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Midwifery   /mˈɪdwˌaɪfəri/   Listen

The branch of medicine dealing with childbirth and care of the mother.  Synonyms: OB, obstetrics, tocology.
Assisting women at childbirth.

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"Midwifery" Quotes from Famous Books

... o' windy, and sends me to the relieving-officer. Werry good sort o' man he too; but he's in bed. I knocks for another half-hour. He puts his nightcap out o' windy—sends me to the medical officer for a certificate. Medical officer's gone to a midwifery case. I hunts him for an hour or so. He's got hold of a babby with three heads, or summat else; and two more women a-calling out for him like blazes. 'He'll come to-morrow morning.' Now, I just axes your opinion of that ...
— Alton Locke, Tailor And Poet • Rev. Charles Kingsley et al

... dragging people out of the refuge of sonorous general terms, with a great public reputation of much too well-established a kind to be subjected to the affront of analysis. It is true that Rousseau himself contributed nothing directly to that analytic operation which Socrates likened to midwifery, and he set up graven images of his own in place of the idols which he destroyed. This, however, did not wholly efface the distinction, which he shares with all who have ever tried to lead the minds ...
— Rousseau - Volumes I. and II. • John Morley

Words linked to "Midwifery" :   parity, medical specialty, gravida I, quadripara, induction of labor, fetology, perinatology, para I, quintipara, obstetrical delivery, obstetrics, para, presentation, medicine, delivery, primipara, nullipara, ob, incompetent cervix, foetology, primigravida, tocology

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