"Miscarry" Quotes from Famous Books
... prattle here all the day, justice will miscarry. Think ye the criminals will abide in their father's house? They are fleeing, they are not waiting. You should look to it that a party of horse be set upon ... — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
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... thing very terrific in them, not one being half so dangerous as the fall at London bridge about half-tide. But the Chinese have no great dexterity in the management of their vessels. They are so easily alarmed, that they frequently miscarry through timidity, when a little recollection and resolution would have secured them success. The mountains between which the river was hemmed in were covered with forests of the larch fir; the glens and vallies ... — Travels in China, Containing Descriptions, Observations, and Comparisons, Made and Collected in the Course of a Short Residence at the Imperial Palace of Yuen-Min-Yuen, and on a Subsequent Journey thr • John Barrow
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... Grace,' Lascelles urged, 'if this scheme miscarry, your Grace shall hear no more of it. If this scheme succeed I trow it shall help some things forward that your Grace would much have forwarded. Please it, your Grace, to ask me no more, and to send me with this ... — The Fifth Queen Crowned • Ford Madox Ford
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... at the time of the Passover, was located in the fortress of Antonia, overlooking the temple, to intervene in any emergency. And some of the members of the Sanhedrim had even come themselves, so eager were they to see that the design should not miscarry. This composite force was armed with swords and staves—the former weapon belonging perhaps to the Roman soldiers and the latter to the temple police—and they carried lanterns and torches, probably because ... — The Trial and Death of Jesus Christ - A Devotional History of our Lord's Passion • James Stalker
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... a son that is by his father sent about merchandise, do sinfully miscarry upon the sea, the imputation of his wickedness, by your rule, should be imposed upon his father that sent him: or if a servant, under his master's command, transporting a sum of money, be assailed by robbers, and die in many irreconciled iniquities, you ... — The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded • Delia Bacon
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Words linked to "Miscarry" : spoil, blow, fumble, miss, succeed, bobble, abort, fluff, strike out, fall, botch up, screw up, bollocks up, muck up, founder, shipwreck, foul up, carry to term, fuck up, mishandle, botch, louse up, overreach, flub, mess up, take it on the chin, miscarriage, fall through, bollix, flop, fall flat, muff, bollocks, bodge, bollix up, ball up, bumble, bungle |