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Mirabilis   Listen

Four o'clocks.  Synonym: genus Mirabilis.

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"Mirabilis" Quotes from Famous Books

... apparently from its appropriate use by Gray in the Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, but it is not altogether fitting; for it is simply the quatrain movement of the English sonnet, where no lament is intended, and it was employed effectively by Dryden in his Annus Mirabilis, and has been often employed since, without elegiac feeling. For examples see the stanza from Gray, page 55, and the sonnets on pages 129 f. An especially interesting modification is that of ...
— The Principles of English Versification • Paull Franklin Baum

... of the adjustment between the sexes, which is necessary to produce fertility, is afforded by the behaviour of many species and varieties when reciprocally crossed. This will be best illustrated by a few of the examples furnished us by Mr. Darwin. The two distinct species of plants, Mirabilis jalapa and M. longiflora, can be easily crossed, and will produce healthy and fertile hybrids when the pollen of the latter is applied to the stigma of the former plant. But the same experimenter, Koelreuter, ...
— Darwinism (1889) • Alfred Russel Wallace

... now to have arrived at that period of Coleridge's life which a profound student of his poetry, and himself a pleasing and elegant poet, has considered the period of the "Annus Mirabilis." "The Manhood," he observes, "of Coleridge's true poetical life was in the year 1797." This is perfectly true, and at that period he was only twenty-five, as before stated. He was, as is proved in his earlier poems, highly susceptible and sensitive, requiring kindness and sympathy, and the support ...
— The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1838 • James Gillman

... posset compleri aedificio pro 663036 libris, etiam aureis) quorum omnium tesserem vetera hujusce domus inclytae monimenta nunc usque accurate continent. De hujusmodi celeberrima aede, sic quidam neotericus vere locutus est. Nunc est S. Audoeni: cujus mirabilis structura, hodieque dubium relinquit, si alia per Galliam splendidior et elegantior: Monasterium est tota quidem Europa, celeberrimum, sed Patroni sui sanctitate magis aestimandum. cui alii adstipulantur. Et hoc, consilio et auxilio D. Caroli, Comitis Valesii: cui operi Carolus ...
— Architectural Antiquities of Normandy • John Sell Cotman

Words linked to "Mirabilis" :   California four o'clock, caryophylloid dicot genus, umbrellawort, four-o'clock family, family Allioniaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Allioniaceae, family Nyctaginaceae, four o'clock

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