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Mammalian   /məmˈeɪliən/  /məmˈeɪljən/   Listen

Any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair; young are born alive except for the small subclass of monotremes and nourished with milk.  Synonym: mammal.

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"Mammalian" Quotes from Famous Books

... here a strange little cousin of the kangaroo, a near relative of the coenolestes. It turned out to be new to science. To find a new genus of mammalian quadrupeds was an event which delighted Mr. Heller far more than shooting ...
— Inca Land - Explorations in the Highlands of Peru • Hiram Bingham

... food-getting and reproduction, and growing more conscious in the higher forms of life. One of the most important origins of association and prepossession is seen in the relation of parents, particularly of mothers, to children. This begins, of course, among the lower animals. The mammalian class, in particular, is distinguished by the strength and persistence of the devotion of parents to offspring. The advantage secured by the form of reproduction characteristic of man and the other mammals is that ...
— Sex and Society • William I. Thomas

... of as microbes of indication, as their presence is held to be evidence of pollution of the water by material derived from the mammalian alimentary canal, and so to ...
— The Elements of Bacteriological Technique • John William Henry Eyre

... still resembles; and that thus the class of similar forms is finally narrowed to the species of which it is a member. For example, the human germ, primarily similar to all others, first differentiates from vegetal germs, then from invertebrate germs, and subsequently assumes the mammalian, placental unguiculate, and lastly ...
— The World's Greatest Books—Volume 14—Philosophy and Economics • Various

... stains of dried blood on it which I have examined and find to be mammalian blood. It is probably human blood, but I cannot say with certainty ...
— John Thorndyke's Cases • R. Austin Freeman

... the marsupials as a family, viewed in the dry light of modern science? Well, they are simply one of the very oldest mammalian families, and therefore, I need hardly say, in the levelling and topsy-turvy view of evolutionary biology, the least entitled to consideration or respect from rational observers. For of course in the kingdom of science ...
— Falling in Love - With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science • Grant Allen

... Portuguese occupation. In the same way, besides his domestic animals, this spoil-sport colonist man brought in his train accidentally rabbits, weasels, mice, and rats, which now abound in many parts of the group, so that the islands have now in effect a wild mammalian fauna. What is more odd, a small lizard has also got about in the walls—not as you would imagine, a native-born Portuguese subject, but of a kind found only in Madeira and Teneriffe, and, as far as I could make out at the time, it seemed to me to come over with cuttings of ...
— Science in Arcady • Grant Allen

... knows the collected facts that bear upon the matter, and estimates them impartially, must, in conclusion, arrive at the certain conviction that that hypothetical and long-since extinct parent-form can only have been genuine apes; that is to say, of the placental mammalian type, such as when we see them now living before our eyes we unhesitatingly class, on the ground of their zoological characters, as true apes, in the order ...
— Freedom in Science and Teaching. - from the German of Ernst Haeckel • Ernst Haeckel

Words linked to "Mammalian" :   craniate, eutherian, anestrous, Mammalia, tusker, prototherian, eutherian mammal, vertebrate, digitigrade, pilus, amniotic sac, class Mammalia, hair, pelage, placental mammal, fossorial mammal, mammal, amnion, mount, placental, amnios, Amniota, chorion, female mammal, estrous, weaned, coat, ride, plantigrade, biauriculate heart, metatherian, allantois

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