, and assembling them on the plains of Manassas, with the undoubted intention of moving upon the national capital. This point determined the principal theatre of the opening contest, and around it on every side, and particularly southward, was to be the aceldama of America, ... — Sword and Pen - Ventures and Adventures of Willard Glazier • John Algernon Owens
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... institutions of the country; with those who represent the farmer and the worker; and often with average citizens without high position who come to this house. And constantly I seek to look beyond the doors of the White House, beyond the officialdom of the national capital, into the hopes and fears of men and women in their homes. I have travelled the country over many times. My friends, my enemies, my daily mail bring to me reports of what you are thinking and hoping. I want to be sure that neither battles nor burdens of office shall ever blind me to ... — The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt • Franklin Delano Roosevelt
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... General Scott at Washington. About the beginning of the year serious apprehension had been felt lest a sudden uprising of the secessionists in Virginia and Maryland might endeavor to gain possession of the national capital. An investigation by a committee of Congress found no active military preparation to exist for such a purpose, but considerable traces of disaffection and local conspiracy in Baltimore; and, to guard against such an outbreak, President Buchanan had permitted his Secretary of War, Mr. Holt, ... — A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln - Condensed from Nicolay & Hay's Abraham Lincoln: A History • John G. Nicolay
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... thousands had entered the National capital before him, and many more thousands would enter it after him, only to complain of it, to carp over it, to laugh at it, for its "magnificent distances," its unfinished buildings, its muddy streets, and its ... — Ishmael - In the Depths • Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth
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... king so lately occupied; in Russia, emerging from the Middle Ages, with her groping Douma; in Persia, from which young Shuster was so recently driven for trying to give to a people a sense of national self-respect; in India, where an Emperor moves a national capital to pacify submerged discontent; and even in far Cathay, the mystery land of Marco Polo, immobile, phlegmatic, individualistic China, men have been waging war for the philosophy incorporated in the first ten lines of ... — Modern American Prose Selections • Various
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... business. He agrees to receive my model and some papers there, and take them back to Washington with him. In this way they will be well protected. You see, I have to be on my guard, and if I send the model to Albany, instead of the national capital, I may throw the plotters off the track, for I feel that they are watching every move I make. As soon as you or I should start for Washington they would be on our trail. But you can go to Albany unsuspected. Mr. Crawford ... — Tom Swift and his Motor-cycle • Victor Appleton
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... political life of America, many of the sons of Ireland have risen to eminence, and in the legislative halls at the National Capital, the names of Kelly, Fitzpatrick, Broderick, Casserly, Farley, Logan, Harlan, Hannegan, Adair, Barry, Rowan, Gorman, Kennedy, Lyon, Fitzgerald, Fair, Sewall, Kernan, Butler, Moore, Regan, Mahone, Walsh, and Flannegan, ... — The Glories of Ireland • Edited by Joseph Dunn and P.J. Lennox
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... doctrine of separation and a Pacific Republic had been hissed by serpents into the ears of the people; how the great dark cloud of impending ruin hung over our central Government; how legions of armed patricides were almost battering at the gates of our National Capital; how rebellion had baptized itself in blood and victory at Bull Run—when we think how the effect of all these adverse teachings and adverse fortunes had rendered the public mind plastic to whoever had the genius ... — Starr King in California • William Day Simonds
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... Emmanuel on which Napoleon recalled his troops from Civita Vecchia, the battle of Sedan set Italy free; and on the 20th of September the National Army, after overcoming a brief show of resistance, entered Rome. The unity of Italy was at last completed; Florence ceased to be the national capital. A body of laws passed by the Italian Parliament, and known as the Guarantees, assured to the Pope the honours and immunities of a sovereign, the possession of the Vatican and the Lateran palaces, ... — History of Modern Europe 1792-1878 • C. A. Fyffe
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... Note: national capital moved 80 km inland from Belize City to Belmopan because of hurricanes; only country in Central America without a coastline on the ... — The 1990 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency
