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Mod   /mɔd/   Listen

Relating to a recently developed fashion or style.  Synonyms: modern, modernistic.  "Tables in modernistic designs"

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"Mod" Quotes from Famous Books

... ward mi so to Mod, Denn loeppt mi't langs den Ruegg so hitt, As domals bi den Sot. Den dreih ik mi so hasti um, As weer ik nich alleen: Doch Allens, wat ik finn, Jehann, ...
— Chips From A German Workshop. Vol. III. • F. Max Mueller

... bodies is uniform, circular, perpetual, or else composed of circular movements." In this he proclaimed himself a follower of Pythagoras (see p. 14), as also when he says: "The world is spherical because the sphere is, of all figures, the most perfect" (Delambre, Ast. Mod. Hist., pp. ...
— History of Astronomy • George Forbes

... This boat's mod'rate well laden, an' she takes more water lockin' up than if she was empty; but if she was empty, she'd take more water lockin' down. That's a fac'; an' if you can give me a reason for it you'll be doin' me ...
— True Tilda • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... Caesar har ogsaa dyrt maattet bode derfor. Efter Brutus og de Ovriges Tilladelse—og Brutus er en hederlig Mand, og det er de alle, lutter hederlige Maend, kommer jeg hid for at holde Caesars Ligtale. Han var min Ven, trofast og oprigtig mod mig! dog, Brutus siger, han var herskesyg, og Brutus er en hederlig Mand. Han har bragt mange Fanger med til Rom, hvis Losepenge formerede de offentlige Skatter; synes Eder det herskesygt af Caesar—naar de Arme skreeg, saa graed Caesar—Herskesyge ...
— An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway • Martin Brown Ruud

... captain of the Aroostook's offer. He says she can telegraph to her folks at Venus as soon as she gets to Try-East, and she's welcome to stay on the ship till they come for her. I didn't think of their havin' our mod'n improvements out there; but he says they have telegraphs and railroads everywheres, the same as we do; and they're real kind and polite when you get used to 'em. The captain, he's as nice a man as I ever see. His wife's be'n two or three voyages with him in the Aroostook, ...
— The Lady of the Aroostook • W. D. Howells

Words linked to "Mod" :   adolescent, stylish, stripling, teenager, fashionable, Great Britain, United Kingdom, Britain, teen, U.K., United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, UK

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