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... routed many an army of opposition and oppression. Let every disheartened man look at two pictures—Henry Wilson teaching fifteen hours a day at five dollars a week to get his education, and Henry Wilson under the admiring gaze of Christendom at the national capital. He was one of the few men who maintained his integrity against violent temptations. The tides of political life all set toward dissipation. The congressional burying-ground at Washington holds the bones of ... — Brave Men and Women - Their Struggles, Failures, And Triumphs • O.E. Fuller
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... men to drive back the invaders and save the National Capital, met with no more hearty or patriotic responses than those that came from the extreme northeastern border of our Union, "away towards the sun-rising." Calais, in the extreme eastern part of Maine, raised its quota and more, upon the instant, and sent them forward ... — Woman's Work in the Civil War - A Record of Heroism, Patriotism, and Patience • Linus Pierpont Brockett
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... of the future. Where the physician used to order a tonic for a feeble pulse, he will simply hold his watch thoughtfully for sixty seconds and prescribe "Paris." Where he was wont to recommend a strong emetic, he will in future advise a week's study of the works of art at our National Capital. For lassitude, a donkey-ride up Vesuvius. For color-blindness, a course of sunrises from the Rigi. For deafness, Wachtel in his song of "Di quella Pira." For melancolia, Naples. For fever, driving an ice-cart. But when the doctor's most remunerative ... — Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science - Vol. XI, No. 27, June, 1873 • Various
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... writer of this has been present at a solemn religious festival in the national capital, given at the home of a portion of those fugitive slaves who have fled to our lines for protection,—who, under the shadow of our flag, find sympathy and succor. The national day of thanksgiving was there kept by over a thousand redeemed slaves, and for whom Christian ... — The Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe • Charles Edward Stowe
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... he wrote in 1880, "no matter what its form, is essentially a capitalistic machine, the State of the capitalists, the ideal personification of the total national capital. The more it proceeds to the taking over of productive forces, the more it actually becomes the national capitalist, the more citizens does it exploit. The workers remain wageworkers—proletarians. The capitalist relation is not ... — Socialism As It Is - A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement • William English Walling
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... end. It is true the Confederates had, so far, held their capital, and they claimed this to be their sole object. But previously they had boldly proclaimed their intention to capture Philadelphia, New York, and the National Capital, and had made several attempts to do so, and once or twice had come fearfully near making their boast good—too near for complacent contemplation by the loyal North. They had also come near losing their own capital on at least one occasion. So here was a stand-off. ... — Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals, Complete • U. S. Grant, W. T. Sherman, P. H. Sheridan
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... cure. But this poison, this rotting from the core, is far more dangerous to the Republic. There is already danger that the operations of the Tweeds and Goulds in New York may be repeated on a more gigantic scale at the National capital. The mighty railroads to whom our public domain has been so lavishly granted, in some cases I doubt not, wisely, afford infinite opportunity for plunder and corruption. All these are at the cost of the labor of the country. The increased tax falls in the end on the consumer. With the waste ... — Autobiography of Seventy Years, Vol. 1-2 • George Hoar
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... A simple Minister Resident should produce particular powers or definite instructions, to guarantee his authority for concluding so important a modification of national policy as was accepted from Erskine; but by common usage the Minister of Foreign Affairs, at a national capital, is understood to speak for the Chief Executive. The statement of Champagny, at Paris, that he was "authorized" to make a specific declaration, could be accepted as the voice of Napoleon himself. The only question was, what did ... — Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812 - Volume 1 • Alfred Thayer Mahan
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Words linked to "National capital" : Castries, Sana, Addis Ababa, Bishkek, Dar es Salaam, berlin, Praha, Angora, capital of Saudi Arabia, Bujumbura, Port-of-Spain, capital of Singapore, Ljubljana, Krung Thep, capital of Nigeria, capital of Paraguay, capital of Bangladesh, Rabat, Bucuresti, Jerusalem, Copenhagen, capital of Belgium, capital of Somalia, capital of Libya, Roseau, Kigali, Port of Spain, capital of Bolivia, capital of Georgia, capital of San Marino, capital of Iraq, capital of Liberia, capital of Uruguay, Pressburg, Brussels, Oslo, capital of Lesotho, Georgetown, Ottawa, capital of Turkey, capital of Iran, Egyptian capital, Monaco-Ville, capital of Portugal, Russian capital, capital of Red China, capital of Moldova, capital of Kenya, capital of Cameroon, capital of Spain, Dimash, Port-au-Prince, Danish capital, capital of India, capital of the United Kingdom, Nigerian capital, capital of Guatemala, capital of Slovakia, capital of Malaysia, Italian capital, San Jose, Ankara, Canadian capital, Quito, Akmola, El Beda, male, capital of Belarus, Port Moresby, Canberra, Kingstown, Khartoum, capital of Central Africa, Asmara, capital of Seychelles, capital of Cyprus, Kampala, capital of Taiwan, Mogadiscio, Cairo, Buenos Aires, capital of Gabon, capital of Niger, capital of North Korea, capital of Djibouti, Brazilian capital, American capital, capital of Bahrain, Bamako, Laotian capital, Niamey, El Qahira, Abu Dhabi, capital of Malta, Beijing, capital of Tanzania, Ndjamena, capital of Grenada, Honiara, Praia, Minsk, City of Light, capital of the Bahamas, Luanda, capital of Mexico, capital of Papua New Guinea, Conakry, Edo, Damascus, Prague, capital of Rwanda, Kiev, Austrian capital, capital of Norway, Riyadh, Greek capital, Riga, capital of Liechtenstein, Kuwait City, Dusanbe, Djibouti, capital of France, capital of Colombia, Brazzaville, capital of Romania, capital of Oman, Astana, Gran Santiago, capital of the Russian Federation, Ashkhabad, Katmandu, Santo Domingo, Lome, Prag, capital of Argentina, Djakarta, Libreville, capital of Italy, capital of Zambia, Havana, Nassau, capital of South Africa, capital of Sri Lanka, capital of Zimbabwe, capital of Canada, Leopoldville, Hanoi, capital of Benin, capital of Ethiopia, Reykjavik, capital of Chile, Brasilia, capital of Ecuador, capital of Azerbaijan, capital of Panama, Athinai, Dhaka, Moscow, capital of Lebanon, Pyongyang, Liberian capital, Luxembourg-Ville, Belgrade, Koweit, Irish capital, capital of the Dominican Republic, Asuncion, Jerevan, capital of Botswana, Pnom Penh, Port Vila, Bissau, capital of Greece, capital of Nicaragua, capital of Nepal, Lima, Pozsony, Baku, Bayrut, Kathmandu, Mexican capital, Greater London, Kyyiv, Luxembourg, Amman, capital of Estonia, capital of Kuwait, Salisbury, Monrovia, Funafuti, Budapest, capital of Pakistan, capital of Egypt, Lusaka, French capital, capital of Burundi, Colombo, Freetown, San Marino, capital of Qatar, Kuwait, Manama, capital of Serbia and Montenegro, Salvadoran capital, Luxembourg City, Kulun, Bucharest, capital of Tajikistan, capital of the Philippines, Nouakchott, Abuja, Forbidden City, capital of Uzbek, capital of Armenia, capital of Jamaica, Cambodian capital, Paris, Mbabane, capital of Western Samoa, capital of Poland, Ciudad Trujillo, Bida, Masqat, capital of Antigua and Barbuda, Nairobi, capital of Jordan, Konakri, British capital, capital of Australia, capital of Tibet, Dakar, Basseterre, Bagdad, capital of Kyrgyzstan, Algerian capital, New Delhi, Peiping, capital of Kazakhstan, capital of Mozambique, Asmera, Paramaribo, Berne, Rangoon, Erivan, Czech capital, capital of Iceland, Roma, Hungarian capital, capital of Morocco, capital of Syria, Athens, capital of Mongolia, capital of Senegal, Dublin, Fort-Lamy, Harare, Managua, capital of Guinea, capital of Laos, Indian capital, Lhasa, manila, Bratislava, Porto Novo, Islamabad, Mexico City, Madrid, capital of Uganda, capital of Cape Verde, Panamanian capital, Jamaican capital, capital of Sweden, capital of Tunisia, Jakarta, capital of Afghanistan, Nicaraguan capital, capital of Vanuatu, Helsinki, Accra, Ciudad de Mexico, capital of Swaziland, Lisbon, Bangui, Cuban capital, Bucharesti, metropolis, Baghdad, Sao Tome, Lilongwe, capital of Trinidad and Tobago, Putrajaya, Maputo, Kishinev, Santiago, Sanaa, city, capital of Austria, Guatemala City, Australian capital, capital of Togo, capital of Cuba, capital of Vietnam, Honduran capital, capital of Thailand, capital of Madagascar, Christiania, Caracas, Algiers, capital of Malawi, Gaborone, Apia, capital of Sudan, capital of Switzerland, New Flower, Al Qahira, capital of Ireland, capital of Turkmenistan, capital of New Zealand, Banjul, Bangkok, Kingston, capital of Finland, capital of Indonesia, Lassa, Belgian capital, Kobenhavn, capital of Costa Rica, capital of Peru, Santiago de Chile, Rome, Lisboa, London, Bruxelles, capital of Guinea-Bissau, Japanese capital, Port Louis, Angolan capital, capital of South Korea, muscat, San Salvador, Albanian capital, Antananarivo, Montevideo, German capital, capital of Luxembourg, Nicosia, Saint John's, capital of Israel, Panama City, capital of Gambia, capital, Beograd, Maseru, Peking, Chisinau, capital of Brazil, Bogota, capital of Hungary, Biskek, capital of Japan, Luxemburg, Pretoria, Doha, Cidade de Praia, Mogadishu, capital of Latvia, Dushanbe, Dutch capital, capital of The Netherlands, Helsingfors, Sana'a, Eternal City, capital of Suriname, Frunze, Seoul, capital of Ghana, Bairiki, Dyushambe, capital of Sierra Leone, Haitian capital, Beirut, capital of the Ukraine, Kolonia, capital of the United States, Malabo, Iranian capital, Kabul, Phnom Penh, Amsterdam, Bern, N'Djamena, Dacca, urban center, Bulgarian capital, capital of Chad, Finnish capital, capital of Venezuela, La Paz, capital of Lithuania, Kinshasa |
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